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Posts posted by KRT88

  1. Thank you for leaving.  One less troll to contend with.




    Great comment, I mean what does the truth hurt so bad that you are resulted to insults only.


    I left too because I couldn't find a good job. The problem seven years later and the city and county are even worse off. Maybe WNY needs to actual do something different because what they are doing just isn't getting it done.

  2. Im glad. No bandaid solutions. Nuke it. Start from scratch. Let both sides feel some more pain. Maybe they will realize the game has turned to **** and they will get it back to what it once was to regain some fan base.



    God bless you


    The sport doesn't need a bandaid, it needs a system that really work and work fairly for everyone. Blow the whole thing up, start it up in October using replacement players and a whole new series of rules. All these NHL guys went elsewhere and took jobs from minor league players, so let the NHLers get a taste of their own medicine.


    Quickly enough, they'll start crossing the line, and three years from now no one will really care what happened in 2005.

  3. Or privatize a lot of it...  (not schools per se, but a lot of the other junk).

    How do those schools rank against NYS schools?  Georgia is the same way.  One district per county for the most part, with the exception of lager cities, i.e. Atlanta city.  One thing to remember about most of those schools... they're absolutely horrible.


    The plan sounds good and all, but look at county size in the south.  I drive through three on my way to work (Cherokee, Cobb, Fulton).


    Georgia has 159 counties, New York has 66, five of which make up NYC.  Could one Erie County district handle the needs of inner-city Buffalo schools and at the same time, Springville schools? Probably not.  You'd end up with the out-of-touch SWAT team patrolled drop-out-fests we have down here.





    North Carolina and Texas were the models behinds GWB's brillant No Child Left Behind Act. Here in Cumberland County the school are preforming well with some doing great and other struggling. A lot of that is result of where the students comes from. But at least all the students have access to the same education quality (in theory). We all know that teaching quality differs.


    I work at a low income middle school and during the past two years we have had a $450,000 a year technology grant. We saw a 8% growth in students test scores last year and we only missed meeting Federal standards by 0.24%. But this year seems like a different story. Most of my kids come from one parent homes where mom has four kids from three different guys. There is almost no parent support so kids do do homework, etc. However, the county can move teachers around if they so choose.


    In the end, the county spends about the same on all the schools. Having grown up in NT, I know that I had a better education than I would have down here but I think it is more social. My wife and I do not want our kids going to school down here because of the social background. Parent don't seem to care and there's way too many kids in that type of situation. When I went to school about 20% of the kids didn't seem to care. Down here I'd say 50% of my 109 students have a I don't care attitude, and only 20% are working at or above their abilities. That is all about desire, which has to start at home. I did well in school because my parent expected it.


    Back in WNY, I think streamlining and combining some school districts would save money and not have a negative effect on results, but that can't be proven.

  4. The real problem is that Americans don't understand soccer. In most places its a passion greater than religion. It's like a college campus atmosphere times 10. Every community has their own team and the majority of the locals desire success for their team. Add tons of alcohol (just like they do at NFL games) and that passion comes out.


    I've been to World Cup games and to the NFL playoffs and the atmosphere for the World Cup was much more intense but that doesn't make it a better game. Both games are great just that they have different tastes and therefore different people enjoy them. Why can't we just leave it at that!

  5. Pardon me if I don't get excited.  Has anything happened to benefit the Sabres?


    a) The cap will be 15 million more than what the Sabres are currently spending. 

    b) With payroll being the same, I doubt ticket prices will change.

    c) They haven't addressed the problem with the game itself.


    The only thing i see accomplished, is this will stop teams like New York and Detroit from outbidding smaller markets.



    I gotta agree with this.


    How does this help the small market clubs? They weren't spending $40 million anyhow, and they still can't afford to.


    What this does do is force teams like Detroit, Phily and the Rangers to be careful not to overpay for free agents. Teams now can't afford to have a $9 million player because that would eat up 1/5 of the cap.


    I just pray this is a hard cap and you can't go over for any reason.


    If the players 24% salary cut is also in the deal that will help (I guess) as long as the teams don't have to spend $30 million.


    Overall, I don't get it, because this isn't going to help the sport and we won't even talk about the quality of the hockey itself because it stinks.

  6. the guys who run soccer don't have the balls to stop the divers and cheats.


    If they used video and serious fined and even penalitized the cheats then players would stop diving.


    One thing soccer has the beats the NFL and other american sports, a nasty drug policy. Rio Ferdinard on Manchester United skipped his drug test and got suspended for 8 months. Imagine if he had failed it?

  7. I live in North Carolina and down here we have a total of 100 school districts. Most of the states county have their own but a few select community didn't join the county system.


    In Niagara County alone they have 10 school districts (NT, NF, NW, Lew-Port, Wilson, Starpoint, Lockport, Newfane, Backer and Roy-Hart) with a population of about 220,000. The county I live in, Cumberland, has a large population than Niagara (300,000).


    Think about that, 9 school districts all with their own Superintendent, each likely making $80 to 90,000 +. Combined with all the bureaucracy that goes with it. The Superintendent down here makes $154K + other bonus money. However that may represent a savings of more than a $600K a year if not more to Niagara County.


    How many school districts are their in Erie County? The number must be doubled, if not more.


    Western New York needs to streamline and combined services. If not on a massive scale than on a smaller scale. I know Erie county could never agree to combine into one school district because wealthier places like Williamsville and Orchard Park will never agree but something has to be done to lower the overhead.

