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Posts posted by Badasss

  1. It seems like the Bills are doing a much better job at marketing themselves than they did 20+ yrs ago. They're a making a concerted effort to "regionalize" their fan base like GB and KC. Moving their training camp to Rochester was a no-brainer. However, as mentioned above, nothing sells more tickets/merchandise than winning games. GO BILLS!!!

  2. Can someone please tell me why NY voters continue to re-elect Kirsten Gillibrand? She tries to come across as a staunch advocate for "those without a voice" while reciting her scripted speeches. But whenever she's asked a difficult question, or asked to comment on the indiscretions of one of her fellow democrats, she cowers like a child and gives a lame response, such as "it's not my place to judge..." In her debate against Wendy Long, she lacked the courage to call for the resignation of Sheldon Silver; however, she insists that she's "fighting for the middle class." She's clueless!!! I liked her better when she was FAT.

  3. I'm way late to this party. My quick thoughts as if anyone cares:


    I thought Obama won clearly. Romney really blew his Libya answer and got factchecked on stage which was brutal for him. I see whining about the moderator on here (not a surprise).


    Have you been hibernating the last few days? This "fact checking" by Crowley that you referred to was completely false.


    Mitt Romney has a track record of going at with the moderators. heard the same crap in the first debate. The difference was that Crowley wasn't having it.


    It's surprises me that you guys aren't calling out Romney for being disrespectful the way you did to Paul Ryan. (well, it doesn't REALLY surprise me) He disrespected Obama on numerous occasions by going out of his way to ask his own questions to the President and keep harping on him for an answer.


    All in all, I thought Romney sounded like a doosh up there and probably didn't appeal to the public. I could be wrong, but we'll see.

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