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Bad Things Man

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Posts posted by Bad Things Man

  1. OK, we get it.  Gruden likes every QB. However, I don't dismissive everything he says because of this.  I think we all can all admit it's interesting to hear his point of view regarding Peterman's positive qualities (which ironically are qualities everyone is saying TT lacks). So thank you for posting Josh. It would be nice if Peterman can continue showing these qualities in non-garbage time against a 1st sting D-fense. We shall see...

  2. This if from back in Preseason but found interesting to re-read:



    The last paragraph pretty much sums it up, not saying this is Peterman, but positive it's not TT:

    "I think it's pretty easy to see the teams that sustain winning, they have one," Gruden said. "They have a guy that can make the throws. The guy that can dominate at the line of scrimmage. The guy who doesn't waste plays. These guys are coaches on the field. They have football aptitude. They have the great arm quickness, they have arm strength. They just have a way of making the other players better. They make the defense better because the defense they fight harder knowing if we just get this guy the ball back, we have a chance. The offensive line plays better because they don't want this man hit. The meetings are better, the practices are better, life is better when you have a blue chipper playing quarterback in the NFL. You even have a chance to sell some luxury boxes and jerseys too. Man I'm envious of some of these guys that have been able to coach a quarterback like (Ben) Roethlisberger for that many years or Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees. That's an envious position for those guys."


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