  8. Soccer?  Oh god, please no.....the word soccer itself makes me wanna eat my own puke!




    now that would be something you should do, especially if it helps you keep your opinion on the worlds most popular sport to yourself because it wasn't needed here. If it ain't your cup of tea, ignore it!

  9. What's the point of 52 million? Calgary, Edmonton, Buffalo and many other teams can't afford to go that high with their payroll.


    I heard a report on ESPN that said when they finally to solve this a year from now or beyond, as many as 10 teams could have folded. I don't believe that but what I'd like to see is the NHL return to 24 teams. I want the six Canadian teams to remain, but why do we need hockey in Miami, Anahiem, Phoenix, Atlanta, Carolina (and I live there) or Nashville?


    Hockey needs to stay in the places where the fans really love and care for the game. The sport isn't about suits sitting up in luxery suites trying to finalize a business transaction! Hockey also needs the game to change because the watered down talent has made the game boring. Every night the scores are 2-0, 2-1, 3-2. Back in the mid 80's you could see a 7-5 game one night and a 3-2 game the next.


    I'd love to see....

    revenue sharing

    more Canadian teams

    skill allowed to operate

    the trap outlawed

    smaller goalie equipment

    smaller roster sizes (18 players active for a game)

    teams to hire shooting coaches

  10. No, I don't like your opinion.  Consumer Reports is a collection of elitist snots, and are biased as hell. 



    So I guess all of these web sites that rating auto products are biased too.




    I don't see the Chevy and Ford be recomended here, the Dodge and Chrysler are just like I said.




    here, read the reviews, they have the Honda and Toyota much higher than the rest.




    This site seems to repeat the exact same thing




    This is a little more liberal. There reviews seem less critical.




    This site is extremely liberal, with the Toyota, Honda, Mazda and Nissan all getting the highest rating of exceptional but many other are just one notch below.




    So, I'm guessing that all of this a giant conspiracy.

  11. Tell us all what American company you work for.  So we can buy better products and services from your foreign competitors and put your shoddy employer and it's shoddy employees including you out of business. After all it's best for us, wouldn't you agree?



    You don't like my opinion on American made products fine, but prove me wrong. The big auto makers in the USA produce a lot of 'questionable" product lines. I grew up in a Ford family and we only once bought a Chevy. That turned out to a piece of crap. In the late 80's my mom bought a Honda Accord and since then, my parents only buy Toyota's and Honda's because they simply make a better product.


    Ford makes a solid truck but this buy isn't looking for a truck. He's looking for a minivan and I'll stand behind what I said, I wouldn't buy an American made one. And Consumer reports, a completely unbiased service also agrees with me.

  12. I wouldn't buy an American Mini-Van to save my life. Look at consumer reports and there rating aren't good. My wife and I like the Mazda MVP and since it isn't one of the top sellers you have a lot of play room when buying. However, consumer reports doesn't recomend the 05 MVP because reliability has dropped.


    But if you have to do it, buy a Grand Caravan or a mid-level Town and Country.


    They are both recomended by consumer reports but they still rank lover the best:


    Top Minivans according to this months Consumer Reports.

    1. Honda Odyssey - rated excellent

    2. Toyota Siena - rated excellent


    3. Nissan Quest

    4. Mazda MVP

    5. Dodge Grand Caravan

    6. Ford Freestar

    7. Saturn Relay

    8. Kia Sedona


    These are the only ones they have reviewed recently.

  13. http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/01/18/balcony.death.ap/index.html


    NORTH FORT MYERS, Florida (AP) -- A woman fell to her death while trying to do a handstand on the railing of a second-floor hotel balcony, sheriff's officials said.


    Molly Jerman, 23, of Cape Coral died Sunday. While attempting a handstand, she toppled over and dropped to the hotel patio, according to the Lee County sheriff's department.


    Just before she fell, she had called out to a friend, "Watch to see what I can still do," a police report said. Foul play is not believed to be involved, officials said.




    Back in 1982 or 83, a drunk guy did that on the Rainbow bridge which goes over the Niagara Gorge. Personally, I think his 4 friends should have been charged for letting him try it! However, they were all drunk.

  14. Doesn't Pink Floyd have a live album that deserves to be in there, somewhere?



    Delicate Sound of Thunder is my favorite album, I just love Floyd.


    There other live one, PULSE, is good but Thunder is simply the best!!!!



    another great live album is Tom Petty's Pack up the Plantation


    I have about 80 live albums, and I could name several other but most of you would likely disagree.

  15. Anyone who read the Buffalo News article yesterday and follows the Bills knows that Ralph C. Wilson should be in the pro Football Hall of Fame.


    What can we do about it? He violated rules and kept several AFL team afloat back in the 60's and he has done nothing but good for the NFL throughout his ownership.


    As a fan, I was pissed to see he isn't a finalist and I want something to be done!



  16. But they want to get rid of Buffalo and keep teams like Atlanta I bet right??


    Didnt Atlanta LOSE a team at one time??


    If this is true, I have no use for their 'proposal'...next!


    They and beyotches like Sherry Ross from the NY Daily News JUST dont want to go to Buffalo thats all.


    Screw them all.



    even better they put one back in Hartford but dumped Buffalo and kept Atlanta and Miami.


    Please what a joke!

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