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Posts posted by SWATeam

  1. 11 hours ago, 4merper4mer said:

    Is it possible the Tigers trade Skubal?  Personally I think that would be a mistake because guys like him don’t grow on trees.  The receiving team’s odds would go way up but they’d have to part with an absolute ton.  Realistically the Tigers building blocks are decent and underrated but get multiple high end prices back might get considered.  

    Orioles need to make a move like this.  They have an embarrassment of prospect riches, almost too much.  They need to consolidate some of that talent into another top line impact arm.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Logic said:

    Enough has been made about Claypool's off-field stuff, so I'll say this about his on-field success:

    If I'm not mistaken, when Claypool was putting up his two 800+ yard seasons with the Steelers, they were using him primarily as a big slot. A guy who can get free releases, run down the seam, and play bully ball against smaller nickel corners. 

    I think that if the Bills plan to use him that way, Claypool can be successful here. MVS and Hollins play X, they've already stated they want Coleman to play X, and Samuel and Shakir can both play Y and Z. The Bills currently don't really have another situational big slot on the roster other than Claypool.

    Given that Claypool would likely be, at best, the WR5 or WR6, they'll likely only be using him situationally, in schemed up looks and specific packages. As such, I can see him succeeding in that role. The Bills could potentially have a pretty big personnel set at times if they wanted, with Coleman, MVS/Hollins, and Claypool at WR, and Kincaid at TE. Such a grouping seems like it would lend itself well to running the ball and to red zone production.

    If Claypool is to succeed in Buffalo and stick on the 53 man roster, it will take not only him having his head screwed on straight and playing well, but the Bills having a plan for how to use him. Based on Claypool's comments at OTAs, it seems like he likes the way they're deploying him so far. Here's hoping he can reclaim the talent and production he once showed in this league, because it would go a long way in helping and diversifying the Bills offense.

    I find the potential size of the WR room to be refreshing.  Lack of physicality at the position has hurt this team, especially in the postseason.

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  3. 9 minutes ago, HappyDays said:


    I trust the consulting firm they use to run the search to make a good hire, yes. It wouldn't be too difficult. It's not like last time when the Bills job was considered to be the dregs of the league. Any great coaching candidate would love to get the keys to Josh Allen for 5+ years to start (or revitalize) their career.






    Do you follow hockey?

  4. 2 hours ago, HappyDays said:


    A negative can't be proven 😁


    This whole conversation about where McDermott stacks among former Bills coaches really avoids the million dollar question. The question is, can McDermott win ONE Super Bowl during Allen's career? Really the question should be can McDermott win MULTIPLE Super Bowls during Allen's career but I think as a fanbase we've collectively shelved that goal, which is telling on its own.


    I would feel better if McDermott had one signature defensive game in the playoffs on his resume. Really, just one. I know the Ravens game played in hurricane winds is the example everyone uses, personally that doesn't do it for me. The statistics on his defense against divisional winners in the playoffs are horrendously bad. There's not a single data point that gives me reason for optimism on that front.


    My one hope right now is that he relinquishes full control of the defense to Babich, play calling and all, and Babich turns out to be a defensive mastermind. Or at the very least varied and creative enough to just slow down some of these great teams in the playoffs. At least with Babich we have no data points to go off of so there is some reason for blind hope.

    The real million dollar question is do you trust the Pegulas to make a good hire?

  5. 1 minute ago, HappyDays said:


    You're right, I exaggerated. Better way to say it is the Bills offense needs to be capable of putting up 35 points in the playoffs. I think that's the caliber of offense that would get us over the hump in the playoffs regardless of how our defense performs.

    I feel like many are just stuck on results.  


    We lost two coin flip games vs. KC which easily could have went the other way.  Say we close out that 13 seconds and Josh hits Shakir for that score.  In those scenarios we would have won 5 straight vs. KC.  Would everything then be OK and KC would be the ones with a process that doesn't work?


    Everyone wants better players at all positions.  But I have a hard time saying that our defensive investment has been a mistake, especially considering what I consider to be extremely poor injury luck to a majority of our impact defenders.

    • Agree 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, HappyDays said:


    No. It wasn't good enough, as evidenced by the fact that we lost... We needed to win a shootout. Literally score a TD on every drive, that's what we need our offense to do. If we had championship caliber defensive coaching it would have been good enough. But we don't have that.


    I'll admit it feels silly arguing from this perspective. It's insane on the face of it to say we need our offense to score a TD every time we hold the ball in order to beat a championship contender in the playoffs. But I mean, that's clearly obviously true right? That's pretty much what we would have needed to do to win each of our last three playoff losses. That's why I keep saying I don't care if the offense is ranked 5th and leads us to 11 regular season wins. That means nothing to me. We need probably the very best offense in football so that when we inevitably get in a shootout in the playoffs, we have a chance to win it. Maybe we could even steamroll our way to a #1 seed and that would set up a much more favorable path.


    All I know is trying to build a dominant offensive juggernaut is the one thing that we haven't even tried to do since 2020. I'm ready for a different strategy because what we've been doing isn't working.


    Reality just doesn't bear this out.  Last year KC had 9 drives and scored 5 times, two of which were FG's.  They were 1-5 on third down.  Cin also scored 5 times on 9 drives with two of those scores being FG's while we managed a grand total of 10 points.  2021 KC game wasn't a score fest until the end, with the Bills D also forcing 5 third down stops.



  7. 3 minutes ago, BADOLBILZ said:



    The post I was replying to said Bass just blew the staff's strategy missing the kick.


    I appreciate that you just try to follow me around what I say......it's flattering........but try to follow the conversation.



    Regardless of what you were replying to your point that the HC was willing to lean on his defense is completely wrong.  They were attempting the exact opposite by trying to win it with no time left.

  8. 1 hour ago, BADOLBILZ said:


    ........then the Chiefs quickly march down the field and kick a chip shot field goal to win it.  


    Again,  rest assured that the HC knew the play call coming out of the 2 minute warning.   He was willing to lean on a defense that had played terribly all day if the play succeeded..........that's bad coaching.



    they did a masterful job milking the clock while marching down the field to win the game.  A touchdown was absolutely the goal, they were not playing for a tie.  Just didn’t execute when it mattered.

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  9. Just now, stevestojan said:

    Not going to start an entire topic on this but since we’re talking WR, does Shorter have any potential? I know next to nothing about him and we haven’t been able to see him play of course. 

    I bet Shavers has a better shot at sticking.  There's been talk about him staying in Buffalo and working all year and he has a reputation as a top special teams player.

  10. 26 minutes ago, FireChans said:

    Former Bills UDFA Eric Striker was a very productive EDGE in college that didn’t have enough sand in his pants to stick in the NFL

    Striker was 6' 220 and maxed out at 9 sacks in college.


    Pretty different than 6'1 250 with 16 sacks in one year to lead all of FCS.  Also has an unusually long wingspan for his height

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