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Posts posted by BLizzyMeock

  1. This is just a shot out to the people that think tyrod sucks. This coaching staff with the missed challenges and the defense is a joke. They cost us back to back losses. Disgusting. I'm still ride or die bills we gotta win out but to say Tyrod is the problem is an absolute joke!!!!!

  2. I'm at the point in my life where it doesn't revolve around the Bills anymore and it feels good. Yes I still sit there and watch games and attend games but if a better option comes along, I don't pass on it to watch football anymore. It's actually been great, I've enjoyed better times missing, for example last year's home loss to New England, doing something more fulfilling and enjoyable. So this question is timely because I have friends who still plan their lives around them, some willing to skip out on some winter fun in January because they plan to watch a playoff game. That "if come" doesn't work for me. I plan my life around life now, not around football anymore. It's actually been amazingly helpful in grounding life to what matters. So I thought about this the other day and I might pass on the MN game for sanity's sake. Why go through 3 hours of frustration? I have zero faith they have even a 1% chance to win so what then is the point then? Is it hope? I've sat through 15 years of hope (or is it more, I've lost count and prefer not to know how bad it actually is) and I don't need hope anymore because it matters less to me every day. I still love home games, I love the social part, love hanging with my group of friends, love the atmosphere. I could live without watching them on TV so when it comes time to determine whether to buy in, it's not on hope anymore. I've become apathetic toward the team because of the losing and the same story every year. And I truly despise the NFL, from the idiots owners like Jones to the idiot players he sticks up for like Hardy. Coupled together, I've gone from a diehard, every Sunday all day guy to a season ticket holder who attends most games and watches many away games and has seen maybe 4 quarters of NFL the rest of the year.


    All that being said.... I'll probably tune in!!! Just because it's Monday night and I, in the immortal works of Chris Tucker in Friday, "ain't got **** to do." But if it were a Sunday like this past Sunday, I would have passed!!

  3. Everyone is pissed because Kiko was a fan favorite but after calming down u. Understand the thinking. Shady has had the most rush yrs of any player over the past 6 seasons and Kiko is comin off his second major acl injury and like everyone here already stated Kiko faded in the.second half of the season and was a liability against the run at times.

  4. So tired of listening to people just complain about every move the bills make. I'm just glad they're making moves instead of being the conservative tight wads of the past. This roster has the most talent it's had in years. Lets see how they address oline, te, and qb moving forward. Nothing was wasted on Watkins. #gobills


    My only problem was how bag they whiffed on both guards they drafted.... lookin like complete busts.

  5. I'm not stuck with that idiot. If he is the coach next year and Hackett is his OC and Orton is still possibly the starting QB.....I'm not gonna watch this trainwreck. I have better things to do than watch these cluess clowns anymore.


    Best season in a decade no matter how much this loss stings. Its that type of loser mentality that that we are trying to get rid of. This young team improved with terrible qb play and oline lay and no running game. We go all in on qb and oline in the off-season and we will be alright. I agree with Orton not starting and possibly Hackett being replaced if there is a clear upgrade, but more than anything Whaley and the scouting department need to upgrade qb and oline in the off-season.


    He's not going anywhere. He'll be back in 2015. Whaley is going to address the O-Line and QB situation. The only unanswered question is the status of Nate Hackett.



  6. Same old Bills story....


    How the O-line could regress this much is almost unreal.... Pears has no place as a starting guard in the NFL and not playing Urbick to start the season is the call of a moron or should I say a Marrone. I have no respect for Marrone after what this season has been. Saint Doug should go back to coaching college because he has no business being a HC on an NFL sideline.


    Marrone should stay and they need to go all in on qb, oline, and te. This has been the best season in a decade and you want to fire the head coach. Smh. Have some faith in Whaley and the scouting staff. We find oline and our running game again this off-season and we are a contender.


    Watkins has been having a good rookie season. Beckham has been having an outstanding season by any measure. I don't think trading up for Sammy is some huge disaster or something and I think they will be similar talents and Watkins could easily have the better career, but Beckham has been what we wanted Sammy to be this season.


    Beckham has a better qb throwing the ball to him.

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