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Posts posted by RogerNapalm

  1. Wait... You think Wannstedt would be a better HC than Chan, and that someone within the organization would be a good HC? If they were to promote from within, people would then be calling for Nix's head (or Ralph's some more) for promoting from within!


    For the remainder of this season. I didn't say permanent.


    And, yes. I do think that Wanny would make better decisions than Chan at this point. Atleast for the rest of this season.

  2. It is unlikely at this point that the coach is capable of doing that.

    Blind firing without a better replacement is not going to stop the losing, but rather would contribute to even more losing.


    Will it stop the losing? Probably not this year. It is of my opinion that there are probably 2 or 3 coaches on the staff right now that would make better decisions that Chan Gailey has. Blind firing? I don't think so. This organization needs to send a message to the players and the fans. Fire him now and promote Wanny to interim HC. Get a game plan together for the off season.

  3. Braylon Edwards called jets decision makers "idiots" blaming them for Sanchez benching. He said Sanchez is a "beast" and will prove it given the proper opportunity.



    I've never been a Sanchez fan, but I have to admit the way they intended to use him this year subbing tebow in the red zone was "idiotic." Yes he's regressed from his first 2 seasons but why? If jets part ways with him should we give him a look? At a minimum he can be expected to deliver better performances against jets than we've been accustomed to lately. If that adds 2 division wins that alone is huge.




    Worst. Thread. Ever.

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