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Posts posted by the_franchise

  1. Let's not jinx them! Remember how ex-BFLO MacArthur started the first four games in TOR... Sure he in the 40's w/points... But goals slowed down to only 17... What was he on pace for after the first 10 games?:P






    Very true, but this is a contract year for Stafford isn't it? Does that mean he keeps it up as long as he is healthy? Whats worse, making the playoffs and losing in the first round or not making them at all? I'll go with losing in round 1


    MacArthur was on pace for 936 points, right? :beer:

  2. The pick I like the most in that is Heyward if he's there. I only saw the kid play maybe twice last year. Just from that I liked a few things about the guy. He tackles hard, quick off the line, gets to the ball, and plays angles great (it makes him look way faster than he probably is). The only thing about him that I noticed that I didn't like was when someone locks on him he can be blocked and doesn't always shed it. He might not get manhandled that much but you've got to shed guys. If he falls to us at 34 which I don't think he will, I'd say go for it.

  3. The players are delusional. Feeley was crying about how the NFLPA knows how much revenues the owners are getting, but they don't know the owners costs. Therefore, they don't know how much of a profit the owners are making, insinuating that the bigger the profit, the more the players should get.


    WTF world are they living in where you demand a bigger salary based on your employers bottom line?


    Then he went on to piss and moan about how if they are locked out, they will have to pay for their own health insurance, blah, blah, blah. BOO FREAKIN' HOO!


    Even if it means losing the season, I hope the owners lock them out and make them eventually come crawling back.


    :censored: :censored:


    Thats the one thing about the players that I could never understand. If you're making the league minimum (285,000 for a rookie I believe) and don't like your insurance policy with the league whats stopping you from getting your own? Now having your health care taken care of after you retire and blow your entire careers salary, if you lean the leagues way then you get what you get. Are all other professions going to threaten to holdout for things like this? I guess when you start making 6 figures as a 21-25 year old you don't really know how to manage your money.


    First year $275,000: 2nd year is $350,000: 3rd year is $425,000: 4th year is $500,000: 5th-year is $585,000


    That works out to about $2,135,000 (if my math is good) which is more than the average guy who works 40 years is usually going to see in much less time. Plus with the possibility of endorsements and other incentives the number only goes up. Maybe they should appoint every new player with a financial adviser when they come into the league so that when they do retire they have something left over to live on and they're $15,000 pension will help cover the rest. These guys that only last a year or two, unless you get hurt, you should have actually got a degree that would've been useful.

  4. Sadly people of my generation(18-25) would rather do oxy, x, and other stuff along those lines. I'm not against smoking a joint or anything, nor am I against trying acid and shrooms as I've tried both and had great times doing so. Never got anything to visual from either with the exception of the first time I tried acid and thought I could feel a boat/car/something trying to come through the wall. I have mostly been kinda lost in thought for half an hour to quiet a few hours which I def. preferred to being tanked. Anyways, shrooms are surprisingly easy to get if you know someone that has a good product for sale; acid on the other hand is something I've just "come across."


    I tell the women that I think everyone should do some kind of hallucinogenic at some point in time, she doesn't agree at all.... but shes the kind that should try it.

  5. I think they'll be happy going into next year with Llyod, Royal, and Gaffney. Daniel Graham isn't "so" bad either. Knowshon Moreno, Correll Buckhalter, and Laurence Maroney for RB isn't "that" horrible either. Their defense with a capital S sucks and kept them out of the playoffs... well that and their offense stalling a lot. More than likely they'll go D.


    i doubt Denver goes WR.....most likely D-lineman, with Peterson a possibilty (champ bailey close to the end).


    I was thinking Peterson myself.

  6. DraftTek is going to use their Draft Lab to simulate a trade each week. One of the two scenarios involves the 49ers sending picks 7, 45, and 107 to Buffalo for pick 3. San Fran is targeting CB Peterson/Amukamara. Over forty percent of the votes in our discussion went to this scenario (the other one with just under 40% was Cardinals sending picks 5 & 69 to the Eagles for QB Kolb).


    Would you pull the trigger on the Bills-SF trade?


