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Posts posted by NextYearGuys

  1. The Bills are 7-5 heading into December. I'll be completely honest, I didn't expect this at all. We usually are irrelevant at this point in the season and the threads start to become more "next year" oriented, much like my name. But this year is different. We have a winning record heading into the playoff stretch and are still contenders. It's amazing. However, I do believe we need to go 10-6 to make it into the playoffs. This is a tall task, as we still have the Patriots, Broncos, and Packers, and the underestimated (yet very underwhelming today) Raiders to play. But even if we don't make it to the playoffs this year, I believe that we have a strong core to build off of for the future. A new owner, a Super Bowl caliber defense, the best defensive line in the league, great wide receivers, some solid running backs, two bookend tackles that should only continue to improve, what looks like a playmaking and athletic tight end in MarQueis Gray (although it was just one game), and Kiko coming back. Our coaching staff on the offensive side of the ball and our quarterback both look a bit iffy, but if we can maybe bring in a young guy through the draft and if our coaches can either a) be smarter with offensive scheme and red zone effectiveness when it comes to play calling or b) get replaced by more competent and NFL ready coaches, I think we have a great shot next year, regardless of what happens this year. I'm excited in the direction we're headed and can't wait to see how it all plays out. Lets enjoy this feeling while we can. Go Bills!

  2. It's astonishing how bad we are. I have NEVER seen an offense waste this many opportunities. Our defense has to hate this offense. THEY CAN'T SCORE A TOUCHDOWN. They can barely gain yards actually. I don't even know who to put it on, it's all terrible. I don't even see us scoring another touchdown the rest of the year. It's that bad.

  3. It's so horrifically bad I can't believe what I'm seeing sometimes. It's like we have a whole new playbook for the red zone and nothing works. The defense must be pissed off to no end. They KILLED it yesterday and the offense did nothing aside from our first drive (which was great by the way). I don't understand it. It's like we lose all mental capabilities when we're 20 yards out from 6 points. I've been saying all year long that field goals aren't gonna cut it. Once we play a good team (like the Chiefs), they will capitalize on our moronic/mediocre red zone offense. And they did. We can't not score touchdowns. It's on everyone. The Oline, Orton, the Wideouts, the RB's, Hackett, Marrone, and mental errors. Speaking of Marrone, whenever they show him on TV he looks like he's on a different planet. He has this blank look on his face like he has no clue what's going on. What are your solutions to our red zone problems?

  4. I find it embarrassing when they don't even know the players' names. They either mispronounce it, say the wrong first name, or call them someone else entirely. You'd think as professional commentators, they'd know more about who the players are...

  5. I said I wasn't comin back win or lose but I decided to say good job to the Bills. The Jets sure was a hot mess this week and I think the playoffs are starting to look iffy. Geno was bad like EJ usually is and we kept giving you the ball even though you mostly couldn't do nothin with it. I think I will root for the Bills because I hate the Patriots because I hate all things Boston. They are punks over there who deserve to get smacked. Imagine if the Bills beat them out I will get to laugh at them forever to losing to you guys.


    But I guess if the KC Royals can make the World Series a team like the Bills can beat the Jets once in a blue moon.


    Once Percy and Vick get it rolling we will be hard to stop but they only have a little time and we have to win all the games to get to 9-7 and make the playoffs. But if we do watch out. If we don't do it I will root for youse. But you got to get the killer instinct. Slap people around when you have them down. It is like when a guy is on the ground and you know he has a money. Don't let him get up and think up excuses. Kick him in the rib cage. When he doesn't breathe good he does talk good. You got to do stuff like that.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.

    This man is the biggest troll to ever exist on this board lol. The grammar, his blind loyalty to his terrible secondary and Vick/Geno that will miraculously lead them to 8 straight wins, the spelling, saying that the playoffs look "iffy" for his Jets (hahaha), and him making an account on a BILLS forum just points out the obvious troll. Although, he is a Jets fan so maybe he is this ignorant...



    You'd be bitching if he ran all those trick plays..with an offense that is just staring to jell with new QB and a line that changes every week simplicity is good. The proof is in the pudding ..they won!


    How do you know, we've never seen them run trick plays lol. And this is just 1 small part to my complaints. There are MANY other things that I said in my post.

  7. I don't like Hackett because he has no creativity, sees plays not work several times but calls them over and over again anyway, knows we have a subpar Oline and two BACKUP running backs and still chooses to punch it up the gut, doesn't design plays to give the ball to Sammy, CJ or Marquise (when they were healthy), or even Robert Woods. It's mind blowing that with all of these playmakers we don't run more screens, outside runs, misdirections, or even the occasional trick play. He is so vanilla and predictable and its frustrating to see us go 3 and out SEVEN TIMES IN A ROW while running the ball at least twice, then see us score when we throw it. This is my problem with him. He needs to go.

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