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Posts posted by SWATeam


    So in fairness, you believe that the richest among us should pay 90% tax rate. I believe that's Bernie's magic number, right?

    Bernie is far from a perfect candidate. However, I believe that getting big money out of politics is a MAJOR issue.

    Newsflash. Corporations are not in business to save or make you money. Unless of course you're a shareholder.

    Yes, exactly. Corporations have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize shareholder wealth, regardless of other impacts, creating the need for regulation.
  3. Corporate taxation is nothing more than a line item cost of production to a business. That cost is passed along to the consumer in the price of goods and services.


    Lowering the corporate tax does two things for the economy which benefit the middle, working, and lower classes:


    1. It puts downward pressure on prices, which makes the consumer dollar go further.

    2. It makes the expatriation of corporate dollars less advantageous, and keeps those dollars in the domestic economy.

    Part of it is passed on to the consumer, sure, based on the elasticity of said good or service


    You're missing the big corollary. US companies are making more money overseas, but are parking it offshore because the taxes are too high to bring it back.

    And because they can, which should change


    Corporate taxation is nothing more than a line item cost of production to a business. That cost is passed along to the consumer in the price of goods and services.


    Lowering the corporate tax does two things for the economy which benefit the middle, working, and lower classes:


    1. It puts downward pressure on prices, which makes the consumer dollar go further.

    2. It makes the expatriation of corporate dollars less advantageous, and keeps those dollars in the domestic economy.


    1. Means more money for those greedy CEO's


    Yeah, I'm sure the decreased tax expense will just flow right down to decreased prices- not to shareholder profits...


    Unreal. Do all you Trumpettes just regurgitate whatever his hitsquad tells you?


    Look for yourself here.


    Here is his plan in terms so simple, even a Trumpette can understand it.


    Are you afraid of a world with no IRS?


    That's a great plan to decrease corporate taxation. Just what the middle class needs...



    Cruz tells everyone in his phony snake oil salesman delivery that Trumps Gettin ready to stick it to the people!. Yet his flat tax plan is nothing but a huge giveaway to the rich while screwing the middle and lower income people who end up paying more. Unless you happen to be rich, thats not a good thing. Even if you were rich, itd be kind of crappy to support a regessive tax.


    Don't worry, the benefits will trickle down!
  6. Why do people keep insisting that Hogan won't work out in NE because Scott Chandler didn't? What the hell does one have to do with the other? Chandler was clearly at the end of his career. Hogan clearly is not. I think it's pretty predictable that Hogan will work out well in NE.

    People are grasping at straws to reinforce their position that he stinks now that the Pats* gave him 4M per


    They better let him go. He's simply not worth that kind of money.



    The front-loaded $5.5M number in Chris Hogan's offer sheet with Patriots is the challenge for Bills. Big number for team tight vs cap.


    They have to or they look stupid. They could have retained him for 2.5M


    Good thing the Pats* don't know your secret. Nobody tell them...[/quote


    Right. I'm glad they are wasting a roster spot on another one of our players. If Chandler was serviceable that offense may have been better suited to beat Denver.

    I'm failing to see what Chandler has to do with Hogan

  8. Hogan stinks so I won't miss his mediocrity. What I'm mad about is why didn't the Bills gauge the market and see that he was in high demand and put a higher value on him? We could have gotten draft pick compensation but now we get nothing!


    I have been telling this board Chris Hogan is good for two years whilst he has been called "a marginal talent" and an "easily replaceable player".....



    Seems Belichick thinks he is good too.

    What does he know...

  9. Could Tyrod have been better this past year...absolutely. But, from what I've seen from Hogan, he's too inconsistent. I hope this move forces the front office to upgrade the WR position.

    I think Hogan will be very effective with an accurate QB in the interemiadiate over the middle stuff. I hope Tyrod improves there but he's not there yet.

    But I agree, we could improve. I don't want to come across like I think he's amazing but I like his game. I've liked him since watching him in person at training camp, two years ago he had a great camp and really beat out woods.

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