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Posts posted by AtlantaStampede

  1. Don't be surprised if Rex ends up with more control of the franchise at the end of the year....I don't like it but I can pretty easily envision a scenario where that happens.

    ^^^Agree with you. EJ's 1st half melt down yesterday isn't going to bode well for Whaley and company. I read here that there were already reports of Rex and Whaley not being on the same page. Obviously a huge disagreement between them on the backup QB. Rex lost that fight and this is an issue that isn't going to go away anytime soon IMO. I'm not saying I agree with Ryan getting more power but wouldn't be surprised to see it happen.

  2. This is like battered wife syndrome..... He only hits me when he drinks........


    Look at the swing pass to McCoy that he missed by 5 yards, look at the deep ball to Gragg that was completed when Gragg basically had to stop and fair catch it, look at the low throws to the flats.... look a the panic in the pocket, the lack of awareness at open receivers in the end zone...... how, how can anyone be a serious proponent to giving this guy more time, more looks?\


    The mistakes that Manuel is making out there isn't the lack of experience, its a lack of feel for the game, its a lack of accuracy, and its a lack of ability to play at this level.

    ^^This pretty much sums it up and it's depressing to admit because I was a big believer in this kid. I celebrated when they drafted him, like what we saw initially (before injuries to knees), and wanted to see him get a 2nd chance with this 2015 group. Unfortunately, saw all I needed to see yesterday. The inaccuracy is inexcusable at this level. Wouldn't matter if he's throwing to Gragg or Sammy when he's bouncing the ball at WR's feet or over their head by 5 ft.


    Biggest issue I saw with him is confidence - especially after he makes a mistake. Yes, he came back and played better in the 2nd half (couldn't get any worse), but he was an absolute train wreck in the 1st. Cost the team 21 points against the Jags!! EJ won't be here next year and if they had ANY options for a NFL ready replacement they would take it now.


    The whole season is starting to feel like the familiar circus show...

  3. FIFY. Still not huge but more like a Strong Safety than RGIII or Vick - both of them are sub-200 lb.


    Google Tyrod Taylor injury history - college, too. You'll be shocked at the lack of stories.


    Unsettling to think that you might be hoping he gets injured so you can be right. It's a great day to be a Bill - enjoy it.

    Whoa... I'm not rooting for anyone to get hurt and I've been wrong a lot of times. Once more won't kill me;) I don't care about being right. I care about winning and I don't think Tyrod Taylor is the best choice. TT is our starter (for now). I hope he succeeds and helps us get back to the post season. I am concerned about his size playing as a starter in the NFL.


    You're right. He doesn't have a history of missing games due to injury in his career. Unfortunately, his career hasn't included much time playing at the NFL level so we'll see how he holds up.


    "It's a great day to be a Bill"??? Brother, I'm old. Been a fan my whole life. Today isn't the best day to be a Bill. This franchise has seen MUCH better days than this. If the news of Tyrod Taylor being our starter makes this a "great day" to be Bills fan than we need to raise the bar. The day we get back to the playoffs it will be a "better day" to be a Bill. We'll all enjoy that.

  4. I feel 100% confident on a few things here.


    EJ is the best QB on out roster


    Rex has ALOT to prove when it comes to picking QB's


    Rex's best attribute is also his worst downfall, loyalty to " His guy"


    Tyrod is his guy


    I'm not trying to be right or wrong, I strongly feel EJ is our best guy. I'll gladly be wrong on this, I have no ego. You all can tell me how wrong I was and I'll laugh about it.


  5. Cassel style of play is NOWHERE like Alex Smith. Smith is a very mobile QB with suspect accuracy. Manuel is more of a "project" than Tyrod Taylor. If you're speaking of experience as in starts, then yes. Hasn't Taylor been in the league longer than EJ?

    Yes, TT been in the league since 2011. Played 13 game compared to EJ's 15 games. Both are project players IMO. They haven't started or played in enough games to know what they are. At this point, I would take EJ over TT. EJ's size and arm is more suited for the NFL.

