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Pyssed Doph

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Posts posted by Pyssed Doph

  1. 10 minutes ago, Thurman#1 said:

    I have an address in the states I can use to sign up for the US version of GamePass, three sisters have US residences. I can almost certainly sign up with them at one of those addresses and then use my VPN, $10 a month, to access that. 


    Wonder how some of you without U.S. addresses would do in signing up for US GamePass? Could you use a real address that you don't actually belong at? The Empire State Building, for instance? Or a mail forwarding service or something? Or can you actually sign up even without a US address? Good luck to all.


    Wonder if I would do better with one of those fire sticks some of you are mentioning. Sounds like they are illegal? 


    Anyway, thanks for the legwork, Bill.

    dont get your hopes up, unless im wrong and the main reason so many US based people was using game pass international is because the US based gamepass, now known as NFL+ only shows local market regular season, primetime and playoff games.

  2. 35 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    I didn't know you had been a mod.  I can only imagine.   Easy to see why you quit.


    I survived in the job only because I took a low-key approach.   I thought of myself as a near-sighted referee who forget to bring my glasses to the game.   You had to be way out of bounds before I could tell it was time to blow the whistle.  Like I said, it was like the WWE.  



    that and you stayed away from the politics section. thats where the 1st set of "cmon guys ... you got to do better or they are going to shut the board down" started. then the politics section got shut down and the entire board follow about a couple months after.

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  3. i dont know, used to have fun in the "anything but football section" of the site. seeing how close you could get without getting that temp ban.

    funny that i had joined this board before i found the official bills board way back when.

    still a lurker even over here

  4. I gotta now...


    :P Do any of you guys think Bildo is short for Bill Dozer? As in Bill...Bull Dozer....Bill Dozer...Bildo?


    Would any of you answer to Bildo if that was your nickname? You know, cause it's cool: it has bull dozer in it, so it has to be cool.


    Who wants to change their handle to Bildo for me?


    It's a new guy thing. It's part of our tradition. One of you has to change your handle for us to prove you want to be here. Otherwise, we may have to ban some of you.

    you change your name to that and im going to start calling you Bilbo's retarded cross dressing little brother from another mother.



    and since i want you to remember me .... im not changing my name .... tell you what ... make the next bills board refuge change his name as this site's policy. something about some new found non compete between the 2 boards. trust me ... we fall for stuff like that.

  5. I will help:


    A week? ago, these two got into it because our resident "probably racist" :lol: (good enough GG? or was that what I said last time?) poster keeps starting "black people did this" threads. However, in this particular thread, you could not infer "black people bad" because it was specific to convicts getting their porn taken away.


    Booster wants possible racist banned, Jim and a few others said no....and of course I helped to egg it on, by asking in the beginning of the thread if they were black convicts. Hilarity ensued, for me anyway, and it appears that this is still going on to a degree.

    thanks for the back story, i honestly dont have a problem with it. makes the place feel kinda homey. im that type that will stop and watch a fight even if it makes me late for work.


    No reason, just that I got "an accumulation of points". Nevermind that I only had two points as far as I knew.


    hahahahaha ... im sorry ... but this is too much ..... they sent you to time out.



    you cant make this **** up. wow. they gave you a 10 day ban.

  6. The !@#$? I got banned on the BBMB for an accumulation of points. Last I knew (about an hour ago) I had two points.


    Lol, you'd think that when they ban you they'd at least tell you why.


    wait ... so am i the last man standing? how is that when i thought i was the most inciteful of the rebel bunch? or was i wrong in thinking that.


    Cannot post PMs.

    by design or by rule ?


    hey D'love, im laughing my ass off right now so hard i got tears and my sides hurt.



    so your banned right .... dennis is posting comments in your remaining random threads like nothing is wrong.

  7. i have to say that just reading this back and forth has made me all warm and welcome.


    its was like the long winded version of


    "welcome to the board, you are free and encouraged to express your opinion. the only rules are that you state your opinion plain and simple and that it doesnt suck"


    oh yeah ... this is going to be a fun spot. lol ... you guys actually have pm battles too? hey, is it frown down upon that if you piss off a person so bad that they hit up your pm that you post what was said in your pm? you know ... to like piss them off even more?

