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Posts posted by BillsLux

  1. Totally agree with your second point.


    In any situation, the clock is always against one team and working for the other. If the other coach milks the clock before calling the timeout (which the Titans did), then we should of been stopping it immediatley.


    We know our D stinks. We need to start planning for getting the ball back. Then we would of been ok throwing a couple of those dinks.

  2. Is Wandstedt ideologically opposed to the Blitz?


    4th and 9, with the game on the line and I have to watch us play a un-agressive defensive with two safeties doing an excellent job of guarding the goal post.


    All I could think of on their final drive is, "If we're going to let them score, then blitz for crying out loud. At least they'll score quickly and we'll get the ball back."


    On the other side, with only around 40 seconds left they blitz our quarterback and it works.

  3. A perspective from the Meadowlands (I just got back from going to the game)



    1) Fitzpatrick didn't look good, but it was amazing watching the disparity in how open the Jets receivers were vs how open the Bills receivers were. The Bills receivers looked like they were wearing green blankets all day. The Jets receivers were wandering in space.


    2) A couple years ago, it seemed necessary that Fitzpatrick to do those 3 step quick hits all day, because our offensive line stunk. Now, it looks like he's getting time, but his repertoire is still almost only the slants. Sit back, wait, and through the ball downfield.


    3) Why was TJ Graham inactive. Don't we need someone who can run?


    4) I love Jackson, he's the best player on the team, but Spiller's good. When he's in the open, it's not even fair.





    1) We can't make a team punt. The only time teams punt is in the second half, when they've gone conservative to milk the clock.


    1) I've never seen a defense so unbalanced. My whole life, I've heard that you need to establish the run to setup the pass. Our defense totally defies that. We're great against the run, but we can't stop a single 3rd down pass to get off the field.


    2) GET SHEPPHARD OFF THE FIELD. He doesn't have the athleticism or the physicality to play middle linebacker. How many 3rd and 5 passes were completed for a first down in front of him.


    3) McKelvin always seems to be in position but he can't make a stinkin play on the ball.


    4) Blitz a few times. Is there anything worse than getting torn apart and not trying to shake up a few things.

  4. This is about a coach and a general manager falling in love with their draft choice; and being blinded by first impressions. They can’t see that this guy has done nothing on the field to warrant any first string consideration. Click the link below to see the origin of this:



    Oh great learned one of the endless school of I Told You So, if Sheppard somehow improves and starts making plays consistently, are you gonna come back and say you were wrong?


    Somehow I doubt it.


    GO BILLS!!!

    Actually, I will. My love for the Bills and the watching of a playoff game far outweighs my pride.

  5. There were two entirely different approaches taken by the two teams tonight.

    Offensively Minnesota was running a bunch of sprint options, play action, waggles and even a fleaflicker for gawd's sake. Meanwhile the Bills did nothing fancier than a 2ndhalf wildcat look and a couple read options.

    Defensively the Vikings were trying to disguise coverages and confuse Fitzpatrick on nearly every play and even threw in some overload blitzes and zonedawgs in the early part of the game while the Bills just played it straight up with an occasional stunt and virtually no attempts at deception.


    While I'll continue to maintain that we have issues with our LB corps, trying to make any negative judgements about this team from tonight's game is nothing more than foolish caterwauling.


    I hear what you're saying with the whole,"it's too early to be negative, the scheme...", but didn't you once say to yourself over the last two games, wow, "Sheppard Looks Terrible".


    The irony is were all scouring these pages to read opinions. It wouldn't be a very interesting read if we all played the Mr Rationale Man, trumpeting "it's too early to make judgements."

  6. I'm interested in others opinions.


    All offseason, I've heard praise about Sheppard from the coaches and fellow teammates, but I haven't seen a thing. Not only this year, but also the last half of last year. I can't think of an impact play.


    I understand he has limited experience, which might explain mis-reads, penalities, and things like that, but it seems to me that he doesn't have the athleticism to play out there. He seems slow, without the ability to peel off a blocker. Any play that penetrates past the front line (draw, short pass) goes for 15 yards into the secondary.