    Do you really think its going to take a first and second for a team to pick up Kolb? I highly doubt the Eagles are going to keep both with Vick showing last season that he should be the guy moving forward. I guess if he is under contract he is a commodity and they could have a high asking price. But that would also risk them not being able to get anything if he stays and leaves as a free agent. A 1st and 2nd for a guy who got a second shot due to injury(after losing his job that way) and didn't play at the level that was expected... I wouldn't want it, but I can see it happening and being a mistake.


    As for the Niners deal, I don't think it would be a bad idea, but if they did it I think it would be more likely they would then pick a QB at 7.

  7. Story up on ESPN right now about a Steelers fan who had to watch in a sports bar in the basement of the stadium. He paid around $4k for everything.


    Edit for link: http://espn.go.com/blog/afcnorth/post/_/id/24526/page/espntexas/a-steeler-fan%E2%80%99s-awful-super-bowl-experience


    That actually probably wouldn't bother me too much as long as I got some compensation. Cover my tab, cab, hotel, and travel. All joking aside, getting to choose ANY Superbowl to go to and having everything else covered is a damn good deal. When I saw that fans were filing suit I just shook my head. We all know the NFL will take care of this fiasco before it gets anymore negative media attention. I thought originally these people lost the seats that were a problem with the fire marshall or something.

  8. Congrats, man!


    I'll be curious to hear how these first few months go, as I'm expecting my first in June...a future Buffalo Jill!


    I'll be sure to update this thread a handful of times in the first couple of months. If you have any questions about things that people don't tell you about feel free to ask me and don't worry about asking other people because nobody can tell you everything and they don't. We've had so many questions pop up since our son was born that we never heard a thing about from friends or family or hospital/health personnel



    Don't take any advice froma bunch of 30-something snotnosed kids with one or two kids. Listen to me. I have 5 between 29 and 20, and none of them are convicted felons yet. All are either college graduates or in the process.


    Do NOT start a college fund...Not officially anyway. These tax-free-free-freeze-the-tuition-rates funds will be held against you when they apply for financial aid. Take the CASH and stash it in a safe deposit box. You won't make much interest anyway. A friend of mine started a generous fund for his grandchildren whose parents make less than $30,000 combined. Those kids would get a free poor-boy ride if not for that nice fund he started for them. He should keep the money himself, and then buy their books and himself a better nursing home when the time comes.


    Do NOT let your kids play tackle football until middle school, and only then if it is a school team. Little League/Pop Warner football is a joke. The coaches get all of their football "knowledge" from playing madden and watching TV. Very few of them even played in high school. They will teach your kids bad habits, and may even get them crippled from bad technique. In the early years, steer them toward soccer, basketball, martial arts, track, etc. If you have an endomorph who looks like he might be an OL someday, get him into raquetball for his footwork.


    Do not PUSH your kids into athletics....PULL them into it...


    When it comes to weight training, do not let them use any heavy weights until they sprout hair in their armpits. They could get hurt and they won;t make any gains anyway until the testosterone kicks in. SQUATS are the most important excercise they can do. You don't need to use alot of weight, but they need enough weight and enough reps to make them breathe like a rhino after the set. They need to use proper technique and perform the reps clearly breaking 90 degrees for each rep. If they don't go down far enough or start "backing" the reps- reduce the weight


    Do not let them get piercings, tattoos, or wear their hair like Justin Bieber


    Don't YOU get piercings, tattoos, or wear their your like Justin Bieber


    We've already agreed upon martial arts, soccer, baseball, and basketball. Football will take a little bit more work to get mom to be ok with but I'm sure she'll come around. And I helped coached a little league basketball team down in Florida with a friend of mine and thought it was a lot of fun. I figure if he would rather play football over soccer, baseball or basketball I'd just sign up and try to coach that. I wont let my son have the Bieber. He can have shaggy hair if he wants it as I've had short, medium, andlong hair over years and try not to be a hypocrite. I'm going to try like hell to not have him idolize pop culture more than enjoy it for what its worth, which is a short spurt of entertainment.


    Like George Carlin said "Aren't you sick and tucking fired of being who your heros are?"

  9. Can he play RT, or DL?


    Congrats, nice to know another Bills fan is in the Carolinas!



    Congrats. Mine's a year and a half old. He loves his bills hoodie. Start em young. There's a good sabres game to watch tomorrow night.


    One good thing about being in NC is that when I go watch the Sabres play there is always a lets go buffalo chant going to counter whatever hillbilly hockey chant gets started. Yes, they consider the Candycanes hillbilly hockey. Got tickets for the game here in March and hopefully its a W.


