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The Plunge

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Posts posted by The Plunge

  1. I had WTF moments with Maybin, Whitner, the panic pick in Losman and the trade up and pick I may hate the most: McCargo.


    However, those were previous regimes. I need to see more of EJ to be sold, but if we continue to build the offensive line and pick solid building blocks, we will be fine.


    The problem with previous regimes is that I often thought they tried to be too cute and reached for need rather than picking the BPA.




    While I agree with you 100% on your assessment of height, I respectfully disagree on Murray. I haven't seen the leadership I want from my QB. He doesn't seem to rally the troops when things go south. I admit my knowledge is limited and I don't see everything, but I just don't see the "it" factor from Murray.


    It's funny how opinions can be so different. That's EXACTLY what I like about him! Every time I watch him play, I see Drew Brees. In my opinion, if he were 3 inches taller, he'd be the top QB taken, maybe even 1st overall pick. I find it shocking that 2-3 inches in height can affect a players draft status by 3-5 rounds. The game has evolved. It's more about quick thinking and decision making than it is about simply overpowering your opponent. Just my opinion.

  2. I think our FO has done a nice job of late. They seem to be adding actual TALENT to the roster, at just about every position. What an interesting idea!


    The only concern I have with the mentality of this scouting staff is their weighting towards big players at all times. I fear that they will, and have, missed out on some very good players because they aren't tall enough. "Big Wins" is something we keep hearing. I agree, that if you get a chance to take a player who is both big, AND good, you take them! But I hate the fact that we missed out on Russell Wilson, and I suspect they avoided him because of his height. I fear that they are also going to avoid Aaron Murray because of his height. I could be wrong, but I don't think Murray is on their radar and I think that's a mistake. If they avoid him because they don't think he can play, then that's fine. But if they avoid him because he isn't 2 inches taller, then that's concerning.


    Overall, I really like the way they are drafting, and I like the overall culture that they are building. Just thought I'd get it on the record, one more time, that I REALLY want Aaron Murray here!


    Go Bills.

  3. Great 2nd post Plunge ! I've said it before on the Toronto scenario, I FEAR the NFL and owners will look at it as a regional relocation and a softer way for Buffalo to lose the team, since Toronto is within a short drive of Buffalo. The key is finding an owner that wants to keep the team here, without that it becomes a longshot to convince someone else to change their mind or hope the NFL/other owners stop a move




    The whole thing scares the hell out of me, to be honest. The events in the coming months that will lead to the next owner of this team, represents the single most important thing that's ever happened to this franchise.

  4. I keep going back and forth on this. Some days I think Ralph did some really great things to preserve this teams future in Buffalo, and other days I think he's created a scenario that will make it very difficult for someone to own and keep the team in Buffalo.


    I understand that tax consequences likely played a role in any decisions that were made in this process. Do any of you know the story of how Art Modell sold the Baltimore Ravens to Steve Bisciotti? Art Modell knew it was time to start the transition, but he wanted to do it in a tax efficient way. He also loved owning an NFL team and wanted to remain as a part of the organization he'd run since the beginning. They decided to sell it in stages. They did this in a way that made the team, the owners (new and old) and the city happy.


    Now, I'm NOT saying that Art Modell is a saint. Hell, if Art Modell would've been Buffalo's original owner instead of Ralph, they likely would've left 20 years ago! So please don't take this as anything other than pointing out that there are a number of ways to skin the cat here.


    I fear that this team is absolutely ripe for the picking, and it's ripe because of the way Ralph set things up. DISCLAIMER - I DIDN'T SAY THAT I KNOW THE TEAM IS RIPE, I SAID I FEAR THE TEAM IS RIPE. NONE OF US HAVE ENOUGH INFO TO SAY THAT WE KNOW ANYTHING.


    1. I fear that by opening it up to the highest bidder, you actually create a situation where it can ONLY make sense for an ownership group who plans on moving them to a new, bigger market. Let's say the bidding process begins and you have one group operating on the economics with the city of Toronto, and another one using the economics from Buffalo. I'm sorry, Buffalo, but you lose this battle. There is a lot of big money in Toronto. You'd have luxury boxes, higher ticket prices, corporate sponsorship, etc. Because of this, a Toronto ownership group can afford to bid WAY more for the club. I would guess that even with the LEAGUE's relocation fee, the owner of this club could afford to pay greater than $1Billion, maybe even $1.2. Now, you will say "but, the lease! They can't move because of the lease!". No. They can't move NOW because of the lease. You need to remember two things: if the next owner plans on moving the club, they will have their own challenges around building a new stadium in a new market. This will take just as much time in Toronto as it would in Buffalo. The timing on the expiration of the lease will work just fine for a team that wants to move. The Toronto group wouldn't have a plan to buy the Bills and keep them for 10 or 20 years, this would be a 50+ year plan. If they need to overpay a bit now and keep them in Buffalo for 10 more years, in order to secure a 50 year future in Toronto, they're gonna do it.


    2. If the Toronto group DOESN'T end up buying the team, there is a very good chance that they could drive the price up. This is also not a good thing for the long term health of the franchise in Buffalo. Overpaying for the club could handcuff the next owner in a number of ways. It's critical that, they get the club at a price that would allow them to be healthy and profitable in the Buffalo market. If foreign owners drive up the price, that could be a challenge.


    3. It is absolutely silly to think that the NFL would block a move to Toronto. It is Roger Goodell's job to grow the league and generate wealth for the owners. I don't care that he's from western NY. He could've been born in the bathroom at Anchor Bar. It doesn't change the fact that he earned $40 million last year. He answers to the collective owners in the league. He has more loyalty to them than he will EVER have to the city of Buffalo. Sorry. If a group from TO will add significant long term $$$ to the NFL, he's gonna allow it, and getting 24 votes isn't going to be tough. This is a big business. The owners and Goodell will get over the hurt feelings they'll cause in Buffalo.


    Again, these are simply my FEARS. For all I know, Ralph could've set up the sale years ago to a group that will keep them in Buffalo. If, however, it is actually as has been reported for years, that this team will be sold to the highest bidder, I think this club is doomed to leave when this lease expires.


    I don't mean any disrespect to the Wilson family or anyone close with Ralph Wilson. Just wanted to give my take on things.



  5. I think they are planning on drafting a QB in the 3rd or 4th round and I really want that QB to be Aaron Murray. All I see when I watch him is Drew Brees. He controls the entire field. Can look off a safety. And he's deadly downfield. I know a lot of mocks have him going in the 4th or even 5th round. I would have no problem taking him in the 3rd. I believe he will end up being the best QB in this draft. I think EJ is good, but this kid is special. I don't ever want to have a "TJ Graham over Russell Wilson" talk again. In my opinion, picking Murray would right that wrong.

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