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  1. in 1994 Buffalo won 7 games, the song did not specify how many games should be won, just that they should win and they did, 7 times
  2. OK everyone, i have found a guaranteed way the buffalo bills can win the Superbowl within 2 years. in 1988 much like the Bills of Buffalo, the Saskatchewan Roughriders of the CFL had not been very successful, in fact they had not won a championship in 22 years and had missed the playoffs 11 years in a row, in a 9 Team League. this was not good and after running out of solutions someone came up with a great idea which would guarantee success Step 1: Create Song Step 2: Victory http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLu2p0putho The year the song was created the Saskachewan Roughriders made the playoffs, and the following year not only did they make the playoffs again they won the Grey Cup. it seems this strategy has never failed why hasn't it been tried in Buffalo?
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