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Tampa Bob

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Posts posted by Tampa Bob

  1. I would not call Sammy a phenom. I do thing he will be a star for a long long time but to date he has not shown he is superior to K. Benjamin, M. Bryant, O. Beckham, or M. Evans. If Sammy is a phenom, they all are. If they all are, it is a misuse of the word.


    I do think this might be the WR rookie class that is the equivalent of the Kelly, Marino, Elway, etc. QB class. Then Sammy = Elway or Marino the two best of the bunch.


    It is a ridiculous class for sure.

  2. NFL network just showed a preview of next week's game and said tannehill and the dolphins take on rookie phenom watkins and the bills. When I think rookie phenom (at least offensively), I think all the way back to moss with the vikings even though there have been other great rookie performances since. I just think that moss was unstoppable that year and really turned around the vikings right away.


    Do you all think Watkins is on that level? I am very high on him...I think he is the heart and soul of this team and a beast. I would say that Watkins has really turned this team around (along with orton).


    His play makes me think a little differently of our playoff outlook. I have thought for far too long now that the bills have lacked players that step up in tight games. We used to always make those dumb mistakes and lose in painful fashion because nobody ever seemed capable of making big time plays when they count. Sammy has done it a few times already and the fact that he is a 21 year old rookie makes it even better for me.

  3. possibly a thinly veiled attempt to carry his Fred crusade to the Sammy thread.


    Or maybe Sammy is the most important player on this team after only 8 games by a long shot (Orton is the next most important, then a bunch of defenders, then a couple offensive lineman, then chandler, then maybe fred). He is the one who is stepping up when the game is on the line. If heart and soul doesn't directly tie back to results, then why does everyone even care who the heart and soul is?



    I still think that title belongs to Fred.


    Sammy looks like a great player but "heart and soul" is a title not easily or quickly earned.


    Well...I guess it depends on what heart and soul means. I think Sammy has already won us more games in his incredibly short career than fred has. Sammy is constantly making plays with the game on the line. Sammy is a natural winner. Truly great players shine when it matters most which is exactly what he has done. I believe that Sammy is a huge reason why we are winning the games now that we always used to lose. We have always lacked that player who steps up when the game is on the line.


    Who would the team miss more due to injury? We are 2-0 without fred. How would we do if Sammy was the one that we lost?


    If heart and soul means most popular, then fine...Fred wins.

  5. Sorry to break up the love fest, but...


    Pretty sure CJ caused a stir in his rookie season and 2nd season when he didn't get carries and was removed from the starting spot in week 2-3 I'm favor of Lynch and Freddie.


    No link. It was over 4 friggin years ago.


    I don't remember this at all. I think you are just making it up because you don't like him.


    I think he learned a lot from Freddie about how to act in the NFL. He's definitely one of the most genuine, good guys on the roster. I'm pulling for him regardless of what team he ends up on.


    Look...i'm sure Fred was a positive influence to him, but do we have to credit Fred for everything that someone does that is positive? Spiller was a great guy from day one and even his college coach raved about his character when we drafted him. Maybe spiller is just a great team player with or without jackson.

  6. I think Orton has been pretty good. I like the way he plays in crunch time. He seems to be pretty comfortable in that role and he seems to have some fire in him when he gets in that spot. I would like to see more of that early in the games, but there isn'the much to complain about with him. A few picks and maybe some bad sacks, but he has done at least as well as anyone could have expected from him.


    Good point on only being in the offense for 2 months...not to mention only actually playing for 3 weeks. I would think that he could improve with more chemistry. The line could help him out a bit too.

  7. Robert Woods is a honey badger

    Orton makes throws EJ cant, or won't

    I HATE how Brady always seems to have ALL day to pass on the Bills

    Eye on big picture, Bills get another chance week 17 and hopefully with alot on the line


    Lol...hopefully there isn'the a lot on the line. Hopefully, we have a playoff spot locked up because we cannot beat brady. 2 times since 2001. Unbelievable...no matter how good things look for us and how bad they look for the pats, we are brady's botch plain and simple. If there is a lot on the line, be prepared to be disappointed.

