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Meatloaf Sandwich

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Posts posted by Meatloaf Sandwich

  1. One thing that is funny is Miami's troubles with signing their rookies. Tannehill last year missed some of training camp b.c of contract issues and now Deon Jordan is missing camp b.c of contract issues.


    Lol they signed Jordan practically right after I posted this :(

  2. I just hope we can replace him with someone who can give us 23 turnovers in 4 seasons. Watching the Bills recording of 2012 from ESPN 2 and just watched the play where Gronk catches the ball and Byrd comes up and RIPS it from his arms.

    Not many players can take from Gronk.

  3. Is think it doesn't matter, however I'm very surprised that some of the Jets players that were released (especially the LB position) haven't been looked at. Regardless of age or injury, as a team that has had severe issues at the LB position, you'd think they would want as many bodies as possible to fluke it out for roster spots. Even if you feel like you want The LBs you already have on the roster, a veteran presence to teach these guys couldn't possibly be bad. And then there's the carrot dangled in front of them that they need to prove they can start/play.

    Manny Lawson is a vet...

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