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Posts posted by Tu-Toned

  1. Tu-Toned had a valid question (Can a group of fans or a corporation own a chunk of real estate, build a $800 million dollar stadium and rent it to the Buffalo Bills over the course of 20, 30 or 40 years) and all you can contribute is the word "stupidity"?? Why not look and see how the Niners are paying $25 million/year to utilize their newly built home and you'll see how there is a market for leasing the stadium to the Bills without State and county beaurocratic bull **** getting in the way. At least he's thinking rather than pulling his pud and bellyaching.

    Wow, thanks for the support! I have certainly heard of and applaud organizations like the BFA,

    and any organization that works to keep the Bills in Buffalo. If something like this, or even better,

    another plan possibly designed to keep them in Buffalo longer than just a new stadium would be proposed,

    I would be thrilled with that as well. Supportive too! Like you implied, I was genuinely curious because I knew that

    fans could not buy the team but was not sure if this might be possible.


    From the responses I see, I guess the general consensus is possible, yes, easy, no! I really

    was not thinking about all of the potential involving the surrounding infrastructure, culture,

    dining, etc..that comes with the destination type stadiums of today. When you consider that,

    and the potential revenue associated with an operation of a facility like a modern NFL stadium,

    I think that it would be foolish to not consider it.


    Btw: I do occasionally pull on my pud & bellyach!

  2. Interesting idea. But exactly how does this keep the Bills in Buffalo?

    I am working on that. Like I stated, this may only guarantee the stay for the life

    of the new stadium, do we have any guarantees currently that the stay beyond the

    current stadium/county lease agreement?




    Maybe you should talk to bankers and bonding companies as to the absurdity of trying to get insurance and bonding for this.

    Ok, that is your assignment, I expect a full report on my desk in the morning!



    Except he is asking about fans owning the stadium which I don't believe they're are any rules against.. But it's a pretty unrealistic concept. How are fans going to raise a billion dollars? Who will be in charge? What happens if the Bills leave anyway?

    Well, we still should be able to tailgate, we own the place! I realize that I am talking out of my bottom

    hole a bit, but my intentions are pure!

  3. outstanding idea for the people to fund and own the stadium.



    don't forget to factor in property tax, school tax, maintenance, security, traffic control costs, liability insurance, electric, gas, water, upgrades, renovations, etc...

    Those are givens, when you buy a new home, you have to assume and account for all of the

    ancillary costs, so we would be no different. I would bet that we may in deed see a return on our investment,

    and if it keeps the Bills here for another 20 years or so, that would be enough of a return for me.


    One little caveat, I currently reside in Pittsburgh, so you would need to compensate me

    for my relocation expenses, but that is not a problem, I need a change of scenery, and originally

    born and raised in B'lo.


    Knowing that, due to financial and other reasons, we have fans all over the world, we would not

    discriminate on investors, if you have the fee, you are in.


    Well crap most of us already have way more invested than that, emotionally and financially, and not much

    return to date. But that is why we are Bills Fans!



    We have a central management committee, elected or appointed. Whoever we put our trust in, we do exactly

    that and let them make those decisions. We run this thing like a Corporation.


    I am a Purchasing Manager by trade, and have a good understanding of common business practices.

    I maybe a bit weak in the entertainment arena, but business is business, and what I can't handle, I make

    sure that we appoint the right person that can.


    I do know how to save money and push people to do better, and you can bet your bottom dollar that

    I would be out there kicking the siht out of tires. I am your man, I will post my forwarding address

    for your checks shortly.


    It's on like a "Mo Fo"!


    That's an interesting concept. Are there 200,000 people in the world that care enough about the Bills staying in Buffalo to essentially donate $4000 to the cause with no expectation of any return.

    Well crap most of us already have way more invested than that, emotionally and financially, and not much

    return to date. But that is why we are Bills Fans!



    Lucas Oil Field cost $720,000,000 but has a lot of bells and whistles. With the rate of inflation, Lucas Oil would probably cost $900,000,000 today. So we build a scaled down version with room to expand in 10 years. Nowwwwww, how to get 200,000 people to agree on a design. Ohhh, and where to buy the land? Insurance? Heating? Jumbotrons? Food? Parking? Blacktop? Plumbing? What happens when the Bills actually move in 2035 (or whenever)? Who will want to buy a gigantic stadium? We would need to get $4 million / year from the Bills (and other tenants/concerts, etc) to pay off the $800 million in 20 years. Doable??

