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Punching Bag

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Posts posted by Punching Bag

  1. The NFL players have deal with NFL to split revenue - the players who get these deals actually depress the market shares for the other players who do not get deals AND they get a cut of the other company sponsorship. Once the ability to target players in place a potential sponsor can decide to go with NFL for $XXXX or go with players X ... X for $XXXX spreading their money around and even getting some commercials out of sponsorship and as long as they do not choose a 'Ray Rice' or 'Aaron Hernandez' they are in good shape.

  2. The Bills will need to play well to make playoffs and need every player can in some positions we have greater depth than others.


    In my opinion these are the most important players:

    1. Kyle Orton - while Bills may be able to make do with EJ finishing game or even have him start in a game the Bills are most likely going lose the Bills need Kyle Orton to get to 9-7 (lowest possible wild card with right breaks) and probably 10-6 or even 11-5.
    2. Dan Carpenter - while TDs are preferred every point is needed and neither a free agent nor one of the kickers on roster will do at end of year. If one of the other kicking specialists is injured for part or rest of year it is possible the other kickers could pick up the slack.
    3. Eric Wood - while Urbik has taken some snaps in training camp nobody will have many practice snaps as Wood and this is a position which takes reps.
    4. Sammy Watkins - yes I put him below others for it is more possible for one of the players to step up if he is unable to play for a period.

    For the other positions either have depth of near equal high (i.e. defense line) or low (i.e. offense line) quality. Opinions will vary. Interested in other points of view for as an old poster once told me (ICE) "if someone is so sure of their opinion that it can not be changed there is no need to discuss with that person".

  3. One of the Bills was stopped for illegal tinting and was cited for 'small' quantities of pot. Yes they do stop people.


    You could try to have electronic tinting installed and turn it off when driving; never heard of a parked car being stopped.


    There is some made by SDS so you know it has to be good.


    I wonder if there is market for teams to sell with logos?

  4. Don't let this move scare you, as the only real drawback is we don't know the story on Hairston. While I agree that LT is one of the most important positions on the line. I do recall Hairston playing that position rather effectively back in 2011 & 2012. Honestly it really wouldn't be that much of a downgrade if Hairston is 100%.

    Hairston was a good swing tackle but when he played full games he get exposed; he is best used as swing tackle, extra tackle and for extra blocking in goal line situations.

  5. Got my comment posted there:


    Wide Receivers do more than catch footballs

    Your grade does not seem to include some of the terrific blocking we have seen from the wide receivers. Both Hogan and Mike Williams were making significant blocks in passing game and occasionally helping keep Jets excellent defense off QB. Interestingly a Jets WR also was used in another manner - used as a DB who was the player who caught Sammy Watkins - and I am surprised there were not more comments on this.

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