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Orlando Buffalo

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Posts posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. On 6/3/2024 at 9:03 AM, Roundybout said:



    Nothing to see here, of course. Go buy the new Chevy Tahoe Yukon XL Extreme for your daily 5 minute commute to Walmart, you fat ***** 

    So since you clearly believe that this means that hurricanes will be at a new extreme level  I offer a bet to you Roundy, if the hurricanes in Florida aren't the worst I have seen you leave the political board for 6 months but if they are worse I will leave for 6 months, which means one of us is gone for the election lead up from October 1st.

    1 hour ago, njbuff said:


    Anyone with a brain in their heads has enough common sense to know that us humans have ZERO affect on Mother Nature whatsoever.


    Since the beginning of time, Mother Nature does what she wants when she wants. Pretty simple. Case closed. 

    I disagree with you on the "zero effect" but those pretending we understand it are more delusional. 

  2. I currently teach at what is likely the best school in all of Florida, my numbers state I am in the ballpark and my demographics don't usually mean best numbers. With that being said I have had to adjust my daughter's schedule for next year twice, not to ensure the best teacher but to avoid the few who suck. I will tell all parents to check out your kids teachers at all levels and make the stink before the begining of year if possible. You can not pick your kids teachers in the majority of cases but you can avoid the ones who indoctrinate vs teach. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, 4th&long said:

    Interesting question. 

    First off I think the person you are going to the wedding for is being unreasonable. If you are sick maybe take the test? I skipped a wedding because the girl getting married planned it on a Sunday during a bills game, no way I was going so I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t go.


     One thing I kept reminding my brother of when it first started was they called it the novel Corona virus because it was a new virus and no one knew what the hell they were talking about. 

    i think there was not any reasonableness. Everyone wanted to shut everything down, I could see it at first. But others just wanted to throw caution to the wind. 

    When I went to the grocery store I put a mask on, I didn’t care for it but I wasn’t going to be on the 6:00 news because I fought everyone about it.

    I wasn’t afraid of a vaccine that came out rather quick because science has advanced. The way they break down a molecule on a computer blows my mind plus the flu is a corona virus. I got the first two vaccines and after year and a half or two when it was time for the third one I didn’t think I needed it anymore and have not had the vaccine since. I had COVID twice and the second time wasn’t as bad. So f it. When it was all starting I just tried to make the best decisions I could for my family with the info I had at the time.


     My brother came to my house from Vegas for something, I told him if he wanted to stay at my house I wanted him to get the vaccine, I have 4 kids and a wife I was worried about. If we had to do that again I don’t think I would ask him to get the vaccine. 

    i would just hope everybody would learn to be more reasonable and less combative, if someone doesn’t want to social distance don’t. If they don’t want the vaccine don’t get it. That’s the way I felt about it when it was going on. If you take medical advice from a politician you get what you deserve. People who fought everything tooth and nail and thought it was a hoax i had no sympathy for if they died or spent months in the hospital. 

    i know 3 people who died and two who will have COVID related issues for the rest of their lives.


    i remember watching 60 minutes a few years ago and they had a story on the vaccine and they said they are working on a vaccine already for all future corona virus’s. I told my brother about it. He said “how can they do that?” I don’t know, I’m a floor installer ask them! He thinks they can’t do that, whom am I going to listen to? An alcoholic who has used drugs and a construction worker who has never spent a day in college or a doctor? 

    what have the doctors learned? I have no idea. I just hope they are better prepared for the next time. I don’t think they are, I don’t think the public in general will Handel it better. 

    I’ll probably do the same thing I did last time, just try to mind my own business, do my thing, make the best choices I think I can for me and my family, ignore all the noise.


    The way I look at it now is it’s over. I don’t care to look back. I personally would not go to the wedding, I don’t care how close a family member they are. some people are extreme. I was at the gym this morning and two ladies had on a mask and plastic gloves. Still? To each his own. 

    You admitting in the middle you would do things differently is a good sign that you are trying to to learn, which we should all do. As for the wedding it is for my wife's side of family and lots of commitments around it. My major annoyance is they waited until this week to let us know. The parents are mortified that they waited until now to tell people after all plans have been made. What I truly hope we learn is that government lies to us all the time and we need to be less trusting when they take away our freedoms

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  4. 2 hours ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    it was first available to those labelled 1a in Dec 2020.  Later fla prioritized over 70 yo.  but let's not let facts get in the way of your narrative:  https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/23/covid-vaccine-texas-other-states-break-from-cdc-in-prioritizing-who-gets-next-round-of-shots.html


    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis followed Texas on Tuesday, saying he intends to prioritize people over age 70 to be first to get the vaccine, not essential workers.

