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Posts posted by BillsBiker

  1. Jim Kelly is to blame... and scott Norwood is to Blame


    If Jim put up points...


    Scott wouldnt have HAD to make a kick


    What happened next? Scott disapeared... and Jim Kelly ALWAYS played on his injurys..


    Frank Reich!!!!!!!!!!! would have one at least 2 superbowls...

  2. I just responded on this issue in another post.. but it deserves thought from NIX


    Give T.O. $325k and sign him once more to the Bills..


    Do you forget who has the longest catch and receive in Bills History?? Fitz to Owens..


    not to mention those two were a great fit, great chemestry... when trent was done


    One more time...


    Fitz, spiller, jackson, chandler, nelson, sj13, gram, jones, owens! Madddddd Points.

  3. I dont care what you all think... Give him $325k and sign him one more to the Bills..


    Do you for get who has the longest catch and receive in Bills History?? Fitz to Owens..


    not to mention those two were a great fit when trent was done


    One more time...

  4. Good morning guys.....


    We have 2 different groups of fans and opinion here....


    Group #1 Yes, the rebuilding project is over. Buddy Nix had 3 years, The Bills still have all their 2013 draft picks and haven't made a trade in years..... If the Bills have flaws, fill them NOW.........win or see ya! :flirt:


    Group #2 No, The rebuilding project is NOT Over, we still have holes to fill. Another draft or two should fix the team.


    I am defiantly in group #1 , make all the excuses you want. Buddy picked his quarterback and paid him well. He made his roster choices and the fans have been patient. Lets see what you got Buddy.


    We dont know till this season on how we did... but untill we have a superbowl the rebuilding shall never end!!!!

  5. Brad Smith is no longer a luxury that we can afford and seemingly not a luxury at all now that Vinnie Young is striving. I realize Chan has said a lot of great things about Brad Smith and the strategy of the other team having to prepare for the wild cat but he has also being tempted by rookie Potter's leg. The Thigpen has a great grasp of the offense and Vinnie needs more time to prove that he also can master it. And with that VY arm and the speed of TJ we could have something great to replace Fitz in case he poops the tub or gets hurt. I'm 100% sure VY is a run and throw threat w the wild cat and it will give him something a tad easier to fucus on as he digests the playbook. Cutting Brad Smith may also allow us to keep Namaan who is having a great pre season. in conclusion we cut Brad and keep Young and Tyler. let those two battle all season. keep potter as kick off specialist and keep sticky hands Rose. Thoughts my brothers? Really looking forward to a great season and T-ing off on Rex and company to start the party.


    Im sorry dude... but that is the sillyist thing I heard. Don't you remember how explosive Smith was as a jet? Smith was near automatic ever time the jets needed short yards. Every time he came in vs buffalo I used to say "KCUF... every time this BSmith" Now we have him and like spiller is.. he will come around more and more.


    Yet keep Smith, Buffalos own Namaan, and VY for thjis year.. think about it Fitz, spiller, jackson, vy, bsmith, chandler, sj13, tj's upside ect... thats a lotta opportunity for points!


    damn i am excited for the season.. 2 long weeks to go..

  6. so let me get this straight I'm the internet tough guy, but when you do the same thing, you are above all that somehow. My ego gains nothing by calling you anything. I could make a comment about the 'biker' in your name alluding to that tricycle you ride around the neighborhood, but I won't.


    And to your point, I get that you can learn about people you don't actually know by reading stories online and listening to the news. but you throw out things like HUGE gambling problem and alchoholism without any basis, like they are facts and that seems quite short minded to me. You say facts are facts, but don't have any.


    I get that you don't like Schopp and thats fine, he certainly isn't for everyone (or many according to this board). I just don't get the personal attack.


    I thought u weren't trying to say something about my name? looks like your honor is as good as ur word. Must make ur mama proud. You defend ur self as pointless as you defend Schoop. What proof you want? Records are public records. There is a reason Schoop has been around the block. Personally I find his opinions to be entertainment... i like when he gets all worked up. I just know his audiences get bored from city to city, and when a real radio jocky becomes available he will get bounced again. You cant reinvent the wheel, yet i like ur effort.

  7. Hahaha, Im flattered. And even with great humility agree that I or anyone here could probably do a better job than Schoop.


    Would love to do a show. Guests would include Jboyst, Buftex, RRich, BillinNYC, JohnCockestean, WhySoSerious?, CaptHindsight, OCinBuffalo, PtR... I know Im forgetting plenty of other worthy candidates


    The list of people with better football opinions is basically endless from TBD. Would probably hire Jauronimo as a full time co-host. We'd also need to keep DCTom on staff for when people call in with horrible ideas.