  8. He gave liberals a bad name... Acting like a doosh.... What about Flafitz? Its crazy to see so many posters make the move..... Good to see...


    i dont care if people get their feelings hurt .. i really dont.



    but saying that.



    some inside if you arent didnt know. FlaFitz was a mod and ironically he spent alot of time in the politics section. contrary to belief, he wasnt in agreement with what Wyo wanted to do. he actually went to bat defending us but of course .. he just did not have the weight * cough ... real life side relationships ... cough * with certain people * cough .. BillsModerator .. cough * and there fore he was over ruled. after i started posting the link to the supposed to have been deleted section that obviously wasnt deleted, shock to the mod squad im sure ... there was a so called emergency meeting to attempt to get a unified face to try to work around the fact that there was nothing but lies as the reasons why. and like everybody kept saying ... the works of primarily 1 guy ... yet another real life friend of the modsquad was the reason why.


    thing was some mods did go into that section and post, but it was not the overly unrulely bunch of imature children that Wyo painted us out to be. long story short ... because Wyo is like She Ra and she has the power ... everybody else fell in line.


    i could be wrong but i dont think fitz has been seen since. ironically ... memebers of Wyo's modsquad have been talking about Fitz like he wasnt a real mod. take that for what it is worth.




    now i could be talking out of my ass or not.

  9. I will regret asking, but does anyone know if Dennisdread will be following us? He disappeared after he collaborated with the Mods to get our board shut down

    well .... i do know Wyo has a log on on this site not sure what her name is so if you dont want to burn bridges becareful of what you say. me ... i dont burn them ... i blow them up. i feel so dirty hanging out in fidel's land of the free.

  10. Lol, somehow I've escaped infractions. I suppose when someone is correct it's difficult to punish them.

    hell .. im still trying to get banned.


    right now im averaging about a point a day. im thinking about jumping in her pm and just going all out with both barrels then placing her on ignore. not sure if that will work but it should make me laugh. she did say i could message her and she wouldnt give me any points. like i believe ... wait ... BILLieve her.

  11. I have zero faith in Iraq's ability to enforce order without US military backing. I'm predicting we will see something resembling Afghanistan except worse due to more population density. Regular terrorist attacks and carnage, followed by retaliation and abuses by Iraqi paramilitary/police leading to pretty much a pitched battle. I expect sectarian violence in cities and towns on the Iranian border like Basra.


    The Saudi's main concern is maintaining a buffer zone between themselves and Iran. They're funding the resistance to Iran's puppet Bashar in Syria and supporting Yemen and Bahrain against the Iranian backed Shi'ite rebellions. It follows that the same will happen in Iraq but with more ferocity as each shares a long border with Iraq. Iran has the edge with the Shi'ite majority in Iraq and sentiment towards the Saudis has been low in the region since they allowed the U.S. airspace and bases to stage attacks against Iraq during Desert Storm. The Saudi's have deep pockets though.


    I don't expect the Kurds to make a lot of noise unless the new state teeters on collapse, then we may see an attempt to form a Kurdish state. That may draw the ire of the Turks, who are always up for a some good old fashioned ethnic cleansing when they're not organizing freedom flotillas.


    One thing is certain, there will be plenty of fireworks and the winner will either be a brutal dictator or an equally brutal Islamic regime in each of these nations. Thank Allah for British colonialism. Without the Brits drawing lines on the map under the "well you all look the f'ing same to me" method, the world would be downright boring.

    you actually are pretty close to the truth here. more so than i think most people understand.


    it goes back to the sunni awakening. im from the bills board so i dont know if you guys have hashed that phase of the iraq war. when folks were trying to say it was the surge that turned the battle, that isnt true. all the surge actually did was provide more targets. what we actually did was called the sunni awakening. what that was we went to the very people that were trying to kill us in iraq and paid them **** loads of money to stop shooting at us. here is the issue, this same group was also being paid by saudi. so in essence ... you have a somewhat well trained, because we also trained them to be better fighters, well financed combat group that is just looking for something to attack.


    so just like our somewhat creation of al qaeda .... we have done the same exact thing in iraq. when we pull out they are just going to take over. youd think we would have learned our lesson from our very our history.

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