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Hank II

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Posts posted by Hank II

  1. The House Select Committee on Benghazi alone cost $6.8 million of taxpayers money. And that was just one of 10 congressional committees investigating Benghazi. So yeah, there's a precedent for witch hunts on one issue.

    That 6.8M spent was a key factor in her not being elected. Money well spent!

  2. As a former soldier, "boat stuff" is very foreign to me.

    I'm a huge Churchill fanboy. Reading about Churchill you inevitably read about boat stuff. They always seemed to measure their loses in "tons." I never understood that. Why wouldn't they say 'damn Nazis sunk 4 boats today' instead of 'well they sunk x amount of tons today.' Always so confusing.

    Former Soldier? Where? When?

  3. Migrant kids have a massive brawl, then attack the police with rocks.






    5 migrant teens charged with raping an Afghan boy....




    "the gang surrounded and began hitting the victim, who was younger than 15 years of age, in the head and body, before putting a gun to his mouth and dragging him off to a nearby woodland.

    The group spat on and taunted the victim, as each took turns anally raping the boy, with the described ordeal lasting “for more than an hour.”

    As the assailants took turns, the onlookers filmed the anal penetration, threatening to post the video on social media, if he complained to the police."


    I think Sweden is doing more than their share of civilizing the refugees.


    When I was in Afghanistan sodomy was a common form of punishment from father to son.

  4. Oh Ben, you should have stayed asleep. He has a penchant for using slavery for comparisons, this time to immigrants.


    In his first speech as secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Dr. Ben Carson likened slaves forced to come to America to immigrants seeking a better life.

    “That’s what America is about, a land of dreams and opportunity,” Carson told hundreds of federal employees Monday.

    “There were other immigrants who came in the bottom of slave ships, who worked even longer, even harder, for less, but they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land,” Carson added.


    This is not the first time Carson has likened something to slavery.

    During an interview with NBC in 2015, he compared abortion to slavery.

    “During slavery — and I know that’s one of those words you’re not supposed to say, but I’m saying it — during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to the slave,” he said. “What if the abolitionists had said, ‘I don’t believe in slavery, I think it’s wrong, but you guys do whatever you want to do’?”


    At the Values Voter Summit in 2013, Carson called ObamaCare the worst thing “since slavery.”

    “It is slavery in a way, because it is making all of us subservient to the government, and it was never about health care,” Carson aid. “It was about control.”



    Pasta Joe, entertaining as always. Glad to see you finally stopped with your petition and realized it is in fact to late. He is YOUR president. Rejoice!

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