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Posts posted by hatedolphins

  1. Having married priests isnt an answer. Pedophiles--or in the catholic church's case even more homosexuals into molesting teen boys--gravitate toward professions where they have access to these kids.--whether its coaches, music teachers etc. And the problem has been just as great %wise in the protestant and Jewish temples/churches--but the catholics are the biggest on the block so they got most of the pub.

    Do you really think someone gets attracted to children BECAUSE they go into a profession that doesnt allow them to marry?? That the frustration over not having sex makes them switch from heterosexual sexual urges to urges of pedophilia?? hardly. If It were a problem of not being able to get married they would #1--not go into the priesthood in the first place --OR-they would just go have sex secretly with some adult women-There are plenty out there.

    The catholic church has largely cleaned up its act in this country in the past 15 yrs. What happened is obviously outrageous --but the situation isch better now. Those guilty priests should all be in or should have been put in prison and the key to their cell should have been thrown away.


    The Catholic Catechism states that homosexuals acts are sinful (as is any sexual act outside of a valid marriage) and that homosexuals are "called to celibacy". I suspect many devout men who just so happen to be born with homosexual desires gravitate toward the Catholic priesthood with the best of intentions. After a few years of loneliness and the stress of dealing with other peoples' pain, some of them will snap and do nasty stuff to teenage boys.


    I am not going to go into the details motivations of why the Catholic Church started the celibacy rule, but it had alot to do with the widows and children of married priests taking church property upon the death of that priest. It also has to do with wanting a priest who does not divide his time between his parish and his family. With the severe priest shortages of today, you have priests dividing their time between several parishes.


    Another issue is having to pay a married priest a living wage to support a family instead of the puny allowance they pay the single priests now.


    There was a big scandal in the parish I grew up in. The Monsignor suddenly resigned without explanation. Nobody liked this guy and he wasn't around much. The story finally came out. He had been secretly married for seventeen years and had two kids. His mother-in-law got sick of supporting his family and snitched him out to the Bishop. The guy had to get a real job (a really good job) and raised his family in the next parish over. He also stopped being such a dick.

  2. How is it that he never even got on the field for a piss poor Bills defense, yet he can get on the field for what should be(but isn't for some reason this year) a very good Jets defense? Something just doesn't add up to me...not saying he looked awesome or anything, but the Bills never even attempted to utilize him, while the Jets are attempting to utilize him...makes me wonder if it wasn't something personal between him and Gailey...


    I agree there was a problem between Maybin and Gailey


    Maybin kept getting pushed around and knocked on his skinny little butt, and that dummy Chan Gailey thought it was something negative

  3. I have been saying for years that this will become a HUGE scandal in college football in reference to NCAA eligibility


    I am sure many of these football players have people take the SAT for them. The SAT monitors give a quick look at the picture ID and are afraid to question anyone. They don't take thumb prints anymore


    Do you think the Vick brothers or Cam "Laptop" Newton actually scored an 820 ?

  4. Some pretty deep rooted hate here. Reasons?


    These guys are probably upset because there is an unusually high percentage of homosexual pedophiles among the Catholic Clergy, and when they give into these weaknesses, the leadership covers it up, sends them off for counseling, and transfers them....Or maybe they don't like the rules about divorce or meatless Fridays during Lent


    I am a devout Catholic who was also an altar boy. No priest ever put a move on me, but I was always a big, ugly kid and I don't think there were any homosexual priests in my parish


    I have a great idea....Change the rule and allow married priests, and the problem of pedos will become very rare

  5. He made a terrific play where he showed great instinct for forcing a turnover. Why can't people accept this and move on? It was our choice to draft him in Rd1 not his.


    He is not hated because of his lack of ability. He is hated because of his big mouth, and stupid rap song


    Speaking of big-mouths, I enjoyed watching "MeAngelo" Hall getting burned the other night, and of course he made it look worse by blaming everyone but himself

  6. His coverage was generally good. He just lost every battle for the jump ball. What is it? Heart? Desire? What?



    He seems to lack awareness of where the ball is going


    But then, what do I know as I sit in my chair and overeat

  7. I weigh about 425 lbs (Almost as much as Chris Christy}


    Back in 2006, my doctor suspected that a guy my age, and being "circus fat", I might have sleep apnea, so he sent me for a test. I suspected he was right because my wife said I would stop breathing in my sleep


    I used to get up to pee about 4 times per night, and I would always wake up with a headache, even if I had not been drinking


    I have since used my CPAP every night. No more headaches. No more getting up to pee


    It took a little while to get used to, but when I would take it off while sleeping, my snoring would wake my wife, and she would "throw me a 'bow" and I would put it back on


    I never go without it now, and I even take it out of town

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