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Posts posted by rumblefish

  1. I understand why, Management needed to make a splash, so be it, but I for one won't drink the kool-aid, all Ryan did was luck into another team, that was on the way up, hope I am wrong, but what this team needed was a forward mind to the future not a Jet reject or cast off, either title will do, if reported 5 yr and 25.5 mill is the price to be a circus so be it



    50/54 and people think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, I proud to be 1 of 51 who see he not the one

  2. got to see it, it was ok, did he do good, yes, did his play mask defects on the OL, yes, but the thing that frosted my nuts, was the interview he did on Canadian TV, and when he was called on it he denied ripping the coaching staff on Titan's game(he would have won), so for what good he brought he

    also push the Bills backwards for future success, just like Deadsole, both had short term success, that translated into long term poor Bills teams, top teams in NFL don't band aid their defects, sadly Bills management hasn't learned that lesson

  3. yellow journalism had it's name changed, from now on it's Tim Graham ism


    and if you want me change my opinion, have Graham interview Marrone one on one in front of the Bills Nation live on the air, then the record would be straightened out on what is fact and what is crap


    I am sure all the local stations would love to carry that event,

  4. everybody is running off at the mouth, with yellow journalism, the only two who matter are Marrone and the P's, one side released a statement, the other side has not, so till both sides have issue a statement, gossip will continue to flow from the hacks at the B.E.N and GR,55



    sports reporting of nonsensical bull crap can be covered over with fact less quotes from un-named sources

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