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Posts posted by SWATeam

  1. This is only if you think Knighton is a lesser talent


    I actually like him.....he does exactly what he is supposed to do.


    I DONT want Marcel playing the nose this year.....that is too much money wrapped up in a player of that caliber to be a run plugger....he needs to slide over to 5 tech


    i like Billings as well

    You don't think Knighton is a lesser talent than the 1st round DL studs in this class?


    I think that taking a guy you have rated lower based on need is a mistake.

  2. no doubt guys....but we only have so many picks.


    We might have to go ILB with that 1st rounder now that Davis signed with Cleveland

    Bad strategy.


    If they think a stud DT is the BPA at 19 I don't want then to take a lesser talent in FA (Knighton) so they can take a lesser talent in round 1 just based on need. I wouldn't be opposed to Knighton, just don't want it to change the draft strategy.


    It bears pointing out that everyone else is trying to have a discussion with you, but you're doing nothing more than posting bumper sticker slogans.


    Within about six or eight posts, people are going to start heaping abuse on you. And it'll be well-deserved. Not because they disagree with you. Because you're a friggin' bumper sticker.

    Fair, enough. I'm on my phone and am heading out so I don't have the time to fully engage. Have a good evening gents
  4. So you don't believe in the importance of Free Speech?


    I know it's popular on the American left to chant that money isn't speech, but in reality, it represents the most important kind of speech in a free society. Political speech.


    No one would ever try to argue that holding a sign on the State House lawn isn't protected speech. Likewise you can't argue that an add in a news paper, or writing a book, or publishing an OpEd or magazine article, or taking our a TV add, or creating a social media post isn't protected speech. They are all mediums for speech, and should be protected.


    The thing is, each medium of speech has different costs associated with it; and just because one member of society may lack the means to utilize a type of speech another person can does not mean the second person should be disallowed from doing so. Both people are equally free to use whatever medium they want to speak in, but the inability of you to afford to run multi-million dollar ads during the Super Bowl doesn't somehow mitigate the rights of someone who can afford to do so.


    Money is speech. Now, can this be problematic? Sure. However the alternative: a system in which the government is empowered to censor, obstruct, or make illegal political speech, is a far worse situation.

    There are extremes to everything. Currently, the campaign financing system is broken.


    So you really think a CEO will not take into consideration the impact to the consumer before they make a financial decision?

    Is the customer not a stakeholder closely related to shareholder wealth?


    Obviously, corporations and big business do not always act in the most responsible manner.

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