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Everything posted by joesz

  1. Does the NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement or Salary Cap prohibit trades that include the exchange of money? You see it all the time in Baseball, Pro Basketball and Hockey (when they are playing) where a player is traded for draft choices, cash, or the trading team agrees to pay part of the salary of the traded player. Instead NFL teams have to eat the amoritized bonus as a hit against their Salary Cap when a player is released or traded. Pro Basketball has a Salary Cap, yet money has been transfered in trades. How to they handle it?
  2. Today on Meet the Press, Tim Russert closed the program with a "Go Bills" and Happy Birthday to Ralph Wilson.
  3. I was surprised that players like Haddad, Sape and Sobieski could be placed on the Bill's Practice Squad, given the fact that they were on full-time rosters last years. It was my understanding that the Practice Squad could only be filled with players of very limited expierence, something on the order of less than a half year. I don't know how many games Haddad was on the Colt's 53-man roster last year, but I do know that Sape and Sobieski were on the Bill's 53-man roster for the entire year. I thought that would make them ineligble. That is, unless they don't count those games in which they were on the 7-man inactive list for each game. Does anyone know the Practice Squad eligiblity requirements?
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