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Posts posted by Shoutbox

  1. Maybe there is just too much negative energy within the WNY community (economy, weather, etc.), and it's affecting how the team perceives themselves.


    Take Aaron Williams, for example, whose CB position places a premium on confidence and shrugging off the most recent bad play. Bills "fans" on his twitter page have said everything short of telling him to go kill himself for not playing well after 1.5 seasons in the NFL.


    Reminds me a bit of what was going on in NYC during the 80's, around the time that Ghostbusters 2 was filmed. All the crime and such led to too much negatively-charged slime that was, in turn, prompting so many supernatural villains to terrorize the city. Buffalo could surely use an Egon, Ray, Peter, and Winston right about now, no?

  2. The "Locker Room Cancer" who was 21-9 as Bills quarterback when "good guy" Rob Johnson was 9-17 WITH THE SAME DEFENSE?


    That "Locker Room Cancer?


    Happy Birthday, Doug.


    Wish you were still young enough to be our quarterback… we wouldn't be the losers we've been since you left.




    The RJ vs. Flutie debate has long been over. Flutie was the better QB and (sadly) has turned out to be the best QB this franchise has had since Kelly retired. He was never going to be the "franchise" QB who could carry a team on its back, but he was a solid game manager whose mobility and sense of a pass rush mitigated the problems caused by a truly terrible offensive line.


    The "locker room cancer" nonsense gets thrown around by people who were never in the Bills' locker room. People hated Flutie simply because he brought in a lot of casual Bills fans who probably liked Flutie more than the Bills. So RJ then became the de facto QB for the sophisticated, hardcore Bills fan.

  3. If Powell works out, then we have found our punter and kicker (Potter) for the next decade, something we were used to with Christie/Mohr and then Lindell/Moorman.


    Does this also mean that we are only left with Kelsay and Lindell from the Donahoe regime?


    McGee and Wilson are also from the Donahoe regime.


    Also: Jackson, Kyle Williams, and Scott are the only guys left over from the Levy regime. Stevie Johnson, Spencer Johnson, McIntyre, McKelvin, Fitz, Sanborn, Byrd, Levitre, and Wood are from the "Russ Brandon GM era." So now it's down to 16 players that Nix and Gailey inherited.

  4. Appreciate all the advice guys. Contact with her is over.


    :thumbsup: Excellent work, Captain! I realize that prescience is not your area of expertise, but you are definitely doing the right thing. All of us older guys have been in the same situation before. A general maxim regarding life: women have all the power over men from puberty to about age 30. After 30, it will be your turn. Do remember this, even if you don't quite understand it yet.


    How you are to proceed for the next 10 years:


    1. Build a career.

    2. Bang lots of women.

    3. Think about what you want in "the one" (if you choose to do the wife/kids route) beyond her just being cute and liking sports.

    4. Whenever you're feeling down about this situation: get outside, do some exercise, listen to music, and don't watch the Bills when they play the Pats/Jets/anyone on the road.

    5. If Lil' Miss String-A-Guy-Along decides to contact you again, immediately consult this message board before thinking of doing anything else.

  5. It sure looks like The Senator is going 19-0 in this thread! Posluszny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I fail to see how moving a new stadium 30 minutes north of the Queen City is going to substantially increase ticket sales from the Rochester and Toronto folks.


    And I REALLY fail to see how a name change will help in any way as well (Niagara Rapids?! LMFAO).


    The best way to gain more Canadian fans and keep the Bills in WNY is to start committing to a winning football culture. Spend money on a quality coaching staff, hire good scouts, sign quality free agents, make the playoffs once every decade, etc...


    53-year tradition aside, keeping the Bills located in the Buffalo metro area is just sound logistics. Over half of the ticket-purchasing fanbase still comes from this one area. About an additional 1/6th comes from Rochester, another 1/6th comes from Canada, and the rest are out-of-towners. The Queen City is still a nice central location between Rochester and Toronto. A Niagara Falls stadium isn't a bad idea, but it should only be thought of as a back-up plan if a downtown Buffalo stadium never materializes.

  6. What were you really hoping to accomplish here? Did you think this time would go different than the last decade of us speculating? Just curious.


    I guess I was hoping to collect some "insider" info from people connected to this situation who know things that the public doesn't know.


    If you're not interested in this subject, then simply don't click on the thread title and participate. Getting !@#$ing sick of you smartasses.

  7. Everything is quite clear now: the Buffalo Bills will be sold to the highest bidder upon Ralph Wilson's death in order to maximize his family's inheritance. Never mind what we all think of Ralph Wilson anymore. That isn't what I want this thread to devolve into...


    So the battle for the Bills will likely be between:


    1. the best Buffalo ownership group

    2. the best Toronto ownership group

    3. the best LA ownership group


    Needless to say, things look very grim for the team's future in Buffalo. LA is the third largest metro area in North America with 18+ million people and an economy that absolutely dwarfs WNY's. Toronto checks in at about #8 with 7 million people and an economy that also dwarfs Buffalo's. There are rich guys out there who have $$$ signs in their eyes over the potential....


    All Buffalo has are:


    1. various internet rumors of interest from Terry Pegula, Tom Golisano, Jeremy Jacobs, Bob Rich, Danny Wegman, and Donald Trump.

    2. a very loyal fanbase that has taken 53 years and 3 generations to build.

    3. a serviceable NFL stadium (something that neither Toronto nor LA have at the moment).

    4. Jim Kelly prancing around Orchard Park over the past few years, seemingly quite confident that the Bills will stay in Buffalo.


    Ok, enough of my preamble. Here's my general question for the message board: what the !@#$ is up with this alleged ownership group that Jim Kelly has assembled? If it exists, why can't us Bills fans know a little something more about it? Why aren't the various WNY sports journalists asking more pointed questions about it? Does anyone here know ANYTHING about any of this?


    This is getting really !@#$ing ridiculous. Bills fans have put up with a lot of bull **** over the years with this team. If we're no longer deserving of an NFL franchise, then we are at least entitled to some !@#$ing answers.

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