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Posts posted by Spurna

  1. She's not declining to live with her husband, but staying in NY to finish out her son's school year.


    Sure she is

    That's not what was done for President Obama. Why should President Trump not be extended the same protections that his predecessor was, and still is, even though he is no longer in office?


    Ask the airport next to Mar-a-Lago that's suing Trump for forcing them to shut down once a week, costing them millions of dollars

  2. So your position is that we shouldn't protect this President the same as we have protected Prior presidents?


    This is the first time I can remember where the First Lady declined to live with her husband.


    They have free housing available. It's in Washington. It's white.

  3. Looks like the bill is DOA:





    Support for the House legislation has “disintegrated” in the Senate, according one Republican senator who requested anonymity to discuss internal conference politics.

    It will require substantial revisions to win the support of moderate Republicans in the upper chamber — something that will likely make it unacceptable to conservatives.

    Given what looks like an unbridgeable divide in the Senate GOP conference, some are saying that it would be better if the bill dies in the House.


    Another Republican senator who requested anonymity to discuss the House bill candidly said, “There are no good options.”

    The lawmaker acknowledged that not fulfilling the party’s campaign promise to repeal and replace ­ObamaCare would be politically painful in the short-term but worried that voting for bad policy could have negative reverberations for the GOP over the next decade.

    “The best thing may be to kill it early so it doesn’t come over here,” the GOP senator said.





    “I’ve heard that maybe the best thing is that this doesn’t get out of the House so we’re not the ones who ditch it,” said a Republican senator who has publicly voiced concern about the bill but requested anonymity. “Right now this is disintegrating in the Senate, with everyone off on their own about what they don’t like about the bill.”


    The lawmaker said that voting for the House measure could come back to haunt Republicans again and again, just as votes for ­ObamaCare in 2009 and 2010 came back to hurt Democrats in the 2010, 2014 and 2016 elections.

    “It’s tough to vote for policy that hurts people,” the senator added.


    A third Republican senator said, “I think it’s better if it does not come out of the House in its current form.”

    The lawmaker said if House GOP leaders manage to pass it, the measure should undergo a major renovation in the Senate by going through hearings and markups in the Finance and Health committees.


    The Washington Post reported Wednesday that a large contingent of House Republicans want to pass a bill, even if it is likely to die in the Senate, because they don’t want to get blamed by conservative constituents for failing to pass an ­ObamaCare repeal bill endorsed by Trump.




    The usual misguided response from Spurt...............


    The article (you didn't read/understand) states that the CBO is not infallible and gives examples............pretty straightforward stuff.



    Here.....this one has a video.....maybe you can get something from that .....Spurt


    Are you afraid that single-payer might force you to get your autism treated


    Try thinking for yourself instead of copying and pasting


    The reality is that the CBO spits out numbers based on data it's given, which is why the Obama WH sent 132 different ACA drafts before finally getting A CBO number it could trumpet, and why whatever the CBO spits out today is nothing more than numbers based on what the GOP gives it.


    The GOP literally had 8 years to figure out a replacement plan, and when their hand was forced, they had nothing. The CBO projection literally says "we weren't given enough time to figure out a score like we usually do" since the GOP is trying to rush this through.


    Problems With The CBO’s Analysis Of The American Health Care Act

    by Avik Roy
    The initial media coverage of the Congressional Budget Office’s analysis of the American Health Care Act—House Republicans’ Obamacare replacement—has played out along predictable lines. Liberals are trumpeting the CBO’s top-line estimate that the AHCA would lead to 24 million fewer U.S. residents having health insurance in 2026 than would under current law (i.e., Obamacare). Republicans, including senior members of the Trump administration and Congressional leadership, have expressed criticism of CBO’s estimates, leading to gravely intoned commentary from Thought Leaders that Republicans are attempting to “delegitimize” this important, non-partisan institution.
    And it’s true that the CBO is non-partisan, that its personnel are sincerely motivated to do credible work, and that it’s an important institution. But none of those things make the CBO infallible.


    Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/445742/problems-cbos-analysis-house-republicans-obamacare-replacement



    The head of the CBO, Keith Hall, was nominated by Republicans in 2015 and had previously served under George W. Bush


    But yeah, keep blaming Democrats for the GOPs failures


    If you had an up to date plot you would see it is recovering. Either way the climate changes as it always has and the sea ice is just another data point. The fact is you avoided the previous plot I posted clearly showing the 'calculations' by the climate models don't match reality. In normal science we would say the hypothesis has been falsified. The sea ice was just a diversion to avoid dealing with failure of the 'calculations'.


    And by my calculations you need to stop reading Infowars

  8. You still haven't explained why they need to be mocked all the time.


    Stay focused. Answer the question.


    C'mon. You can do it.


    Why do white guys have such a need to feel oppressed.


    Your life isn't hard and you take it out on other people because otherwise you'd feel guilty. Being Christian doesn't make you special, snowflake.

  9. Why?


    Do you believe the earth is flat?


    Many things have changed in 2000 years. Discoveries made. Medicine created.


    Imagine if you stopped taking medicine. Imagine if you stopped communicating electronically. Science is the basis for progress in our world, and to deny it because of a "belief" is childish nonsense. You need science to live. You don't need religion.


    Now, as a Christian, realize that you should be compassionate towards other human beings according to the lessons of Jesus. That includes all races, colors and creeds. I'm sure someone told you otherwise and cherry-picked bible verses showing why you should hate.


    But here's the real kicker - the things that you believe happened in the bible never happened. A white guy would not have been in that part of the world in that time period - you got swindled by some muslim-looking guy named Jesus Christ that sold his tale to the world.


    He's never coming back and you're a fool. I know death is scary, but I think it's far more scary for the less fortunate who will die in poverty and without healthcare. Spend your Sundays thinking of them instead of satisfying your selfish desire for an afterlife.

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