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Posts posted by SwaggatronMcCoy

  1. Sammy would be targeted more if he wasn't busy tweeting digs at his QB and put in the work like Woods did in the offseason. He'd also be targeted more if he wasn't on the bench with an injury half the season and was able to get into any sort of rhythm and timing connection with his QB.


    If I'm a QB I'm going to throw to the guys I'm familiar with, that I have timing with and I know where they're going to be on the field and when.


    If he can stay healthy I don't see a single reason why Tyrod wouldn't treat him like a true #1 and target him more.


    To place the blame for Sammy's lack of presence squarely on the QB is ignorant of how the QB / WR relationship work, especially at the NFL level. Look at the relationship Brady has with Edelman and Gronk, and what he had with Welker. Those were built on rhythm and being on the same page at all times.


    Build the chemistry, the targets and catches will come.


    IMO Sammy's ego (unyielding support for EJ in 2015 and open criticism of Taylor) and his oft injured state is what held him back.

  2. Never got an infraction on that other place and hope to never get one here.


    Mods have it tough especially on an officially sanctioned board and some of those guys like Shaw seemed to genuinely care - others not so much.


    Either way glad to see so many migrate over - I looked at several boards before deciding this seemed like the best fit.


    Overachiever :)

  3. I got an infraction for calling that object that someone threw out on the field last year a "dildo." Which you know.. it was.


    Then I got an infraction for avoiding the bad word filter by spelling Hooker's last name "H.O.O.K.E.R" and standingbuffalo and I got into a huge argument about how dumb that was, to the point of me having to take a 2 month break from that hell hole because of their Gestapo mods.


    Then I finally got suspended for simply participating in a thread that had turned political, telling people no one gave a damn about which of the two shinier turds they voted for.


    I want to wish BBMB a "Rest In Peace"... but instead I hope it burns in hell along with it's Fahrenheit 451 and Nazi Germany-esque moderation and censorship.

  4. This is Whaley management 101...


    Don't pay the fair market value for a QB. Instead cut them loose without a viable backup plan, and waste a first round draft pick on the next EJ Manuel, pay him peanuts because he's a rookie, and pray he turns into a franchise quarterback. When he doesn't... hold an open tryout with a bunch of journeyman guys, get a viable starter out of them, then balk about he's not worth the money you ignorantly offered him in his new contract deal.

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