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Posts posted by JeebusCrust

  1. Not necessarily a pass oriented league. Even teams that were known for their passing attack, such as GB and NE, have shown that they are capable of a considerable running game... Seattle is more known for their running but has a QB that can make the thrown when needed. It shows that it's not just a passing oriented league, its becoming more balanced. If we can find a capable quarterback who can manage the game and make the necessary throws, then we could possibly find our team playing this time next year. Doesn't have to be "elite" just better than the average Joe and better than what we've put out on the field so far

  2. Can you blame them? After the way he left here and what has come out since? I wouldn't want someone who skips out on their team and tattles on the FO to prospective candidates. Not to mention all the stories that have come out regarding his character. I know it's journalists writing them but there is usually some basis of truth behind them no matter how exaggerated and it's been enough to make anyone weary. Let the bastard rot, hope he enjoys the free $4mil and doesn't get to work in the NFL again

  3. My 3 point plan for success in the upcoming season:


    1) Get an above average QB not named EJ Manuel


    2) Get an above average QB not named EJ Manuel


    3) Get an above average QB not named EJ Manuel


    If this three-prong plan is followed, we will be in the playoffs.

    Given the available options out there... who would you choose? There's not much out there that really strikes me as an overwhelming choice. It sounds great when you say it fast, but then you have to introduce reality into the equation

  4. First off, to the OP, I don't see that list being in best to least likely order. I do however see Manning in a downward spiral physically. I don't see him coming here as a QB, but what would be the possibility he would make the transition into coaching. The Neck injury a few years ago, quad injury now... He know's his body is starting to fail him and he can't produce at his former level and he doesn't want to just quit football. He's been around long enough, already calls plays, start off as a QB coach... I wouldn't mind someone like him coming in and coaching EJ

  5. and take into account, another good season with a top D and Schwartz gets a nod from someone for HC. Then we lose our DC and we're back to square one. A year ago we went through the same crap. One spin on this is there's going to be a consistent defense for the next few years and the scheme isn't totally unfamiliar. Plus Rex's defense is a bit better at stopping the run than Pettine's was. Thing's will be fine

  6. I've seen quite a few mixed reaction regarding this choice. But honestly, I don't see it as all bad considering the choices. What? they could have went with some unknown quantity and just see how it went? He at least has HC experience, no he's not the most offensive minded choice out there... but when you think about it, if we would have grabbed an offensive minded candidate and kept Schwartz in another year after another season with a top defense someone would be looking at him for a HC position and he would be gone. We're then back to square one again. At least with this choice there is a proven defensive mind running the show and there can be some consistency. It's not like this style of defense is completely foreign, year before last we played a similar style.


    The reasoning why I can see why Rex would choose to come to Buffalo... First part, Ego, he still gets his shot to try and prove himself against the Patriots twice a year and now he gets two shots a season to beat up on the team who fired him. He's a defense guy and he was just handed a bunch of new toys to play with. A top ranked defense stacked with talent. No, he's not the offensive minded coach that some were hoping for around here, but it's not as if our offense is totally devoid of talent. With the choice of Roman as OC, they lean towards a run heavy, ball control, ground and pound offense. We have considerable talent at WR and look at the selection of RBs we have... Spiller, Jackson, Dixon, Brown... all considerable backs in their respect. If the focus in the offseason is to build up and fix the O line, then average QB play would be sufficient to easily get us into the playoffs. If we have someone under center that is competent, then who knows how far we can go.


    I don't see the defense regressing under Ryan's scheme, can't get any worse than we had with Hackett as OC, Roman is a definite upgrade. This isn't the way I thought it would end up but I can see some big positives coming from this

  7. I could be on board for a Shanahan hire. You also have to take in account the choices available... We all can safely say that we would like someone who has more of an offensive approach because we are quite satisfied with the defense in it's current state... there's a bunch of up and coming coordinators, then Shanny, Ryan, and you could throw Schwartz in there too. I sure as hell don't want Rex here. I could see Schwartz getting it, but I kinda want to see him stay as our DC. The new HC reporting directly to the owner might satisfy his power craving and if he could leave the Defense to Schwartz and focus on the offense... a re-establishment of the run game and a pick up of a QB, the Cutler suggestion comes to mind... I think that could definitely give us a good step forward for the next season

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