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Maury Ballstein

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Posts posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Tough division, new coach, no QB. Wouldn't surprise me one bit.


    He was basically our 2nd best player last year. We had a lot of talented players under-perform.


    Diss Simien but praise Taylor ? Interesting, they are pretty much the same no ?


    400 more yards passing in 1 less game for simdog, more rushing yards for Taylor.


    ...agree John.....forget the stat rats......forget the shoulda coulda woulda gang....forget the "he sucks...he's a franchise QB" gang as well....the past has passed and does not mean jack IMO.....2017 is a clean slate with Dennison at the offensive helm so let's see what happens......think the kid knows this is his "make it or break year" IMO.....

    Amen. Do or Die season on deck.

  2. Love to see posts like this. Might as well be a white flag.

    Maybe instead of insulting people and bashing Tyrod, you should form an actual defense of your opinion that involves things like facts and statistics and evidence. And if those things don't support your argument, maybe you should think about revising your opinion.

    Emo CoT in full effect !!


    31st ranked passing offense, but check out these cool graphs !

  3. I threw Davids name out there because of Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Seinfeld had its moments that make you laugh but I feel the shows a bit overrated.

    I rented the first season of Curb My Enthusiasm years back and thought it was just okay. Seemed like life just revolving around a bunch of millionaires. Maybe I'll rewatch it again, time changes how I see stuff.

    Just my $0.02.

    Or you could move forward to the seasons where Larry and Leon pair up.


  4. So, you provoke your dog, and, because it hasn't hurt anyone yet, she/he Is an angel? Got it.

    You are an idiot..and the biggest part of the problem. Pit owners buy them because they are tough (a generalization, I know). They are generally sweet dogs. They are also capable of very bad things. I have this argument with my dad all the time. His favorite dog ever was a female white pit. She was the biggest spaz I've ever seen. She never hurt anyone except to bull over todlers in the living room.

    What is your problem ? Hold the advice, no one cares.


    You couldn't control your dog now you're lashing out at others ?


    Get a grip.

  5. Did it tear their arm off? That is the difference. Any breed is capable of biting. Only a few are capable of killing. I never understand why pit bull defenders don't understand this very logical concern. I have met plenty of lovely pits, but I still will never own one.

    Pits are awesome. .0000001% causing a ruckus isn't that scary.

  6. Best player in the draft Lonzo Ball put on a show tonight

    Pretty pretty good, but too early to claim this. Tatum, Dennis Smith Jr, Fultz will all bring it too.

    And the lakers win the Summer league championship


    It of course will be the only championship the lakers win this year....however we appear to have had an excellent draft

    Kuzma is a stud.

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