    I wasn't a believer in Poz because all his tackles were 5 yards down field, but at least he was there.


    It's a shame because our line is really good.

  7. Is anyone out there concerned than Sheppard might not be the answer? I can't honestly say that I've seen him this year or the last half of last year (I know he was hurt), as a guy that has a nose for the ball. I know it's too early, but I don't see the agressiveness and he doesn't peel off a single blocker

  8. Interesting question. Especially since most people forget that Belicheat's record stunk until his starting quarterback with an 0-2 record that season got hurt. He shouldn't event get credit for the recognition of Brady, since it might never of happened if Bledsoe didn't go down with a serious injury that year.


    It's hard to answer, but there are a few things I would say definitively.

    - I'd rather have Farve then Holmgren (did nothing without Farve)

    - I'd rather have Elway then Mike Shanahan (can't win a thing)

    - I'd rather have Brady then Belicheat

    - I'd rather have Manning then Dungy

  9. Seems to me this thread mirrors one from a different Bills Board about 11 years ago when Tom Donahue brought in an NFL Europe scrub that had failed to make Seattle's team 2 years running to challenge Chris Mohr.

    At the end of camp Mohr was sent packing for this scrub named Brian Moorman in a decision many said the Bills would regret. 11 years later I doubt they regret it.

    Are you really trying to equate Mohr and Moorman?

  10. Anybody else a bit disappointed with the Bills schedule. From a fan perspective, it's a bit rough. So many home games late in the year. The NFL obviously think's the Bills will be good or else Orchard Park will be empty for about a month and a half. In the middle of the schedule, a nice time of year in Buffalo, I believe the Bills go 6 weeks with only 1 home game (including the bye).


    Also, it would be nice to get off to a good start with a bunch of home games. The momentum can keep you in it. (I understand that wasn't at all the case last year).

  11. Does the fact that all of a sudden Aaron Maybin has 6 sacks tell us something about our defensive coaching? Why couldn't we do a thing with him?


    Also, have you ever seen receivers in the secondary as open as they are against us? Our cornerbacks/safeties might be bad, but at least a few times a game, isn't there just massive confusion?

  12. He's done a heck of a job. Not that it was brilliant, but the end of the game today was a commone sense approach that I honestly don't feel the past few coaches would have has the foresight to do.


    One thing definitely refreshing, is that he coaches to win the game.


    How tiresome was it hearing Dick Jauron try to 'steal a victory'? He always let it be known that we weren't a talented bunch, but that we were trying to outsmart everyone. I always wondered how he could get the players inspired if he made it known every week that we weren't that talented.

  13. I'm not sure I understand the love-fest for Terrell Davis, he was an excellent running back, but I think the discussion must be placed in context.


    If people remember correctly, he ran in a system that was pumping out good running backs. They didn't skip a beat when he left. For instance, Mike Anderson and Clinton Portis, who replaced Terrell Davis, ran for 4.4 and 5.5 yards per carry. (compare this with 4.6 from Terrell Davis). Terell also had the pleasure of running a few years when they had a good quarterback who could actually create a passing threat.


    Compare this to Jackson, who has run for 4.5 yards per carry (.1 less than Terrel Davis) over the course of a span where the Bills have had what I would consider one of the most lethargic passing offense and offensive lines that I can ever remember watching. There is not a recent Bills running back that has even close to his production.


    Beyond these numbers, think about his ability to block and the fact that he was actually a great kick returner for the time that he did. He's literally in the hall of fame for his running / kick returning combination.


    If you've watched every game the Bills have played over the course of the past couple years, is he clearly not our MVP (albeit we've been terrible)?

  14. I'm starting to hear people going towards the direction of the following line:


    "Freddie is a better back when there isn't good blocking, but Spiller would be the better back if we had a good offensive line."


    Brilliant point, if the defense was obliterated from the face of the earth, Spiller would get to the end zone quicker.


