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Posts posted by NOVABillsFan

  1. I've read the arguments on EJ with playing time. We've had 16 regular season games with EJ and 10 pre-seasonwe know what we need on EJ. He's toast at the end of the year. I don't hate the guy, just don't want him in a Bills uniform ever again.


    The argument on playing time is the exact reason to have TT out there. He's played in 12 regular season games. We've read from multiple people including me the parallels to other QB's in their first year and their stats. Manning, Rodgers and so on. TT has many strengths, and the thing i keep seeing is him holding the ball too long. He continues to make improvements on his progressions and the only way to improve is to play in game time speed.


    If he finishes with two wins, then he can go into the off season with some momentum, while we most likely get him a capable veteran back up, and we draft someone for the future.

    wasn't it 10 games in 2013 (4-6 record) and 4 in 2014 (2-2 record) totaling 14 games?

  2. Rallied them against Jax?!? You mean the same game that he and he alone spotted them 21 points?!?


    Also, wins and losses is all that you care about. In those same 12 games Tyrod is 6-6 (with a bad defense) and EJ is 4-8 (and played with a better defense in 2013-2014). What makes them the same to you? What is it that you are seeing that the coaches, scouts, analysts and gm's around the league aren't? I'm curious what you are seeing that Bill Polian is missing?

    look If you want to discuss things fine. If you want to argue for the sake of argument then I ask you most kindly Stop.



    For the record YES, EJ had a horrible 2 INT's and 1 fumble against the Jags. I don't argue that. FACT the Bills led by EJ overcame those early mistakes to take a 31 to 27 lead scoring 18 points in the 4th QTR and then the defense failed to stop the JAGS from retaking the lead. Also Shady fumbled the ball 4 yards short of a TD taking 3 to 7 points off of the board.



    Tyrod had 2 INTs that allowed the Pats to take a 37 to 13 lead before scoring 19 points in the 4th QTR that fell way short with an INT 40-32 with 1:15 left on the clock.


  3. I was referring to the McCoy fumble at the Jacksonville 4 yard line. Different costly fumble. Looked it up, actually it was at the 1.


    My point was that a lot of players made bad plays that day, not just one. An extra TD or even FG would have come in handy.

    facts don't matter. no matter what every loss is on the backup.


    In his last 12 starts EJ has 14 TD and 12 INT, in Tyrod's 12 starts he has 20 TD and 5 INT. As you've said though that's virtually the same right?

    I am aware of that. But that wasn't my point. WINS AND LOSSES. Does it matter what the stats are if the team wins more than loses?


    Since you insist - How many passes were thrown by the rookie and now 4 year Vet?

    Why are you not discussing that horrible NE game by Tyrod? Because he rallied 19 points in the 4th? Guess what look who else rallied the team late in the JAX game.

    You are more than willing to criticize the backup but not the starter. Why is that when the backup isn't challenging the starter?


    Actually don't answer.

    Merry Christmas. My wish is that people end the silliness.

  4. I debated if I should respond to the continuing discussion because Taylor fans are getting upset because of some criticism.

    We all agree the Defense was much worse than last season.

    For the Season -

    5 games of 14 the opponents scored more than 25 points.

    7 games the Bills scored under the average of 24, 3 of which were 10, 13, and 14.


    Much like last season there were too way many 3 and outs on offense. When you can eliminate those, sustain drives and force good field position the defense stays off of the field.


    Our offense went from 21.4 points per game in 2014 to 24.4 points per game in 2015. Our defense went from allowing 18.1 points per game to allowing 24 points per game. Who is the onus on?


    Funny, when our O scored more on average that our D allowed we had a winning record, now our O scores basically the same as our D allows and we might be 8-8

    I may be wrong but IIRC, the offense in 2013 was ranked about 6 points higher (scored more PPG on avg?) than it did in 2014.

  5. Damn NOVA, this signature worthy, its that good.


    Wins and losses are on the team. This is not tennis.

    Funny that. The QB gets credit for wins yet the team gets credit for losses. [edit unless his name is EJ] You do know that the QB touches the ball 98% of every offensive snap right. Therefore the onus is on him to succeed, to make the right reads and get the play going before he gets a delay of game penalty.


    Curious.. How many delay of game penalties have the Bills accumulated this season? (w/o communication equipment problems)

  6. Do you think EJ shoud be the starter over TT?

    Have I ever said that the backup should be the starter over TT?? The answer to that is no, I have not.

    > Please don't use the single post where I had said EJ could finish out the last 2 games so the Bills can showcase him for trade value as proof I said otherwise.


    IMHO Taylor needs to improve. Period. Thanks for exchanging thoughts.

