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Posts posted by Buffan00

  1. When he throws an INT after an awesome opening 2nd half onsides kick... He almost makes me fall off ladders while hanging Christmas lights along my roof!


    Just after getting the kick, I made a public novena 13' up... "Please Drew, lets not have a brain fart!"




    HUH?????? :blink:

  2. I agree, but.....


    I bet Pittsburgh and New England will go into the last game of the season with the same record.  Which means we will have to play the 100% Steelers team, because they will need a win to remain tied with the Pats, and then they get home field because of the tie breaker.....


    I think it is possible for us to win our remaining games, even the 100% Steeler team.


    Me too! The steelers "O" dosent scare me at all! If we can stop Alexander, Faulk and Jackson, then we can surely stop the old "Bus"! Take their running game out, and they are NOTHING!!!!!!!!! WE WILL WIN!!!!!!!!

  3. "Thousands of people have touched my life and helped me get here," Bledsoe said. "A bunch of those people were here at the game. To play well in front of them obviously means a lot."

    To play well?? Are ya kiddin me Drew?


    He threw one touchdown and three interceptions. I don't care what his completion ratio was, those are the numbers that matter.


    This is what he calls playing well. It's obvious that Drew accepts mediocrity in his play and I think he is finally acknowledging that his career is going down the crapper slowly.


    Now before anyone jumps on me, I am very happy about the win, and I think Bledsoe played solid enough to win. I just find it humerous that he feels this way and I thought I'd point it out.


    Come on man give it a rest already!!

  4. giants a lot smarter than us . getting the kids feet wet . that is what we should be doing.


    Obviously the kid isnt ready! He even said he wasnt ready! Why put him in and make him look like a fool, and lose any confidence he might have had! By the way, did you actually SEE Eli's debut? Pretty nasty!!!Warner would have faired much better!

  5. I really don't care. I don't see the receivers being a huge factor Sunday. If he plays, fine. If not, fine. If he's there, put him outside once or twice just to screw with people and place Moulds in the slot. I think Evans gets a big play.


    What I'm hoping to see is a few tosses to WM out of the backfield on a release, if Drew can stay upright. MM comes from Pittsburgh, maybe try a bunched set and toss to Willis out of the backfield on the opposite side. Drew might survive the 2.8 seconds for it to set up, and should be an easy throw, if he for once looks it off.


    Don't need a lot of offense, but something unpredictable BESIDES those stupid reverse or fake reverse screen pass monstrosities will go some way towards keeping Seattle out of the blitz, which will make Buffalo a "road" kill if they get the feeling they can do it every down.


    Reed could be handy as a quick slant hot read from the slot himself, should a run blitz be stacked up towards Willis.


    Hopefully, the Bills can have success with a 60%-40% run to pass ratio. If not? See ya. Maybe. there's always the posibility of a surprise.


    Who knows? Sure glad the special teams are hot. Buffalo needs a short field on the road. REALLY needs it.


    I still say, Buffalo 27-Seattle 20 (with 7 coming from a Bledsoe interception, but he makes up for it on a big play to Evans).


    Nice post, 27-20 sounds good to me! But we HAVE to keep Alexander in check! If he gets going and kills the time of posession game, then were in trouble!

  6. Disagree with pretty much all of it. Drew has shown me enough the last 2 seasons to come to the conclusion that he is no longer an effective qb. Honestly, your talking pie in the sky stuff here. Lots of ifs, maybes and I hope. Trouble is thats all they are. Not reality.  I guess I could see the Bills making the playoffs. Sked is pretty weak except for the Steelers but that game is at the end of the season. Hopefully the game wont mean anything to Pittsburg. But do you really think that Drew is a playoff caliber qb at this point? Honestly, can you see him pulling out a win if our running game gets slowed down for a game? If you answered "yes" then your judgment is clouded by a like for Drew.  And maybe JP isnt the answer . Maybe Buffalo will eventually go the free agent route to get someone im not sure. What I am sure of is that Drew is not the qb solution for this team. And btw, I wouldnt call for jp's head if he lost the first four games. Were not talking apples to apples here. Rookie qb vs a vet.


    You wouldnt be calling for heads IF we started 0-4 next year?? ARe YOU kidding me? What kind of fan are you to accept 0-4 and NOt say anything about it! You got blinders on my friend! Quit hating on Drew and wake up to the world that we live in! The world that sees its our O-line, dosent matter what QB is behind it! Look at this year how we started and how people reacted!!!

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