    Absolutely ridiculous. Good backs make people miss. If that wasn't the case, we would have drafted Carl Lewis.

  15. Fred Jackson has undoubtedly been our best player since his first start against the Washington Redskins a number of years ago.


    Is there anything more frustrating then this ridciculous thought they he won't be the starting running back? Are we really going to play the same game (Lynch vs Jackson vs Spiller) we played last year.


    I don't know if they made a mistake by drafting Spiller or not, but I do know, that this team can't afford not to play the guy that contributes most.

  16. I give Gailey and Nix credit for one thing, guts. They decided to sacrifice the year early last year with the Lynch tactics; playing an inferior player to Jackson to entice a stronger trade position (we got nothing in the end).


    Are they doing the same thing this year? I'm not a season ticket holder to watch us give up games for 4th and 5th round picks.


    If we don't produce offensively this year, considering we just gave up one of our premier players for a 4th round pick, they should be crucified by fans and rightfully so. We didn't get a first round pick, we got a fourth round pick. I don't care how old Evans is, what are the odds we get something of more value than him. That's ignoring the fact that he was a Bill and someone I enjoyed cheering for.


    I don't want to hear about salary cap. We've been talking about salary cap room for years and we've done nothing with it. For some reason, every new GM that comes in has to clear out everything from the past, clearing out the baby with the bath water (or whatever that saying is).

  17. Seriously, wouldn't you be stoked if you just traded a 4th round pick for Lee Evans? Does anyone really think the probabilities are high that any team (not just us) would get a 4th round pick that produces more than Evans (and yes, I know his age)?


    And by the way, it's been terrible rooting for a quality guy and a leader on the team. He was one of the few BILLS.


    I love the deep financial analysis on the salary cap. IF my memory serves me correct, we're currently way below it, and we've done nothing to put a few guys in front of Fitzpatrick to save him from getting killed.Maybe, just maybe, if we had a line, then Fitz would have the 3-4 seconds to see Evan breaking open down the field.

  18. Really....., tell me that as a Ravens fan you wouldn't be stoked giving up a fourth round pick for Lee Evans? I don't care that he's 30, tell me the probability that we get a 4th round pick who provides us the producutivy he does over the next few years.


    The financial analysis about salary cap is a joke, we're way below it and we can't get a tackle to protect our quarterback.


    Tell me a good move that Nix/Gailey has made besides what my 4 year old daughter could have done: Picking Dareus and letting go of Poz.


    Was it the brilliance behind letting Lynch play for 4-5 games last year despite that he wasn't our best player at the position (But we got a huge draft pick for it, please....? Or was it that we solidified are hold on Kelsay.

  19. Don't get me wrong, in net, I like Gailey, but I have to get one thing off my chest.


    Last years moves surrounding Marshawn Lynch were about as unexplainable as any moves I've ever seen.


    I can not fathom why Lynch was playing so much at the beginning of the year. Any way you look at it, the logic is inexplicable.



    1) He watched absolutely no film covering the previous 2 years, showing Fred Jackson as our MVP.

    2) He literally gave up the season before it even began, in an effort to increase Lynch's trade value from nothing to next to nothing.


    Either way, I'm still upset about it. Obviously, I need some help.

  20. Yes, I would agree with the fact that Belicheat outcoached Jauron, but so did everyone.


    That being said, does anyone know Belicheat's record without Brady? I bet you it's less than .500.

    In the year he won his first superbowl, he was 0-2 with Bledsoe. The only genius I can think of is that he gave us Bledsoe and Milloy. The killer was we lost Winfield probably because of it.



    Who would you rather have,

    Belicheck or Brady?

    Holmgren or Farve?

    Elway or what's his name (exactly)?



  21. I'm not exactly sure how we got to comparing Kraft vs Ralph.


    Remember, my initial point was that Buffalo is probably not one of the top tier economical cities in the US.


    Wouldn't most of us agree that economically, it might be more profitable to be in Boston than Buffalo? Can we really begin to speculate on how Kraft would be in Buffalo? If I remember correctly, he just got a new stadium.

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