    “The vaccines are going to be targeted where the risk is going to be greatest, and that is in our elderly population,” DeSantis said at a news briefing. “We are not going to put young, healthy workers ahead of our elderly, vulnerable population.”

    I appreciate you confirming my time line. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    Ah, poor thing

    Do you admit you have not learned anything, appreciate the honesty. 

    1 minute ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Something that is rationed (COVID vaccines available if you are (1) old; (2) have certain health conditions; (3) are in a public contact job) is not "widely available."


    It must have been the state you are in because it was being pushed on me by my union by the end of March 2021, and I was the "freak" for not having had it in June of 2021 when I visited Buffalo. 

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  6. 10 hours ago, 4th&long said:

    I did what I wanted for my family and me. Not much you can do about closing things down but there always is the great out door’s and friends to visit. Things to do around the house. I was just fine, worked every day. 

    You got to let it go. hopefully everyone learned from it if it happens again.

    I am curious what do you think was learned from it? I am going to a wedding in a few weeks were I am being asked to take a COVID test 2 days before and the day of the wedding. One of the people getting married is a federal government employee and thinks they are reasonable. 

  7. 2 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

    Do you think that this is the first time 175.10 has ever been charged?


    Or that this is the first time that charging 175.10, a statute that requires an intent to commit a separate crime, was charged that the defendant intended to commit a separate crime?

    175.10 has a statute of limitations of 2 years, but NY changed its laws after the statue of limitations had expired, in a novel situation, where only one man was charge under the old laws. But I want ask again why the judge giving money to Biden, against the code of conduct, is not a sign that he should have refused himself? 

  8. 5 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

    0% chance it’s overturned for the judge not recusing. There isn’t really a strong argument for that. 

    A ruling that the law was applied improperly would likely invalidate dozens of other convictions since, as far as I can tell, the law was applied here the same way it’s usually applied. 

    What was improper about the jury instructions?

    The judge paid money to hurt Trump politically, despite it being against Canon 5: A Judge Should Refrain from Political Activity of the US court code of conduct. Merchan can't claim impartiality in any way. This was a novel case tying two laws together very tenuously therefore invalidating it would not affect ANY other cases, you are literally the only person who believes that. 

  9. On 6/1/2024 at 3:44 PM, ChiGoose said:

    Pretty good analysis. There’s always room to disagree on the law. If it was clear and obvious, we wouldn’t need lawyers. This being a high profile state case when most commentators are federal practitioners, it’s led to a lot of disagreement. 

    Trump will appeal, and he absolutely should. It’s his right and it’s what any defendant in his shoes would do. 

    I just fail to understand the abundant confidence that he will assuredly win on appeal.

    I am not sure if you are one of the ones who argued Colorado could remove him from the ballot but this one is almost that bad. If it has to get all the way to the supreme court, they will overturn in 7-2 based on judge not recusing himself, on improper application of law, and improper instructions from the judge. These are not minor things individually, much less in aggregate. 

  10. Kincaid is the primary receiving TE, Knox is the primarily blocking TE. Kincaid will get 800 yards receiving while Knox will get about 500 yards. Getting 1300 yards out of the TE position and good Knox blocking will help the offense immensely, he is overpaid but that is not going to be fixed this year.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:


    Very telling that you don't think it matters what the reason an appeal might be successful is and that even considering what the ultimate reversable error that will lead to an overturn is a red herring. The very first thing you'd need to win on appeal is an actual reason you should win on appeal... Lots of people seem to expect an overturn based solely on feels, I suppose


    If it's overturned, I'll accept it. I won't like it, and I might not agree with the reasoning, but I'll have to accept it because that's how the rule of law works. You accept it even if you don't like it.


    However, this statute gets charged all of the time in NY. For decades. And the upper courts in NY have been totally fine with it. I do not expect them to overturn the conviction based on how the law was applied. If they had a problem with that, they would have done away with that interpretation of the law years ago.


    If it's overturned in the NY courts, my guess would likely be a Molineux issue with Stormy Daniels' testimony around the sexual encounter. Ultimately, it would be sent back for retrial and Trump would likely still be convicted because the testimony really isn't necessary for the conviction. It'd be annoying and take years to resolve, but the end result would be the same.


