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Posts posted by TheBackupQB

  1. If they really like a single QB they would have took them at 8 ...... We are at the 16th pick and all top 4 qbs are still on the board.....trade with back and your still gonna land one, and get an extra pick.....minny needs another WR they might do it


    If they really like a single QB they would have took them at 8 ...... We are at the 16th pick and all top 4 qbs are still on the board.....trade with back and your still gonna land one, and get an extra pick.....minny needs another WR they might do it

  2. http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/blog/college-football-rapidreports/20039051/big-east-notebook-syracuse-coach-doug-marrone-wishes-uscs-matt-barkley-left-early-for-nfl


    ""Last October, Barkley shredded the Orange secondary with 324 yards and five touchdowns. During Monday's Big East coaches' teleconference, Marrone indicated that Barkley, not Robert Griffin III, would have been considered the top quarterback in last April's NFL Draft alongside Andrew Luck""


    Read the article he continues to rave about Barkley....


    And Buddy Nix mas a man Crush On Matt Barkley


    and Barkley is also a guy you can trade back into the first rd to get while holding onto the 8th pick,,,,


    its practically a done deal

  3. I'd take him with a first rd pick....If you are going to look at total Package QB .... Skill set, arm, accuracy .... All of it .... Then you have to look at marketing .... Barkley is that guy ...


    One okay season with depleted talent to his Oline .... Verse two really good seasons...that had his predicted as the number one overall in this draft no more than a year ago ....

  4. We really need to stop taking these ONE Year wonders. Patterson may have a great NFL career, but this Bills regime cannot start off on the wrong foot....They need a as sure pick as they can get. The Bills either pick a QB or stay put and a pick a LB or OL


    Cam One Year wonder, AJ green one year Wonder, RG3 one year wonder, and i could go on and on...we need to think outside the box...a legit deep threat...stretches the defense....creates more space to run the ball, if you can run the ball...it kills time...the more time you kill...less positions you defense has to play....

  5. BINGO!


    -It's my ONLY concern with this kid. I watch alot of SEC football, and Patterson is, without a doubt a superior athlete. Still, his style, along the way he was used @ TENN make me wonder how fast he can adapt to the pro game.


    To be honest, he could use a little technique....


    Anyhoo, I don't mind him on our roster one bit... If it's a choice between reaching for this kid @ 8, and over-reaching for Nassib just to save face, -I'll roll with Patterson ALL DAY LONG.


    Git R Done, Buddy.


    The said the same about Jones from Atlanta.


    When we drafted Dareus, I was not dissapointed but I said we should have taken A.J. Green, and then used the rest of the pick to beef up the defense....


    Now im saying that if Patterson is available take him, and maybe we can steal a QB in the 2nd rd...like Matt Barkley

  6. If we didnt win that last meaningless game..we would have had a chance at Geno Smith....Cordarrelle Patterson WR is the 2nd best offensive player in the draft...im Not saying he is A.J. Green but he is somewhere in that ball park with size,talent, explosive play making skills and athletism ...


    And before someone say we dont be another WR...or our offense is fine... its not.... we had the least amout of 20 plus yard pass play down the field....part due to Fitz lack of arm strength and accuracy...but also because we lack big play WR's


    unless his combine numbers are horrible he is our best bet

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