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Posts posted by southtampacane

  1. 26 minutes ago, RiotAct said:

    Nope.  This was our year, and we frigging blew it.

    The media said it was our year.  But after the KC game, we lost a few, and played a lot of close games against mediocre competition.  I never felt we ever were clearly the best team in the AFC, much less the NFL.


    I would have loved to see us win today and set up that bowl game environment in the ATL, especially with a wounded Mahomes.  But we were badly outclassed and even if we made the 3 plays (Josh missing Diggs for an easy TD, Motor drop at the end of the first half, another Gabe drop) I think the Bengals still win going away.  

  2. 39 minutes ago, Miyagi-Do Karate said:

    At this point, I am rooting for prime. I kinda hope DTV comes in at the last second, but that seems like it will never happen. 

    my biggest concern with a streaming-only service is the DVR capabilities. 

    the other issue is the ease of flipping between Sunday ticket and local channels that carry local games.

    I'm surprised more of the streaming fans haven't chimed in on this.  Besides watching the Bills game every week, I record redzone on 703 and sometimes another game I'm interested in.   I can catch up on a lot during commercial breaks and halftime so it's an entire experience.  Living in Tampa, I also record the Bucs game although I don't ever give it preference over the Bills.


    TNF is dreadful, and I can't imagine how one switches back and forth between games given how difficult it is to get in and out of streaming channels (compared to just using my DTV remote which is a second or two)


    Hopefully some streaming fans can explain how they watch NFL on Sunday.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 2 hours ago, blacklabel said:

    Not fibs. Wow. I'm surprised. Didn't think McD would be the kind of coach to make that type of change while they're still in the playoff race.


    I can't imagine they'd make this decision based on his garbage time performance last week. That was against a soft defense, mainly backups, most QBs will look good against that. He must be making strides in practice. I also think they feel like he can execute the short passing game better to neutralize the rush.

    It seems clear to me that Beane made this decision for him.  Pure speculation, but all the wording tells me his tough talk is to save face.   Why else would he scoff two days ago about Nate's garbage time stats while insisting Tyrod being the guy.   I'm not disagreeing with the decision, but it smacks of either Beane or god forbid Pegula telling them what to do.

  4. Still better than EJ, still the best QB on the roster, but he surely isn't the long term answer at QB.


    I really wanted to believe, but he is another checkdown or scramble guy that can't consistently read the defense and throw down the field.


    It's frustrating.

    One tough game and you decide he sucks and will never be the guy? Sure glad you aren't coaching.


    Does he struggle throwing from the pocket? Yes, at times he does. Does he revert back to some bad form of aiming the ball and putting too much air under it? Yes, he did that and it remains a criticism.


    Is he hurt? Yes he is, and it is affecting his play. Does he make big plays? Yes he does, and also limits the picks, which is a huge deal.


    Is he accurate? The YTD suggest he is.


    Overall, a mixed bag. Certainly he isn't a sure fire pro bowl guy. Not yet, not even close. But I am not ready to say that he sucks or cannot improve.

  5. I completely agree. I don't see him being a feature back now or in the future, but certainly he can be a Kenny Davis to McCoy's Thurman if that analogy works. I'm counting on McCoy being productive for 3 more years.


    Williams had a chance to be the feature guy against the Giants and averaged about 2 yds a carry. Then he got a concussion and we didn't see him for 3 weeks after that. My guess is that the coaches need to find the sweet spot in the # of touches for a guy that now has a history in college and the Pros of being concussed.




    Karlos has been a wonderful find this season, but don't mistake what he is. He's a great change of pace back to come in and get some carries when the defense is a bit worn down and susceptible to his style of running. He is not yet a well rounded starting caliber back. He may yet become one, but he has a further to go.

  6. No mystery there. In the dictionary next to 3rd and pu$$y is a picture of Orton.


    I think Orton's career earnings were in the $40M range. Assuming he kept 25-30% of that, he's set for life. He also had about 5 concussions and is smart enough to get out before he becomes like too many other players. He may have been a vanilla QB, but suggesting he is a kitty is over the top.

  7. Doug Whaley is a BEAST!!!


    I don't get the love of this move. We basically got nothing at all for him and now we have just two QB's on the roster. With our OL, we could be back in the position of trying to find a backup at any time.


