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Posts posted by bluenews

  1. I understand you have a job to do and have the right of freedom of expression as granted in the First Amendment, but do you have to take such as sarcastic and demeaning position on changes that are being made.


    There is a difference between voicing an opinion and making a mockery of people with the writing of that opinion. You owe Drew Bledsoe and Tom Donahue an apology for the degrading terms you have used to describe them.


    You are welcome as much to your opinion as I am the right to voice mine, the difference between us is that I place civility, respect and human dignity as paramount principals versus the cheap low blow you seem to find sophmorishley funny.


    May you read these words and consider if you want to be a respected journilist or a hate generating voicepiece for the loyal followers of the Bills.


    Thank you for the opportunity to voice my opinion.




    Thanks for the opportunity to listen to your <<insert first ammendment right>> opinion.

  2. With Manning and Harrison locked up and having other offensive firepower, you'd have to think that their defense is where the rest of their cap money will go. The Edge will command big $$$ and , believe me I live in SW Florida, wants to play very badly in Florida. Miami in particular. The Colts will be drafting late in the 2nd and it would be a mild investment for James replacement. It could be something that Polian would consider.


    With two 2nd rders and apparently plenty of cap room, it looks to be a very exciting free agency again. I'm expecting TD to be either trading for and/or signing some big time talent. If he keeps all of the draft picks then we'll be getting some great prospects. Hopefully this year we'll be adding our last few pieces that we need for a good, strong run for and in the post season. I also don't think it would be a bad idea to draft another QB with a mid to late rd pickeither. Believe in it or not but Losman will be our starter, Bledsoe is gone and if Matthews doesn't stay, we'll be needing another veteran QB which we'll get in FA. The Bills should at least try to develope another young prospect at QB for insurance for the future. They would have a 1 to 2 year window for this.



    Travis Henry has hands of stone and wouldn't fit into their pass offense!!!

  3. excerpt from the article....

    According to a source in Bills management, Bledsoe was informed last week that he was out as the starting quarterback for 2005. General manager Terry Donahoe told Bledsoe that J.P. Losman, who will enter his second season in the fall, would be the No. 1 quarterback.




    Who is Terry? Tom's brother..............

  4. If he has so high in McGee.....why did he have him burried behind Kevin Thomas on the depth chart?


    bluenews, you're full of schitt. you don't know which scout wanted who and which didn't. Don't presume to have such inside knowledge, we know you're just another web forum hack like the rest of us.


    the fact of the matter is that modrak is one of the best personnel men in the NFL and he's widely regarded as such. Modrak wasn't the guy who brought in Bledsoe, it was Donahoe. And for half a season it looked like a stroke of genius, before he hit his wall. Even still, the bills DIDN"T HAVE a QB at that time. We needed credibility at that position immediately and bledsoe was the right move then, just as releasing him is the right move now.


    and McGee was a GEM in the 4th round FOUND BY AND ENDORSED BY MODRAK! This is a known fact - he has described the process before in interviews and when he talked about McGee he was really high on him.


    You don't know Jack Schitt, so just quit whining to  yourself about what you think you know.


  5. 1) He cannot/will not block.

    2) He cant even figure out simple pass patterns.

    3) He has been known to cough up the football.

    4) No breakaway speed.

    5) Headcase, or at the very least severely intellectually challenged.

    6) Terrible season in 05 where he had the job and lost it due to poor play.

    7) Bad hands.

    8) New habit of slipping on his ass on key plays, in front of truck sized holes.

    9) RBs tend to NOT be the hardest players to find in the draft.

    10) Superior free agent rbs out there.


    Does this help?  :devil:



    has severals children with multiple women and game checks garnished accordingly!!

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