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Posts posted by Dan III

  1. I guess that I'm happy that we got the deal done before the season began.  I still question whether a "high motor" guy is worth the big bucks.  I like Aaron's progression over the years, and he is our best DE, but could we have used that money to get a bigger and stronger DE to compliment the other two "high motor" guys we have on the other side?


    What is the opinion here?


    Also, I guess that means Jennings is history, as we all figured.


    $23mill over 5 years..




    Its definitely a s-load of money but compare it to Wistrom's $33 mil and it seems like a bargain.

  2. Spin it any way you want.  That's your right.  But it's a long two months.  And Gore had a big lead going into the debates in 2000.


    It is a long 60 days, no doubt, but Kerry holding a rally at 1/4 of midnight in Ohio says it all. No spin needed. The guy took such a large hit this week he had to respond immediately, even if it was midnight in Ohio.

  3. Stevestojan, I work for the FD up in Martin Co.. They told us to prepare for 5 day deployment. The station I'm at is on the beach, so we've spent all day getting all the stuff out. I'm sure it will be levelled in a Cat 4.  Good luck to all down here, I'll let you guys know how we make out when we get power back.

        I'd rather be watching the Bills replay Sat on NFL network......


    Stay safe Dave.

  4. Oh, man. The Iraqi insurgents are pissing of the French.


    NOW there's going to be hell to pay.


    Did you ever watch Bugs Bunny cartoons? France's response to terrorism reminds me of when Bugs met Marvin The Martian on Mars...


    "Cross this line.. you die.."


    "Cross this line.. you die.."


    "Cross this line.. you die.."


    "Cross this line.. you die.."


    "Cross this line.. you die.." :unsure:

  5. Excellent point? 


    So you advocate running down people in the street?  Next time someone gets in your way... Run 'em down... Hay the guy had an attitude!


    Advocate running down innocent people in the street? No, I do not. But, I think you understand my point. If you run out onto the field at a sporting event, you might get hurt when the police tackle you.


    Your next question: Does running on the field make it okay for 10 policemen to knock you down and beat you with nightsticks? No. :blink:

  6. Second, I have witnessed police provacateurs instigate violence. I have seen a police van deliberately run through a line of protestors that included elderly women and clergy members. I have seen deliberate attempts to stomp on our first amendment rights through official policy and police enforcement tactics.



    Was the elderly woman standing in the street?

  7. In fact, his ability to not even bother with tugging on a uni because he can't play may actually make this learning process even better for him.  I think the highest and best use of Losman this year is to surgically attach his ear to Wyche's mouth and have him watch, absorb and learn how the game is played.


    My thoughts exactly. After watching JP for 2 qtrs, I'm extremely impressed by his athleticism, hopefully he'll learn the sideline is his friend. :flirt:

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