    We have a central management committee, elected or appointed. Whoever we put our trust in, we do exactly

    that and let them make those decisions. We run this thing like a Corporation.

  6. $800,000,000 / 200,000 people = $4000/person. I'm in....but I call I get seats at the 50, 20 rows up. As part owner, I want a good deal and DON'T put me next to Beerball. (actually, this is a cool concept. Be interested to see what others with a background in financing and NFL rules have to say about it).

    I could easily and happily muster $4k, I'm in.

  7. I have read a lot of posts about ideas to keep the team in Buffalo, and maybe

    this has been discussed before, but could the fans do this?


    If the NFL has rules against minority or fractured ownership and prevents a situation

    like Green Bay where the Fans own the team, why can't the Bills Fans finance the

    new stadium. Taxpayers that are against financing a new stadium can opt out, those

    opting in will share in the revenues and have a real ownership stake.


    It would take the financial burden off of the state and county, as well as make it much

    easier for a new owner to keep them here. We say when and how ticket prices are set,

    we control the psl revenue, we decide where it will be located and how it will be run.

    If we can't own the team, maybe this is the next best scenario, and we keep the slime ball

    politicians out of it, maybe we can use them to secure the land.



  8. I was playing in a charity golf event in Beaver Pa, and Jim was in a foursome

    a couple of groups behind me and I remember it well because it was the day

    that Rothlisberger was involved in the motorcycle crash.


    I watched as Jim was the last in his group to tee off, and as soon as he did all

    I heard from his group were ooh's and ah's, and wow's! No doubt they were using

    his drive on that hole in this scramble event.


    I thought to myself, yea, but he probably can't putt, a couple holes later we started to get backed

    up a bit and had to wait to tee off and had a Birdseye view of Jim's group trying to negotiate

    a forty foot putt. I watched as his three partners attempted their ill fated putts, and then again as

    Jim calmly walked up and dropped his in the middle of the cup to the excitement of his teammates,

    and resulting round of high fives, thinking to myself, this guy is unbelievable.


    On the second to last hole, we were really backed up now and were waiting to tee off when a guy

    in the foursome behind us walks up to the tee area talking on his cell. He hangs up and proceeds

    To tell everyone that Big Ben was just hit by a car in Pittsburgh on his motorcycle.


    The only reason that I mention this, is because I was totally shocked and quite honestly disgusted

    by some of the comments that I was hearing. Now, I don't want to broad brush all Steeler fans,

    but they were showing absolutely no concern for Big Ben's actual health, collectively from any

    of the people that I was around that day. I heard comments like, "that dumbass, now he's not going

    to be in that Campbell's soup commercial", and "now we are never gonna get back to the Super Bowl".

    I just can't imagine Buffalo fans acting like that, especially when it was just very early in Ben's career,

    and had already had significant success.

  9. who cares. Seems attention seeking to me. I do not approve of that lifestyle, but I don't care how he lives. Can he play football? His life choices are his own.

    Nail meet head! I also do not approve of that lifestyle, but also could care less. In other news, there will be

    a fairly huge contingent of heterosexual men entering the draft this May.

  10. My brother and I went to Fredonia training camp, I believe in '88, and they had

    two practices a day back then, so it was tougher on the players.


    I spot Andre walking away from the area where they assemble after signing

    some autographs, and I yell out to him and he stops and walks a good

    ways back to us, signs and chats with us for a good ten minutes.

    We were young adults at the time. Class act!


    ps: I posted this before reading any of the other posts, then went back

    and read a handful, and I saw at least a couple regarding autographs,

    and Andre's accommodating nature, so I guess I'm not the only one.

    Really thrilled that he got in!

  11. I have always liked the Seahawks, they just seem to have been pretty anonymous

    for most of their existence. I like their fans, like both the old and the new stadiums, and

    really like their unis. I don't want them to win the big one before the Bills do though!


    Oh, and I really have liked certain players of theirs over the years, like Largent, Zorn,

    Alexander, etc...


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