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Posts posted by ldmgrand

  1. Thanks for posting this. Contrary to what the others say, there is talent here.

    The constructive criticism to make it better that seems universal.


    1.You need a hook. Hot one line that people can chant in unison, that has different beat.

    2. The background beat is a little repetitive. Mix it up a little.

    3. There are some good lyrics, but a lot of them and some repeat. Tighten it up.


    You're off to a great start, keep moving forward with it.

    Good viewpoint! Thank you.


    I think my neighbors are going to know the lyrics by the time the game kicks off.

    Thank you. Bills M.A.F.I.A. aka Most Amazing Fambase In America
  2. That's what I would say. It isn't bad but, how can it be an anthem? An anthem would have to cross generations and be timeless, not dated. Too many references to current players, new coaches, etc... Could this be played 20 years from now? Maybe parts of it... Kinda like the Sabres "We're Gonna Win That Cup" from 1975, it is just not an anthem. NOW, Sabre Dance (Khachaturian) doubles nicely as an anthem for the team. Also, the Bills "Shout" is still an anthem. Fight songs can't be dated. Look @ the Bears and "that football team" (I did that on purpose-- ;-P ) from Washington D.C. ... Now they have "anthems" and fight songs! As somebody else said, Marv Levy's was a fight song... Even if he ripped it off of Lane Tech (I think it was Lane Tech, Chicago??).


    Just saying... Again, it is not bad but, its just too dated from the get go.


    My 2 cents... No offense!

    That's a good way to look at it


    Not a fan of the genre but I will say this: It takes a fair amount of courage to create and share something - especially on the internet where there isn't much empathy. Thanks for letting us check it out. :thumbsup:


    Go Bills!

    Thank you.
  3. I agree with this.


    Thank You!


    I know what will be playing on a loop when I get up tomorrow. Nice work man.

    I really appreciate it


    I must have missed this the first time around. Its not my cup of tea, but I'm gonna show it to a couple of guys I tailgate with. They'll enjoy it. I could see the team warming up in the stadium with this blaring over the PA system.

    Thank you. That would be cool!!!
  4. Totally agree. I've been playing this at the tailgate since the preseason, and every week I've had a number of people stop by and ask about this song. All my friends love it, too.


    I can understand if someone doesn't like it, or rap is just not their cup of tea, but that doesn't mean "it sucks," it just means that person doesn't like it.


    Forgive me for speaking for the artist; I don't think his goal in writing this was to win a Grammy, but to make a song for Bills fans to enjoy. Mission Accomplished. You can't please everyone, but I think he did a pretty good job.

    Thank you! Gotta Love #BillsMafia
  5. Hey man good job. for everyone that hates it give the guy a break. Its not easy. HEY REMEMBER HES A BILLS FAN! isnt that whats important. lets rip to shreds the dolphins pats and jets fans, not our own. Great effort man its got a cool sound, its different and some people dont like different

    Thank you. I appreciate the support.


    I don't thinks its that bad...just shortin' up that hook we don't need it that long.


    I really liked a few parts...sweet as snow, the red white blue and the heyyyy heyyy ending

    was cool.


    keep up the good work, it ain't easy I'm sure.

    Thank you for listening. I love the feedback.


    Not bad bruh - like the lyrics, there were some good one-liners in there.


    My only feedback is that the beat feels pretty typical in today's Trap world. I'd be a fan of something a little outside of the norm, but that's just my taste in hip-hop!


    Regardless, keep on doing what you do. Let us know when you get Stevie on a track as a guest :D

    Thank you. I'll definitely let you know when I get SJ13 on a track.


    I actually prefer Marv's fight song.

    lol. Thanks for listening,
  6. This is a classic example of why I just cannot appreciate the BillsMafia stuff. It's not purely BillsMafia but that song - the whole 'edgy in your face pride' is annoying. It's like the annoying rap/hip-hop culture meets jersey shore and then finds a football team to cheer for... Who can be the most ridiculous fan in a big puffy hat, zubaz (but only to be ironic and not because they are vintage Bills gear), and then a wife beater to top it off. Of course, you need to add a ridiculously cheesy watch, some RayBans and a cross necklace.


    Telling the almighty creator to report...now that's !@#$ing funny.

    Maybe it's not for you. No problem. but its buzz is growing by the day whether you appreciate it or not. Not all hip hop comes with a costume. Pretty ignorant comment.


    This is effin horrible.........if this ever became an anthem of the bills id become a patriots fan.......I'm holding on to the idea that neither is going to happen......id rather start tebow


    You should see if SJ13 can write for you.....isn't he a rapper too ????????

    Thanks for listening. I appreciate the feedback. Too bad you'll never have a team to start Tebow, outside of Madden 25.




    love it.

    Thank you! I really appreciate it!
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