    I'm not going to predict what SCOTUS does. That court just likes to make it up as they go along. I can see them finding some way to interfere but I am unsure of the exact reasoning they will use. I've heard some people say it'll be presidential immunity, but how could paying off a porn star be a presidential act? You'd basically need complete presidential immunity, a thing we've never had in the history of this country (and is antithetical to our founding) and would in essence make the president a dictator. Which of course means that Biden can just assassinate Trump if he wants, so there's that.

    Goose I think you are overall honest, which is an odd way to start a statement where I expect you to fudge the truth. Tell me where I am wrong with this summation of this case: we have a novel prosecution, based on linking two items where intent is a key component, and the link is a man who has already been convicted of perjury, who while on the stand admits that he committed a worse crime then the one being prosecuted, while stating he feels the defendant did not pay him fully and he wants revenge? With all of that you still believe he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt? 

  12. 10 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    I'm also surprised by how many parents/grandparents don't set up 529 plans for their kids/grandkids.

    I'm not talking about the people who simply can't afford it. I'm talking about people who take really expensive vacations, drive really expensive cars, etc.

    My son will get through undergrad  school debt free for sure because of the work of me and my wife. My brothers daughter will also be going to FSU without much debt because he is divorced, his wife is primary caregiver, and she does not own the house she lives in, and makes less money. Niece has been offered pell grants and subsidized loans because of her parents situation and my son was not offered a dime in subsidized loans because apparently two teachers are better off than two parents who combine for $250k a year. Our college finance system gives preference to the parents who do all that crap you mention and it kills me because my choice is  either front him the money or pay interest and the pressure to perform is not there as I would like. The current system is garbage and intentionally bad.

    • Agree 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Captain Hindsight said:

    I pay the same amount of attention to the Bills, but less so to the rest of the league. I found out like a week ago the Panthers new HCs name. 10 years ago, I could have probably told you who their LS was 

    I am the same as you, I had someone who is not a Bengals or major NFL fan tell me today that Chase and Higgins are holding out. 8 years ago I would have known that within an hour. 

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  14. On 5/27/2024 at 10:42 AM, Shortchaz said:

    “Arm punt” = turnover resulting from acceptable risk throw; a shorthand for “I can live with a turnover in that situation, it’s ultimately not a big deal”. 

    I don’t think the literal translation is how most people intend it. 

    This is correct, there was at least two situations last year where the picks he threw caused our "win %" to go up because of field position. If it is 3rd and 16 with Josh I still think we have a decent chance of making the play, with EVERY other QB we have had since Kelly my confidence would be in single digits. With those plays I accept the turnover as part of the risk, now his Jets game and Denver game were horrific, but otherwise most of his TO were acceptable 

  15. 10 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

    Maybe try disputing my points instead of snarky bull#### 

    The government in many instances just made children take a shot with unknown long term repercussions without any benefit to the kids and you think our biggest issue is what the government does not regulate? Government should absolutely make sure there is truth is advertising but if you actually believe that government is good at weighing pro and cons for individuals you are insane. So many of the problems you speak of solving only exist because government caused it originally.

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  16. 7 hours ago, Roundybout said:


    This ideology is as out of date as communism. It cannot work in a world of 7 billion people connected by a tap away.


    Shopping isn't as simple as going to the general store for a sack of beans anymore. Every single item in our stores has a laundry list of chemicals and ingredients that have to be carefully regulated for our safety. We know how companies will happily obliterate the environment or sell us goods laced with blatantly dangerous chemicals (Johnson & Johnson, 3M Forever Chemicals, etc.). 

    Are trying to be a parody account or are you being serious?

    • Agree 1
  17. 59 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Most third graders would not even be so simplistic to think Libertarianism even practicable. Trump got that right, there is a reason they only get a small vote total. 


    They were right about things like Jim Crow laws being absurd in a free country, though 


    What do you think they get right? 

    Libertarians are correct that a country that relies on its government to run well is doomed. The government should have as small an impact on life and overall should only impose laws when one persons liberty directly infringes on another's persons liberty. I overall am a libertarian but also understand the impracticality of it as long as we have liberals.

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  18. 4 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    So you agree with Libertarians? Unlimited individual rights or whatever? 


    Trump is absolutely not one of them. Using mobs to overthrow the will of the people does seem anti-libertarian 


    Nazis and Libertarians don't mix so well

    You seem to have the 3rd grade definition of Libertarians down well, but I am curious what do you think Libertarians get right?

  19. 17 minutes ago, 4th&long said:

    Oh that makes it so much better. Two people still kiss the ring. That’s great!

    You are special, instead of admitting you are gullible you double down on stupidity. There are more than 2 people that have endorsed him from his cabinet, but your statement is a lie to impress the stupid 

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