  6. I don't think that he is saying that. I think that the point is we do not yet know what Taylor is. We know that there are a segment of really respected coaches (Harbaugh and Kubiak at least) that think very highly of him as a player. He came out in camp and the preseason and moved the team up and down the field and won the job. There is absolutely reason to be optimistic. We will see how it translates once the regular season begins but I do not understand how anyone is not excited by this (at least at this point)?

    I agree. We really don't have any idea who or what Tyrod Talor is. He's had a decent 3 game stretch in Preseason. I think we're making a knee jerk reaction to TT because we're so desperate for a legitimate QB on this team.


    I'm as optimistic as I can be after 3 preseason games about TT. I just have more faith in EJ.

  7. - Taylor is 2-0 against Russell Wilson in college. Similar talent around them - similar experience - so there is some comparison.


    - Taylor played this style of QB in college and was available all but 1 game in 4 years


    - I hope you remain wrong.

    So what you're saying is Tyrod Taylor is the next Russell Wilson? Is that what you're saying? These stats clearly support your argument. I guess our problems at QB are solved.

  8. I said upthread... I can't envision any team purposefully burning a legit member of the media in this manner by giving a false leak. IMO this is very most likely a legit leak which could have come from a myriad of sources.

    Agreed. I think the team leaked the TT news to soften the blow on the release of Fred Jackson. It's a PR move by the team IMO.

  9. I don't post here much but read daily and love the community. I know I'm alone in this; but I'm surprised that there is so much support for Tyrod as the starter. I think he's a nice addition, but not a starter. These undersized, mobile QBs don't last in the NFL. He's another version of Vick and he'll be beat up and on IR by week 4.


    Was hoping they would give EJ a shot. He looked good the last two weeks. Still think there is something special there. Big guy, can move around, big arm and finally has some real coaches around him. He was just lacking the confidence which he seemed to find again toward the end of camp. Yes, Tyrod did win that competition and he was more consistent overall, but that isn't saying much. EJ made a good push toward the end.


    Tyrod is our guy now so I'm on board. Hope he proves me wrong. Hoping EJ is 2nd on the depth chart.

  10. I know you said Matt Ryan was a "long shot" FA, but there is a zero percentage chance he finds the FA list. Falcons just signed him to a long term deal and he's the face of their franchise. Plus, I live in ATL and there hasn't been any whisper of Matt being released or traded away. He's without a doubt a top ten NFL QB.


    With that being said, I would love to be wrong;)

  11. The QB position makes or breaks the coach in the NFL. Buffalo doesn't have a QB, so to me it doesn't matter who our coach is. I say promote Schwartz to HC. Regardless, in two years we'll be having the same coaching conversation because who ever takes this HC job will absolutely not be here in two to three years. He'll either get canned or quit the job. This endless HC cycle is never going to end until someone at OBD finds a freaking QB that's worth a flip.

  12. I don't wish D Marrone any ill will, but I don't want him coaching in the AFC East. Personnally, I don't get all the hate for the guy from Bills fans. We have no QB, there's new ownership in place, he had no long term job security, and Doug was most likely going to be fired. If not now than probably in 2015. He could face that uncertanity....OR get paid $4M to do nothing and maybe find a better situation. I don't blame Doug I blame Russ Brandon for writting that idiot cluase into the contract. This organization can't turn the corner with Russ Brandon in the president position.

  13. I never had a problem with Kelsay. Seemed like a good guy, big effort on the field, no issues off the field - a professional. People HATE on this guy for being over paid. That's not his fault. If my boss gives me a raise tomorrow I'm taking every penny of it - whether I deserve it or not. Blame the front office for giving him the contract, don't blame Chris. The dude gives this team his entire career, a decade of his life, and the "Fans" on this blog are thanking god and praising jesus he's gone. Seriously? Classy.


    I wish him the very best and thank him for his 10 years in Buffalo.

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