    Plus Cassel had options after we cut him. I realize going to Dallas isn't that bad a deal, but it kind of sucks that we did this to him after he expressed a desire to keep his family here.

  8. Marrone ruined yet another young Man.

    In retrospect bringing him in, letting him start and the sitting him after the touchdown catch was a bit off.

    He seemed like he wanted to play football when first brought in to the Bills. said the right things. Coulda been a nice story honestly

    Mike Williams ruined Mike Williams. I can criticize Marrone for 100 things, but MW is not one of them. Marrone didn't make Williams act like a complete ass when he lived in Tampa and had loud parties and disrespected the rental house he had or his well to do neighbors. It wasn't Marrone's fault that the guy stopped playing hard once he got a big contract.

  9. His defense may have screwed up royally. Although you never know. The jurors all said that they were shocked in the closing arguments of the defense when AH's (which stands for ****) attorney said that he was at the murder scene and witnessed the murder. There had never been any testimony to that.


    It's actually more shocking that they were shocked by it, but they held a joint press conference all seemed to agree.



    why is it more shocking that they were shocked by it? Who here was anticipating this kind of bombshell in a closing argument?


    It was clearly a poorly designed hail mary by the defense to avoid the rules of evidence, but it really backfired. But it was shocking that they tried it. Then again, I don't spend much time watching or following murder trials.

  10. Is this guy still looking to re-sign with Buffalo, or some other team? If so it would be in his best interest to not make his thoughts about anything public any longer. The risk is too great for him. But I'm sure he's confused about that too.


    If I'm Bills brass, I do some serious thinking about the rish being greater than the reward with this guy. He freely tweets something stupid about a convicted murderer (murder for god's sake! In this town!!) without giving it much thought (I hope). He's in the media spotlight again, and the pictures on all the clicks are of him in a BIlls uniform. YEAH...Awesome, Brandon! Just the imagine we appreciate around here. This is a brilliant part duex to his "4 years a slave" description of life as a Patriot. The guy HAS GOT TO GO at this point in my opinion.





    He is my new least favorite Bill and truly hope he isn't back next year.


    Not surprised that one of Urban's guys is confused about the justice system since so many of them got arrested but never were held accountable.


    So glad Hernandez is going to rot in prison where he belongs. Let Spikes go visit him.

  11. No offense to Frank, but has he been a head coach at any level of significance? I don't think he should get his training wheels off here just because he was a good guy. I'd prefer we hire someone with NFL experience as a head coach, and also a guy who has a bit of fire in him. Frank reminds me of a cerebral Mark Trestman type and I'm not sure he'd be able to handle the media and the locker room with his low key demeanor.





  12. How huge have the 3 guys he's picked up the last few weeks been? I mean really they have made major plays to get us 2 wins in the last few weeks.


    Whaley may be the most under rated and under appreciated Bill...hes done a fabulous job IMO since he's been here.


    Without seeing the replies, I cannot believe that is a majority view. I think he's been flat out terrible in the major decisions he's had to make. I would love to see him and Marrone both gone after this year. We'll never get even with the Patriots with these two guiding the ship.

  13. I don't know about you, but if we had a shot at either one, I'd take Eli in a heartbeat before even considering Cutler. He still has a few good years left in him.


    I don't want either. Cutler is insanely talented but a complete wreck who is too far along in his career to ever become a top tier guy. Eli has just been fortunate to be on two teams that got on great runs. He has two rings, but is a mediocre QB on the downside of his career.


    We have to start from scratch. No EJ talk either. And Kyle cannot be under center next year.

  14. i mostly meant last season. And if he was that horrible they wouldn't have needed film to beat him. IMO. He did win 6 games.


    When will people stop with this 'QB as Starting Pitcher' analysis? To say Manuel won 6 games is misleading and a bit ridiculous given his minor contributions in a few of them. He may have been the starting QB on a team that won 6 times, but that is giving him way too much credit.


    A bit surprised that Jimbo would say that about one of his own guys, but it isn't anything that many of us weren't saying ourselves. I never thought Manuel was going to last until the 5th or 6th round, but 3rd would have been the place to take him. Missing on a 3rd is bad, but not fatal. Missing too often with your #1's will kill you for years.

