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Phils n Bills

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Posts posted by Phils n Bills

  1. Maybe I’m just drinking the kool-aid, or forcing myself to live with it because the other option would end in rehab, but I am getting on the bandwagon looking back at some of his tape and listening to what people with more tape watching experience have to say about him. So far this coaching staff and front office have been doing well in terms of picking and coaching, so if they see something in him then I am willing to have an unbiased view of him. I’ll keep an open mind until proven otherwise. I really, really want him to succeed because this team can’t take another failure. So it’s probably in the best interest of the team, coaches and Allen for the fans to at least give this kid a serious chance and support him and endure the growing pains without making it rough on him by preconceived notions and media biting. 

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