    His mothers family is mostly Bucs fans and for some reason they seem to think I'm going to allow them to give him their merch to wear. I've already dedicated of the bib they bought him for cleaning spit up. Her best friend is also a Cowboys fan and we have came to an agreement if she ever puts him in anything silver and blue she loses all visitation rights.

  10. Most outstanding news. Young Carson has all the measurables...now all he needs is good coaching, that's where you and mom come in.


    Enjoy him & love him. Congratulations to the 3 of you! :thumbsup:



    Congrats man! Kids are awesome. Have fun, and enjoy them when they are tiny. Before you know it, they're running around the house begging you to "play with me!"


    Mom wants him to play soccer and I'm pushing for football or hockey. We both played soccer and I used to play football before hurting my shoulder and grew up playing hockey with my brother. The kid has big hands so he could either play net or qb. I don't know, no pressure at all just happy and healthy is all I really plan on pushing on him.


    I don't look forward to him growing up because I know I was a handful...


    Good luck and congrats gringo. Enjoy sleeping while you can.

  11. Just reading about some things that have never happened in the Super Bowl. There are some that are surprising and other that aren't so much.


    1. Snow

    2. Two Wild Card teams

    3. Shutout

    4. Punt return TD

    5. 90 yd play from scrimmage (there have been kick offs and interceptions of that long)

    6. Home field advantage (it's been close twice)

    7. Overtime

    8. Every team appearing and/or winning (that will take a very long time I just hope we aren't the last)

    9. Winning without scoring a touchdown and neither team scoring a TD

    10. A Fair catch kick Fair Catch Kick via wikipedia

    11. And finally... Interception return for a touchdown by a losing team


    3, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 11 are ones that I was surprised to learn.

  12. There are tons of sites out there. I remember when SSupload.com got shutdown, I was pretty bummed I might not get to watch free movies anymore. Since then I have came across countless other sites to watch free movies, shows, concerts, etc. on that don't have commercials like Hulu. Same goes for the sports, you can find plenty of p2p sites to catch sports on. Being in NC you don't really get to watch Buffalo sports.(Tangent warning)Even when Bills games were on this year, when they went to overtime every single time they would cut it off (with the exception of the Pittsburgh game) because they "ran out of time" but you know if it was New England, Indy, Green Bay, or any other contender they games would have stayed on. Anyways, places like Justin TV and MyP2P might get shutdown but soon after there will be another site to take its place.

  13. I am now a proud parent of my first child. Carson was born 1/11/11. We joked about our son being born on this date a couple months ago and sure enough, he was. He was almost born at 11 am too... Now that would have made it complete but we came up an hour short. Anyways, he's got his Bills pacifier and family from back home has already sent some Bills/Sabres clothing down here to the Carolinas. Carsons combine was pretty impressive too, 8lbs 7oz & 22 inches. He also ran a 4.29 40 and had 32 reps on the bench.


    If you guys don't mind, message me your email addresses so I can refer you to the Huggies Enjoy the Ride Rewards thing. Its free and they will only send you one email if you sign up for registration. I get points per reference and then I can use the points to get free stuff for Carson and enter to win free diapers amongst other things. It takes like 30 seconds to do if you choose to. Thanks if you do and if you don't.


    Oh yeah, I understand now why people want to tell you about their kids and why people that don't have kids or don't really know you couldn't care less but I figured I'd share. :beer::thumbsup:

  14. Ben and Rodgers are both franchise QB's so to say you don't need one is like saying you don't need a solid left tackle. You need above average to solid players on both of the lines, a QB that can make the throws, and guys that can get it done at on both sides of the field at every other position. You need everything to have a great team, thus a team sport. You can rank positional need where ever you want but you don't win championships with 2 good players and scrubs filling out the rest of the roster.

  15. The first throw I saw him make had me stunned at how long of a throwing motion he had. It looked like he was throwing a fastball; then I saw he played baseball. Although he does get through it pretty quick his motion looks so slow because he doesn't really step into his shorter throws. Which might be good in the Buffalo wind; they were on a rope. I wouldn't mind seeing what the kid could do as long as he is more along the lines of an undrafted rookie free agent rather than a 2nd-4th round pick.

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