  15. I was struck by EJ's comment about "letting natural talent take over". Maybe I'm reading into it a bit but that might be a hint that he's not being allowed to play to his strengths and next time he gets a chance he will do things his own way a bit more.


    He has made similar statements before and it means nothing. He can't just "let it rip" because he's never learned how to throw into tight windows or make timing throws. The offense at FSU didn't demand it, and for the Bills he's shown no ability other than the occasional deep ball to throw someone open. What he is comfortable doing is throwing balls to uncovered receivers and even then he's soft tossing it to ensure that he gets it there. He has mechanical flaws that just are not going to get fixed in a short period of time. And i highly doubt that he'll ever be that kind of player.


    But if it means he's going to start running more and help the offense with his feet, I am all for it. He is zero threat right now when it comes to scaring the defense.

  16. Potential game winning drives against Tampa? We were never in that ball game from the first quarter on. What type of rose colored glasses are you wearing?


    Game winning drive against Carolina.

    Two potential game winning drives against Tampa last year that Stevie and Chandler fumbled away.

    Inspirational speech to the team that fired them up for the game earlier this year. Winning a game on the road in Chicago, which has never been done previously by any Bills team.

    He made a very nice spin move to elude the pass rush yesterday, extend the play and throw the TD to Williams. There are times when he makes good plays. The haters want to ignore them. Watch every NFL QB, they make bad throws and decisions. I watch Brees last night and he made a ton of bad throws. It happens. I still believe EJ can be good. But I have no faith on our OC and am losing faith in Marrone. Our game plans are horrendous and I'm tired of hearing players talking about how they were unprepared and surprised by thing the other team did and how the coaches were slow to adjust. You can't win like that.




    You can improve accuracy otherwise nobody would ever practice it. You can also improve chemistry with teammates so they are "on the same page". You can also get receivers who actually catch balls that are in their vicinity. It's totally OK for a receiver to adjust to a ball. They are allowed to do that. other team's receivers do it all the time. They can also go up and take a hit to make a play. I never saw Andre Reed shy away from contact and blame the QB for a badly thrown ball. CATCH THE DAMN BALL.

  17. It was another efficient, above average performance. We all said it, if EJ could play like this we have the talent on the team to win.He can still improve, he had that one horrible drive where he was lucky not to get picked on both 2nd and 3rd down, but other than that I was impressed.


    You have got to be kidding Mrs. Manuel. It is nice to defend you son, but he did nothing today that impressed anyone knowledgable about that game.

  18. Bridgewater isn't imposing physically but he just has a god-given ability to make top notch, accurate throws from the pocket or the run which makes him a bastard to defend.


    It would be inexcusable for the Bills to pass on him at 9 if he somehow slid.


    Come on. There is zero chance the Bills are drafting a QB in the first 3 rounds. The entire organization would look like fools and EJ has done enough to not have to look over his shoulder.


    That being said, Teddy B is the real deal. He needs to put on 20 pounds but he is incredibly accurate, smart and athletic. His performance in the two bowl games against the Gators and Canes (Gators had a great D, Canes D is not good) showed me a lot. I would love to see him fall to the Bucs.

  19. One name for sure...Danny Crossman. Our special teams have been putrid (ranked 31 of 32) and yesterday took the cake with a slow footed guy breaking two long kickoff returns. Just unacceptable


    To the people who want Stevie gone...


    Remember he just lost his Mom, even played the day After it happened when he DIDNT have to.


    Same guy that most DB's in the league cant cover.


    Same guy the plays hurt All the time.


    If it wasn't for injuries, death, and shaky QB play he, not Chandler, would have been the leading WR on the team.


    But yet you want to get rid of him, just like yall run Beast Mode out of town.


    You don't get better by creating more holes on the roster. You just don't.


    BTW, I voted for Graham, nice speed but he fights to catch the ball. Not Good.


    Lots of players have lost love ones and made it to the games. It happens all the time. In this case he actually played after the death, so why he has been M.I.A. since then is baffling and shows again we have a soft organization who let the players run amok. You really think BB would put up with this? Someone would have subtly gotten the word out that he was hurting his teammates by not playing.