    Lets get this started!!


    only on one condition.... van miller does the show introduction.. 100% hit

  8. So basically...no, you don't know him and are just making crap up about him. Bravo tough guy.


    we dont personally know Jim Kelly.. but we know he never had what it takes to win a superbowl no matter how many chances he gave him self. We dont personally know RKelly... but we know he pee'd on girls, and we dont personally know Chad Johnson but we know his wife filed for divorce.


    NObody knows Todzilla... but we know ur a Schoop supporter, we know u grow ur ego callin someone a tough guy online, and with that im sure the Zilla in todzilla is adding 'height' to a short minded man.


    Get to know what ur talking about, facts are facts and if I was a friend to Schoop... I too would be a loser by association

  9. I think he meant that Rochester stopped listening and he went away, and that is what Buffalo should do.


    I agree with the DR here.. for that is what I ment. Now I am a fan of Dr Dareustein and with his pick up of conversation I would listen to the DOC over Schoop and so would a lot of you.


    As far as do i know Schoop? we all do... arrest records, media reporting, as well as common sense lets us put together peoples lives and know them as they were one of ur co workers.. have I messed with him on radio show he hosts in the past? yes... i love messing with opinionated fools who have no back bone... when the great schoop stutters, flutters words and hangs up on well me atleast 3 times i played around... yes i find him sad.


    Any body down for the DR Dareustine show besides me?

  10. Schoop has a HUGE gambling problem, and he blames the bills for money lost.. also making lil gains on safe PAT bets has him under Belichecks hoodie, if u know what i mean..


    So lets see Schoop's betting and resulted alcoholic tendancys has left Schoop a real bad taste in society. If each one of u stoped talking about him, listening to him.. he will disappear as the city of Rochester did.

  11. Wasn't Trent Edwards considered a bit of a stud when he was in Buffalo?


    My girl and I were watching the Pats-Eagles last night and she (who used to think trent was a cutie) was shocked at how physically he has changed. I noticed it too. Skinnyer, long hair... looks like a broke mans Blane Gabbert.. and we all know Blane Gabbert is already a broke mans blane gabbert.


    Trents life has gone way down hill since the day that sack in AZ came... scary outcome to a once bills hopefull

  12. "Dude" (if that is your real name), you can't seriously believe this.


    The old hag that spills coffee on herself...she had no responsibility, no prior knowledge that coffee was hot? She needs a label to tell her that?


    This dumb chick doesn't know that the color black attracts the suns rays? What, she was absent in science class the day this was being covered? You think that a label is going to prevent stupidity?


    This is gold digging at its ugliest. The good thing: it's in Texas, where common sense values still reside. If this was in NY or CA, oh boy. The bad news: although this should be thrown out, and her joke of an attorney should be laughed right out of court with her, it probably will not.


    Where do we draw the line as a society? When does a person become responsible for their actions? How are the Cowboys and Jerry Jones negligent?


    To be considered negligent you need to have a 1.) Duty Owed, 2.) Duty breached, 3.) Proximate cause, and 4.) Damages.


    The Cowboys have a duty to inform people that sitting on a black bench in 100+ heat could be hot? REALLY?!?!? Even if you were a complete Alien idiot from another planet, you should have felt the discomfort as soon as you sit down. If it was that hot, wouldn't the proper response would have been to quickly exit said chair? IF she sat there longer than 2 seconds she bears responsibility for not mitigating her "damages".


    if u thought this persons name was dude... ur dumber than the woman suing

  13. Nice comments about the "assigned" pic.. its cute.


    I look at your pic, and I see a mug shot from when you beat up ur mother at church. now go get that ice park for ur mother i mentioned earlier.


    I travel a lot, i see u dont... but I will where that shirt in jersey since "u dont come up to the sticks"


    im not that hard to spot for you, especially since my shirt will invite ur self to me, call it the law of attraction.


    what did Bart Scott say? Cant Wait.. now go do some curls short body.. beef up for me

  14. Ok I just got messaged.


    The message was if I know whats best for me i will shut my mouth.


    Fair enough.. i mean after hearing about jimmys past and prison sex.. I really dont wanna get 'wacked' by Jimmy Fags..


    ST john Fisher last night practice, ill be there with a self made T shirt saying "where is Jimmy Fags" You will find me, and we will go from there.


    see ya then my dirty italian princess..

  15. When I hear the term 'mafia' I think weak group of men joining in numbers to seem tough.. naturally I think "bills mafia" is stupid. I mean unless the Bills are a weak team, lets stop the word mafia..



    Jimmy Spagnola on the other hand needs the word mafia in his life.. Its funny to hear about this weak man acting tough and that Bills fans is the reason we need to stop the word mafia.. Jimmy Spagnola and his father Fireman Ed are well sad and I am glad he got confronted by a 130 lb redskins fan.. and almost lost. Good job Jimmy! Enjoy that drink that was thrown in ur face you dirty italian princess





    F Jimmy, and the jets

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