  7. That was the only game he threw more than 30 times. I was rewording Nihilarian's post. Sarcasm, yes.

    For clarity sake and not to argue this point. Passing Attempts of 30 or more (Tyrod Taylor stats page)


    NE #1 - 30

    Giants - 42

    NE #2 - 36

    KC - 38

    Phi - 36

    You can fond a comparison of their last 12 starts here: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/183866-we-need-a-real-qb/page-9 Please explain how they are "very close together."

    Let me try to spell it out for you. WINS and LOSSES

    Stats don't mean **** when the L's are equal to or greater than W's.

  8. That's an interesting point.

    Another way of saying that would be that EJ looked bad in both the games he started, and looked good when he was in for a play, or two, and didn't have to throw the ball. And, Taylor looked bad against the Giants, and good in the other 11 games he started.


    How is that even a comparison? Is this board still having this debate? Seriously?

    I must be missing some sarcasm here.

    > TT only looked bad in the Giants game and good in the other 11 games he started? <

  9. Again I blame Roman 60%..... This is why Whaley is upset. When you watch a pass play and TT doesn't notice at the line that Watkins is in a favorable matchup and all you ever call is Watkins up the sideline it is ridiculous. As said very few slants, over the middle or crossing patterns.


    KC is the perfect example. Torches them the first half (and again 0 YAC and all passes were at or near the sideline) and the then the second half they didn't change a thing and didn't even look his way.....


    As for the 2-minute and hurry-up ask Roman why it stinks and how they are clueless..... If it is TT, then yes it's a problem. The NE game they moved the ball 33 yards in 2 minutes!!!!! Vs. Philly they started with a handoff, stood around the line wasting 20 seconds, took a penalty and then looked anywhere but to Watkins......

    these are some of the things I have noted. Beyond whatever play Roman dials up, you can't blame the OC for the Offense standing there mulling around for 15-20 seconds. It is as if they don't have a 2 minute package in the playbook.

  10. Great job Nova!! Perry Mason have NOTHING on you. They sour on EJ because he was the 1st rd pick that hasn't led them to the playoffs. What's your retainer fee? Lol


    Leave Nova alone while you have a chance!! Cassel was most people on here answer earlier, remember?

    It's funny how one guy with potential is great after 14 games yet the other guy plainly sucks when the two are very close together in the big picture.

    Pretty clear why some have a hate on for TT. They are not over EJ yet. :cry:

    There is a huge difference here as I see it.


    I am critical of TT but I have yet to call him a failure, I also would be critical of EJ if he were playing (which he is not).

    On the other hand many say EJ is a failure. Now I ask you. Who really is the "hater"?

  11. Why are you people still talking about EJ when the consensus is that he's gone in 2016?

    With the possibility of Taylor breaking the record and TT = Flutie. Exciting to watch (at times) because of the unpredictability but still too small to be a great QB.

    We have one of the worst QB situations in the league and Bills fans be like "yeah! Lock that up long term!" Just because what we have is better than what we had.
    Orton was a better QB than Taylor.

    What was that article / thread from months ago?




    GM Doug Whaley says Bills are 'almost in quarterback purgatory
  12. In 10 out of 15 seasons, Miami and the Jets have split their season with the Patriots. On the other hand the Bills have done it just 4 times....I don't think the Patriots start with a 6-0 advantage every season...May be 2-0 due to the lack lusture Bills.

    It seemed to have helped the Colts in recent years (not this) playing Tenny, Jax and Houston.

  13. Is that the best you got? It's enough that teams don't want to piss it away on nothing, like with Manuel.

    When complaining about chump change, I can see it as adequate. $1.6 million is a pittance to an NFL team.

    Speaking of pissing away money. How much of the $4.75 million wasted on Cassel along with the two undisclosed draft choices to Minnesota, with an undisclosed draft choice in return from the Vikings did the Bills eat?

  14. so you dont think some of that development is on Roman?

    I do. and i think you are harshing on Tyrod.

    always keep a focus on QBs coming up. Even when you have one.

    Today, I am not a big fan of Roman. Some of the play calling is been bad.

    Excuse me if my opinion on Taylor is not as high as yours is. I like TT, but he's not shown me that he is the guy.

    I've stated what I see as his biggest weaknesses over the 12 games - not scanning the entire field, not throwing a pass away when there is no lane to run and taking a sack, throwing the ball when there was a clear lane for him to get a 1st down, not throwing a pass quickly to where the routes will go, meaning he doesn't anticipate like the great ones do. He takes no risks and w/o some risks there can be no reward, and lastly he has not shown me that he is a good 2 minute drill QB.


    I'm not a professional so if I am wrong my bad, but what if I am not wrong - it is only criticism not ridicule.

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