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Status Updates posted by dogma+

  1. ... time. Be outspoken. Dont sit in the corners. Let the coaches, scouts and players know your name. Let them know that anything they need help with, you can do it for them. Tell them that you are willing to work extra hours beyond your internship to help them cut game tape or do copies for game plans so forth. This will put you as the front runner for whatever scout internship comes in future.

  2. Paul, I would apply for the Redskins internship immediately. They will receive hundreds of applications for it. At the very least, you will then be a Redskins employee, have a chance to meet and talk to coaches, scouts and players, and get yourself well known within the Redskins community. Work hard. Be "the buy" everyone comes to when they need something done right and done the first t...

  3. ... for an internship with a team and work your way up. Some teams do hire Pro Scouting interns as a cheap way to find people to cut film. It takes a lot of time to cut and organize thousands of hours worth of film related to hundreds of players. You could then work your way up. The most likely path would be intern to pro scouting assistant to local college scout to regional scout. Hope that helps

  4. Hi Bruce. I was lucky enough to have a father that was a BLESTO scout. Therefore, I had an "in" and it was exceptionally easier road for me. My father was a talent recruiter for a small college in Detroit when he met Jack Butler, the former Steeler DB who went on to become one of the founding members of BLESTO and director of the scouting combine. My suggestion for you would be to apply...

  5. ... for an internship with a team and work your way up. Some teams do hire Pro Scouting interns as a cheap way to find people to cut film. It takes a lot of time to cut and organize thousands of hours worth of film related to hundreds of players. You could then work your way up. The most likely path would be intern to pro scouting assistant to local college scout to regional scout. Hope that helps

  6. Hi Bruce. I was lucky enough to have a father that was a BLESTO scout. Therefore, I had an "in" and it was exceptionally easier road for me. My father was a talent recruiter for a small college in Detroit when he met Jack Butler, the former Steeler DB who went on to become one of the founding members of BLESTO and director of the scouting combine. My suggestion for you would be to apply...

  7. Thanks San Jose. Appreciated.

  8. Hello everyone. Still trying to figure out all the features this message board has to offer. I am an avid football fan. Was an assistant to my father who was a Professional Football Scout for BLESTO. Have spent thousands of hours reviewing game film and putting together player reports. I live and breathe game of football. Glad to be here.

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