  8. 1st down us a throw-away play for us...has been since Marrone and hackett got here. We should just ask the nfl if we can skip 1st down to reduce the risk of turnovers, injuries and penalties. We don't even try. I mean we have all week to prepare for our first play of the game in a huge game and was there a single person in the world that didn't know with 100 percent confidence that we were going to try to pound Spiller up the middle on the first play of the game? We had a chance to catch them off guard and we get a loss of 3 and end up going 3 and out.



    Spiller Spiller Spiller Spiller Spiller




    and Spiller.


    When he hamhanded at the end of the 1st half I knew it was over. I should have gone out and worked in the yard. He had one damned job to do. Please, never hand it to him again in an important situation, wait for garbage time so he can pad his stats or whatever. That guys CONSTANTLY makes nothing out of something, or worse.


    Spiller sucked and I am getting tired of his game real fast, but the freaking defense didn't stop the pats one single time in the 2nd half. Not once. Brady had 4 tds. Pats had 0 turnovers. Spiller's fumble didn'the really make that much of a difference.


    - Schwartz - called a terrible game. Where was the A/B gap pressure? Why are our corners playing 10 yds off their terrible WRs.

    - CJ - is the softest player I've ever seen play football. He's clearly playing not to get hurt.

    - Mario Williams - he's been virtually indetectable this year.

    - OT's - what you saw today was a vintage Seantrel Henderson game - his mind will never be in 16 games. Glenn was inconsistent at b

    - The entire secondary - it's tough to cover WRs when Brady has 10 seconds in the pocket and the DC is not dialing up any pressure.


    No way Spiller is softer than ej...but it is close.

  10. He has been completely misused by Hackett. CJ needs the ball in space where he can use moves and breakaway speed. It's that simple. The Freddy worship is over the top. Fred is not a threat to score from anywhere on the field. Both backs have unique gifts and if we had an offensive cooridinator he would exploit them.


    Now you are way out of line. The fred worship is warranted. The dude just cracked 1000 yards in 2009 and is averaging 40 yards per game and 0 tds this year. Get a grip man.

  11. no thanks. I'm good. Keep thinking whatever you want to think. I'll be the one in 3 years already knowing that CJ never did anything special with the exception of 1 decent to good season. You will be the one making excises for him still. Oh the thought of what CJ could do on a team that utilized him correctly. Oh the numbers he could put up if he just had a good offensive line. Of only he had a reasonable QB to take the heat off the running game. Oh, only of he hadn't had so many injuries.


    If, if, if...


    Keep on keepin on.


    Is there a reason you keep using the word "excises"?



    OMG, I agree with Tampa Bob..... Mrags please don't you see the problem here? BTW, TB you should use some of the logic in your arguments in this thread and apply them to FJ. And that isn't even talking about other things FJ brings to the table (beside his yrds average).


    Thanks dawg. I have taken it easy on fred lately. He has been pretty good this year at times...can't expect much more.

  13. yards are less meaningful when the majority of runs are 0-3 yards with the occasional big gain.


    Don't worry, I don't expect everyone to get it.


    Don't worry i don't get it and i don't expect to ever get it.


    He apparently gets enough big plays to offset his meaningless short yardage gains to rank near the top every year. They have this thingy called an average. It is pretty simple math...i think it is something like the sum of the yardage gained divided by the number of carries.


    Perhaps you should provide us with a yardage distribution by all your favorite running backs to prove your point. Otherwise, it might be kind of difficult to get us simpletons to agree with you that yards per carry is totally meaningless.


    Maybe compare how many scoring drives have big gains against how many scoring drives only have 4 yarders or something like that. if you take the time to prove this, you will get me to think you are really cool.

  14. First time in this thread. Haven't read it all,but has anyone done the math in the OP?


    30 yarder plus 9 two yarders is 48 yards over 10 carries.


    4.8 yards per carry.


    That's stellar. Add in the Freddy/Dixon ground 'n' pound and we have the making of an excellent backfield. Brown replaces Freddy eventually.


    This makes perfect sense.


    Makes sense to me...but the thing is...people like mrags think that spiller's long runs shouldn't count. We'll go ahead and count them for every other rb in the league and pretend that guys like the child abuser get 5 yards every single time they touch the ball because everyone knows that he has never been known to break big runs...but when it comes to cj, we just have to throw anything over 5 yards out the window and only factor in his under 5 yard carries into his average.


    yards are apparently less meaningful when they come in big chunks.

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