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Posts posted by Rickydog

  1. I was born in Childrens Hospital in 1969. My parents were born in Buffalo n the 1940's, theyre parents immigrated from Italy and Ireland and came to Buffalo to work and raise theyre families. My family grew up working from the time they could wipe theyre own ass till they couldnt work anymore. My father moved us from Buffalo to Detroit to Dallas and Back all by the time I had reached the age of 13. Ive lived in the Great Motor City, I lived thru the Big oil boom of the 70's in Dallas. When I was 18 and old enough to serve my country I joined the USMC for 8 yrs. And when I was done I came home, to BUFFALO NY...I am so damn sick and tired of all these people busting on my hometown. Who the hell are you!!! Have you enjoyed your economic coddling of your parents so much that all you have now is the gift of slamming people who work damn hard to live? People who give up big houses big cars big bank accounts big paying jobs to live and fight for a place they love and call home? You who throw these little pebbles should take a big step back and look at yourself..You have no right at all to belittle the life we choose..If having a NFL football team charades ur view of us then take it..I dont need you or anyone else who hasnt walked the walk I do everyday to live here or look down on my family because I live in Buffalo NY...I dont want your approval of my homefront...I dont need it..You live in your glass house you throw boulders from and Ill live in my house I build them in...Go away if you dont want to be here..But GDAM im sick of people trashing my PLACE I LIVE IN..I dont need the Bills or anyone else to make me proud of where the hell I LIVE!!!! SCREW YOU


    Remember the "Talking Proud" commercial from the '70's ? I think it's on You tube

    The Buffalo Chammber of Commerace should use your monillog and have Clint Eastwood read it like that "Halftime America: Crysler commercial.

    Picture Clint whispering your line "I dont need the Bills or anyone else to make me proud of where the hell I LIVE!!!! SCREW YOU"

    I'd love it

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