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Posts posted by PeoriaAZBillsFan

  1. I brought this up at work today. Some folks do not realize the cost as compared to the rest of the starters. Hardly reason to not keep him.


    Until we have something better at least. and look at Philly, the amount they had tied up in QBs.

    But Bills better be smarter than they have been with recent contracts


    You're right, the contract is by no means the reason not to keep him. Personally, I don't care if they keep him or release him. He wasn't the main problem with this team the last two years. Do I wish he was allowed to throw more....yes. Do I wish he wasn't skittish in the pocket...absolutely! But as others have said, he's better than what's out there at the contract value already in place.


    They could trade for Romo or sign Cutler but that's gonna cost picks and/or a lot more money. You could draft another project and have them battle it out with Cardale and a cheap veteran but that's not the road I'd go down either. I'd rather take a WR, CB/S with early picks.

  2. IMO you couldn't be more wrong about Orton. 1100+ Yards, 9 TDs, 3 Ints, 104 QBR, 67% Comp, 8 Yards per attempt all after only 4 games and being with the team for what, 3 months, maybe. You want to chop him down and say he is inconsistent, and not playing at a high level. 3-1 and his stats say otherwise, what kind of stats would you like to see if this isn't good enough for you? Is anything good enough for you?


    How about giving the opponents defenses some credit for being good. From what I could find at the time the Bills played them, the other teams pass defenses were ranked, Mia-14, SD-13, Hou-14, Det-5, NE-3, Minn-9, NYJ-14, and KC-1 against the pass. All top half of the league, what do you expect from the QB each week? 50 points, 400 yards, 4 TDs, 130 QBR, 80% Comp, 12 Yards per attempt? C'mon man! I think you just like to argue!


    Take out the games against MIA, SD, & HOU as he didn't play vs those teams and it makes what he's done even more impressive. I personally also think we beat SD & HOU if he's playing those games.

  3. No cj, no FJ, worse OL, 4th and what conversion?


    Panthers comeback was good no doubt. This one was much more dramatic and difficult to achieve bc of the mentioned circustances.


    I dunno, they probably equal. That comeback vs panthers was impressive


    Having second thoughts.


    Not sure why you had to make this thread into another EJ debate


    Because eventually every thread that puts Orton in a positive light is going to turn into an EJ debate. It's inevitable as there are still people out there that feel EJ is better than KO.

  4. The Browns wouldn't take that deal anyways. It would take a lot more than CJ to get Manziel in a trade and I'm not sure that Manziel is that much of a step-up from what we already have. He's one hit that EJ could shake off from being removed from the league altogether. I'd rather let EJ develop on the bench for this season and see what he can do in camp next year.

  5. The laser Guy was on somebody else's ticket (a season ticket holder).. well that person is banned too. So i guess this serves as a warning, be careful who you give or sell your tickets to.


    Hopefully the owner of those season tickets does us all a favor and makes this kid disappear. It shouldn't be too difficult, there's already enough crime in Detroit.

  6. Wow. I've seen Kurt Warner. I've seen Kyle Orton. And Kyle Orton is no Kurt Warner.


    Or to be more long-winded, Kurt Warner had a prior career which included 3 consecutive playoff appearances with the Rams, league records for points per season, a Superbowl win, another Superbowl appearance with a very close loss. Did you ever see Warner play in his "greatest show on turf" days with the Rams? I hated how arrogant Martz was, but I must admit they were something to watch.


    Then Warner appeared to fade after a broken finger followed by broken hand and was relegated to backup for 3 years. Eventually he figured out throwing mechanics post-injury - he took to wearing a glove on his throwing hand - but his emergence in 2005 with the Cardinals and subsequent playoff success was no surprise, based upon his previously demonstrated abilities with the Rams.


    Orton? Mmmmm, not so much.


    I did see Warner play during his days with the Rams. That's not the Warner I'm talking about. He was a much better player in those days. I'm talking about the aging, seemed at the time to be almost done Warner that was brought in to help teach a young QB (Josh McCown and then Matt Leinart). I have to differ in saying that what Warner did here in AZ wasn't a surprise. He wasn't expected to come in and play right away, he took over the team after an injury and he certainly wasn't expected to come in and do what he did during his years here. His expectations certainly were raised after he took over.It's the same with Orton, he was brought in to back up EJM. In a perfect world he would've been only a mentor and wouldn't be playing right now. Did anyone expect him to put up 300+ on the #1 defense in the NFL. I didn't and doubt many others did either. I do think that game creates some unreasonable expectations for what he and our offense are capable of right now. I never said they were the same player, I said they were walking into similar situations and I hope that Orton can do something close to what Warner did. I do believe this is the best all-around offense Orton has been a part of and think he can do something with it. Only time will tell.

  7. Where is the evidence that this is such a great offense? The running game is not very strong. The O-line has been pretty bad sometimes, the WR's are unproven, the TE is avg at best, and the OC obviously isn't one of the top coordinators in the league, so what are you talking about?


    It's my opinion, and I agree with you that our OC shouldn't be coaching HS football, but I see no reason to think that this offense can't be one of the top offenses in the league. Orton is a much smarter QB than EJ is and that might change some things offensively down the road. He was smart enough to audible on the 2-pt conversion, maybe he'll eventually be able to change plays on the fly to take advantage of the players we have.

  8. Warner is one of the most accuarte passers in NFL history and a Hall of Famer. Orton has been at best, a servicable starter.


    Yes, there's a chance 4 teams completely overlooked his abilities. I'm thinking it's very small and he is a stop gap.


    It's very likely you're right. All I'm saying is that they've both were put into a similar position. I think our offense is the best offense that Orton has been around and I'm cautiously excited to see what he can do with it. I'm not ready to put him in that category, I just think that potential is there.

  9. I can't help but see a lot of similarities with this Bills QB situation with Orton and the Cardinals situation a few years ago with Warner. Both were good veterans brought in to back-up a talented but raw young QB. Both of those QB's got hurt leaving the veteran to take over the team.


    I'm not saying the same thing will happen (I'd say it's extremely unlikely that it will but, I hope it does) what I'm saying is that this Bills team reminds me of that Cardinals team. Both offenses consisted of dynamic playmakers and good defenses. All Warner needed to do was be smart and manage games to win and he ended up doing much more. All Orton needs to do is be smart and manage the game.


    Again, I don't know if lightening can strike twice but I hope it does. It's certainly a more exciting team to watch right now with Orton in there. I hope EJ learns what he needs to and can eventually take the reigns back, then they won't have to use another draft pick on a QB.

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