    Save for injury, you don't take two weeks off in the NFL for any reason. He signed the contract and has taken the game checks. I really want him gone.

  20. I can say this much. If the Bills were playing the last regular season game at home and winning that game meant going to the playoffs, you wouldn't find an empty seat at the Ralph . "THAT'S " what i feel Dolphin fans should be ashamed about .


    Same situation in 2004, Bills game was sold out. But to be fair, I didn't see a ton of empty seats in Sun Life yesterday. It's normally a lot worse. Of course, that probably was a lot of Jets fans on holiday.

  21. EJ is another Cam Newton its going to take another 2 year for him to have this offense running smooth !


    Wishful thinking but I hope you are right. I do not see a lot of comparison. Cam is way too cocky for my taste but you cannot deny his dynamic ability. He has played lights out in 2 of his 3 seasons and decent in the other. And now he's winning games.


    EJ doesn't have nearly as much big play making ability when things break down, and Cam seems a lot more durable.


    I'd love to see EJ rise to the level of competent QB that can win us a lot of games, but Cam Newton is a freak of nature and EJ is just a big guy with questionable skills.

  22. I know it des sound a tad crazy & my guess is the Bills will never hve the guts to do it & they would get lambasted for doing it. But here is the thing. The Bills have not had good play from the QB position since Flutie was here. Manuel may or may not be the guy but if a guy like Bridgewater is out there I say the Bills pull the trigger. At the worst we are hedging our bets that Manel does not work out.


    Barring an injury to EJ, there is zero chance the Bills take a QB next year. We drafted this guy in the first half of the first round. He is ours for at least 4 years.


    Forget about Bridgewater. He is going to be gone in the first 3 picks.

  23. 1) Leodis McKelvin is a pleasure to watch. I am the very first to admit that I thought little of him before this season. This man can cover.


    2) Cordy Glenn gets better each week. Yeah, he really does.


    3) Early in the game I wrote in my notes that Mario was a non-factor. But he kept fighting and he made tackles, blocked a pass, and had a sack. He makes the big bucks and doesn't quit. He sure has my respect!


    4) We have had a whole bunch of "apology threads" on this board. Who is going to be the first to apologize to BADOLBEELZ about his take on Stevie Johnson?


    5) In the end there's just a song.

    Comes crying like the wind.

    Through all the broken dreams,

    and vanished years.

    Stella Blue.


    6) EJ was awful today imo. He always seemed slow to make reads. His completion percentage was not good, and he didn't see several wide open receivers. That said, the best pass of his short career was fumbled away by Chandler.


    7) Bradham didn't show up well on the stat sheet, but he had a KEY tackle on the punt return with 4:26 left in the 4th. This stuff matters.


    8) Badol, I am not going to start a thread. What I WILL do is state that I am sorry that I AGREED with you. Yes, it's true. You said that you wanted to keep SJ on the team and got attacked. I also posted that I wanted to keep him. I take it back. He lost us another game, and I am at a loss to remember a game that he has won for us. It's a shame that we couldn't get a 3rd round pick for him. I would take it in a heartbeat.


    9) Is Summers just a bit too quick to signal Goodwin to down kickoffs? Seriously, do the Bills have THAT much to lose by letting him try to run back kicks?


    10) I gotta tip my hat to Spiller. Was he hurt or not? Either way, he had some splendid runs.


    11) The Bills need to lock up Branch. He and Hughes were the best Bills defenders in this game in my very humble opinion. I will take it a step further and say that the Bills would not have been in the game without key tackles and pressure from Branch.


    12) I take it back. Gilmore IS a "shutdown corner." His stupid, ill timed penalties, as well as his poor coverage helps to shut down the Bills ability to win football games.


    13) Once again, EJ needs more called running plays. He is good at running the football.


    14) Being a Bills Fan is equivalent to a life of pain, but it is one that I would not trade. We truly are great fans to endure this.


    15) GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    We don't need more called running plays for EJ. Are you kidding me? Let him have a good solid run of 8-10 games without getting hurt first.


    If you think the pass to Chandler (wide open, easy throw that any QB could make) was EJ's best you have missed several other much more impressive throws (the bomb to Goodwin where he threw him open into the wind, the long TD to Woods...)

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