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Everything posted by LaderaRanch

  1. My 1st post but I had to speak up... Everyone must calm down a little.. We have reason for optimism! Here are the reasons 1) 1st year new owners Remember last year we didn't even know if this team would stay in buffalo? I'm SURE this was a tough time for the organization as a whole 2) 1st year new coaching staff Teams with 1st year coaching staffs don't go to the Super Bowl. 3) new starting QB before the start of the year we thought Matt Cassel was going to be the starter- instead, we got the best statistical year from a buffalo bills qb ever- with a shoddy o line, losing harvin and injuries to Sammy. If Tyrod can improve on that next year he will be the best bills qb in the last 20 years. A full preseason as starter will much improve timing and symmetry between the receivers and Tyrod. 3) the bills have great running backs and the best rushing attack in the nfl. With improved o-line players they will be even better in 2016. 4) the bills defensive secondary has much improved. Gilmore is a stud and Williams and searcy will be back for 2016.. The injuries of those two mad a huge difference 5) defense will be better next year. Rex's defense is pro level that takes time to learn. While Schwartz defense seemed better stastistically last year, it was basic and teams were going to figure out how to attack it quickly. Rex defense will vastly improve after this offseason What to look forward to this off season 1) draft The bills will draft a stud linebacker with the #1 The #2 pick will be an online #3 will be a WR 2) free agency Mario will be traded or released -no worries.. He's no Bruce Smith The bills will sign an olineman and a linebacker that fits Rex scheme. Kyle Williams will be back for one more year- he is the core of that defense A note about Sammy.. He's a stud but was hampered by injuries and not having a true #1 wide receiver next to him after Harvins injury. Another solid wideout would be huge for this team.. All told, he needs 130 yards in 2 games to hit 1000 for the year.. I'll take that.. Whaley- is a stud.. He has made some great moves and picked up some really good players both in the draft and in FA. Once that office gets some symmetry with what Coaching wants then all will be good. All told I'm happy-ish about this season and look forward to next year. Continuity is the biggest difference between teams like the pats and teams like the bills over the last 20 years. Continuity is huge in the nfl. Players all learn their jobs like they should and when one goes down the understudy is there to replace them. This will be huge for the bills and I believe once Rex gets that continuity the pats will absolutely have their hands full! One request from the Peguls... Please replace that dreadful turf and its extreme edge slope..
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