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Posts posted by tatonka12

  1. Del Rio's best motivational tool was placing a tree stump and axe in the locker room.  Players could take a whack or two.  Keep chopping wood don't you know.  Problem is the poor punter had too much time on his hands.  One day while the football players were practicing he took a whack.  Unfortunately he missed the stump and hit his leg. :rolleyes:  Damn, I hate it when that happens.

    Good recap of Jags.  Leftwitch also has a sore thumb I believe.


    :o what a dumb ass I had forgotten all about that :w00t:

  2. well atleast the worst of its over ,still getting alot of rain and wind and theres alot of downed tree's and powerlines I guess Im one of the few luckey one with power, 4 million throught the state without it. Although it looks like I,m going to have to reshingle the roof :D I guess it could have been alot worse

  3. Forbes magazine has listed the Nfl franchise values for 2004  the Washington Red Skins are first with value of $1.104 Billion

    Buffalo      24 th  at  $637 million

    Miami        11 th  at  $765 million

    Jets          22 th  at  $ 685 million

    Patriots        4th  at  $ 861 million


    Franchise Values

    The business of football


    you mean to tell me the phish and the jest are worth more than the BILLS! :wacko: I refuse to belive it! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: forbes

  4. just got done boarding up .Im sore beat up and tired and slightly bloody (dam screw gun} ;) my bastard boss made me work all day :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Its not to bad right now just alot of power surges about ever 15 mins the storm has slowed way down and does'nt look like its really going to start hitting hard till tomarrow just some rain bands and gusty winds tonight although I hear already 30,000 south fla res. without power <_< hope my puter dont blow up :w00t:

  5. her ass is un-freaking-believable...but she's still a butterface.  sorry, just my opinion...it's not as if i'd turn her away from my bed or anything.


    umm...wait...on second thought, i would turn her away -- or at least turn her around.    ;)


    she had a face? <_<

  6. If Drew plays the season anything like he played that first (and only) drive, we're going to the playoffs led by Drew Bledsoe. What more do you want from him? I know it is only pre-season. I know it means nothing. I know he cannot do that every series. But Drew bashers have been saying he cannot step up in the pocket. he cannot throw short passes. He cannot avoid a rush. He cannot make quick decisions. And he has, so far, done everything the coaches have asked him to, and everything that he allegedly cannot do. I don't expect every drive to be precision perfect, or go 90 yards. But what I see in Drew is exactly what we need to see in Drew. And if he plays as he has been playing this pre-season, the Bills are going to be a tough team to beat.



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