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SJ Bills backer

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Posts posted by SJ Bills backer

  1. Check this link for a news story that's earned WAY too much attention this week.



    There's plenty of other links to this story, each with their own bias, and this one represented the closest to the truth that I can see. I feel like I have a stake in this as my CHILDREN both attend this school, and I find all this attention, media crews, and interested 3rd parties are EXTREMELY disruptive to my kids LEARNING in school.


    As for the teacher, anecdotal evidence I've heard from parents who's children have been in his class is that he uses his position to push christianity when he can. While religion has its place in the founding of the country and "In God we trust" and the Pledge, I can't help but feel that he should focus on TEACHING HISTORY and leave the 5th graders out of a nuanced discussion of the overlap between church and state.


    As for academic freedom, while a prof or teacher can certainly express their opinions in class, the idea is to keep their focus on the subject at hand.


    In the end, it appears that larger organizations are focusing on this as a cause celebre, and the unfortunate media circus and attention will continue.


    I welcome any input from other interested parties.

  2. But women? Boys, you just don't know where to look...this area is DRIPPING with the proverbial Farmer's daughters.  I suggest you visit Miami U.



    That's a given - nice private school with a GREAT radio station (WOXY) and well kept women with disposable income and good hygiene. Can't say the same for much that comes from over the borders and there were sure a lot better honies in NY and MI from my experience.


    PS - been to Montgomery Inn for the ribs yet???

  3. A bear walks into a bar in Billings, Montana and sits down. He bangs on the bar with his paw and demands a beer.


    The bartender approaches and says, "We don't serve beer to bears in bars

    in Billings."


    The bear, becoming angry, demands again that he be served a beer.


    The bartender tells him again, more forcefully, "We don't serve beer to

    belligerent bears in bars in Billings."


    The bear, very angry now, says, "If you don't serve me a beer, I'm going

    to eat that lady sitting at the end of the bar."


    The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve beer to belligerent, bully

    bears in bars in Billings."


    The bear goes to the end of the bar, and, as promised, eats the woman.

    He comes back to his seat and again demands a beer.


    The bartender states, "Sorry, we don't serve beer to belligerent, bully

    bears in bars in Billings who are on drugs."


    The bear says, "I'm NOT on drugs."


    .........You're gonna love this..........


    The bartender says, "You are now. That was a barbitchyouate"

  4. went to the Bills game in cincy in 1998, stayed in Covington, KY..went to a strip club..Kentucky's finest...had some out of work 45 YO school teacher come up to me...hey boy...got any money for the juke box, so we can dance....freakin priceless



    Thanks for the laugh, Taterhill. I went to Covington ONCE for some entertainment. After seeing the nasty looking, drug addled stippers hustiling for money, I could never find the desire to have a repeat visit.


    Now if you're talking about Mints or the like and the Fort Erie Ballet - I'M THERE DUDE! I once had Ms Nude Canada on my table. Let's hear it for our international relationships!

  5. I hope you were really drunk, cause most of the chicks in cincy have, well, male gentalia.  :D



    Hee hee - you've obviously never been to Skyline Chili you big pervert you! These names refer to spagetti with cinci style chili, beans, cheese, onions, and the various permutations thereof...


    As for cinci girls - heinous, my friend. Simply heinous.

  6. What made me laugh even harder was that I LIVED in Cinci for a year (with apologies to our resident Stuck in Cinci fan on the board).


    I went to several games including a few Bills losses in Cinci. I found the average Bungle fan to be fairly rabid, but they drew more than their share of liquored up moonshine drinking backwoods, "who dey" shrieking yahoos who really had nothing to lord over Cleveland.


    I will say this about Cinci - the most ENJOYABLE 3- 4- and 5-ways I ever had!!!!

  7. Well I like the recent trend. Still, Bledsoe's performance in the last few games still has him off the rader in terms of passing efficiency ratings - he can't even sniff the top 10.


    IF he can continue his performance, along with better running and good blocking and a few more W's, he can crack that barrier. Maybe then the negative nancies (including myself) will quiet down.

  8. The 49rs are truly one of the worst teams in NFL history. They are horrible. The Bills could beat them with Burns at RB.



    My point exactly. The 9ers against any other opponent is like someone bringing a switchblade knife to a gun battle. Again - no worries - the 9ers are simply and absolutely putrid, have no heart, and nothing to play for other than the 1st draft pick...


    On the other hand, the 9ers MAY have a chance to beat the perennially hapless AZ this weekend, but I wouldn't bet on it

  9. This is much ado about social and societal issues that will take MILLENIA to change. I can see why people get so upset about the disparity in the hiring of black coaches, women managers, etc.


    What's often missing from these discussions is any mention of the PROPORTIONS of well trained candidates in the area of interest. Ever try hiring a black female biochemist with a PhD interested in teaching in a BS/MS program? Guess what - not a lot of such candidates out there.


    Society tries to reform these past habits in hiring minorities by requiring certain #'s of minorities to simply be INTERVIEWED, and in some cases in mgmt may get enough pressure put on them to actually hire the desired ethnicity, regardless of whether or not they ARE the best person for the job.


    Unfortunately, team owners in football have little such pressures placed upon them - instead they have an even simpler motivation - just win baby. So don't hold your breath folks.

  10. you're right. I am deprived of my edge-a-ma-ka-shin. and football players generally spend more time with their sport than i do as a runner. So they probably shouldn'y be having a higher grad rate than the rest of the student body like one of those two schools does



    Interesting caveat you've added here. I also can't help but think the exercise make your brain cells work more efficiently and you MAY learn better coming into a class after an hour long run that the rest of the class....

  11. Sorry Dante. But you DARED to belittle a Bills player, perhaps their most visible and important player, of being a rube. And given his collective stats over the last 2 seasons, I think you're absolutely correct! And on this GLORIOUS day after the victory of a 2-10 team, many of the posters here will apparently not stand for this criticism.


    I'll buy into their line of reasoning of "remain calm, all is well" when Drew actually wins a game that means something. Re: say his former team NE, in which he has sucked donkey dong against over the last several seasons. Again, great game, nice winning streak, but can he do this against a elite team?

  12. as Chris Farley would say...that would be awwwwesome



    I don't want to imagine this, nor do I want to imagine different outcomes from the JAX and OAK games from earlier this season. Its simply too painful to think of "what might have been".


    Bottom line is that this team is missing just a few things that would bring them up to the level of the leagues elite teams. And while the 0-4 to 6-6 turnaround is lovely, we're still a flawed team.


    I know the attitude round here is much happier and rightfully so. But we're ONLY up to 500 just this week, and have been playing at a mediocre or even poor level as a team for 2+ years

  13. C'mon guys - where's your sensitviity for the TRUE victim here? There's a number of PERFECTLY reasonable explanations here:


    1) the woman's probably mad about high gas prices, especially given the poor MPG of her SUV


    2) this IS Golf and this IS Florida - there's lots of courses in FL and people take the game quite seriously out there.


    3) Maybe she thought it was hail the SIZE of golfballs and it was coming down SO fast and furious she couldn't see where she was driving


    4) She had just mad her 1st monthly payment since the hurricane season begane and was simply distraught about her investment being diminished by common vandals - and dare I ask were they minorities, or shudder, even Cuban refugees?


    5) She was simply out of her head with the Dolphins sweep at the hands of the Bills...

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