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Posts posted by touchdownbuffalo

  1. I've done my share of Jerry bashing over the years, but he's not paid to be "positive" or a fan. Like it or not, his views are probably shared by a significant portion of his viewing audience, and that's the point. Columnists are supposed to generate attention, and that's what he does.


    If and when the Bills ever get their act together, he'll be providing the appropriate praise -- he was damn close to that prior to Sunday's debacle.


  2. Most Bills fans know how important this game is, in terms of a division title. Like myself, I think most fans are still contemplating if the Bills did enough this off season to take the division.


    Will the LBers be able to stop the run or will they let the team down?


    Will Wannstache really build a top ten defense? Lord knows that there is 100 million reasons that the defense should be very improved.


    Will having only one decent WR limit the offense again this year. (SJ now hampered again with a groin injury)


    Will that 3rd round reach for TJ Graham have any impact at all?


    Will the rookie LT need a few weeks of playing time before he settles into an all pro form, or fall on his face?


    Will Fitz be able improve his play despite the team around him not greatly improving?


    Do the Bills have enough depth to survive if they have another year of rash injuries everywhere?


    Will Chan Gailey call nothing but 4-5 WR sets and forget the run game again?



    Will Bills fans see "the light of day"? Will they see that proverbial baby?



    So many questions to be answered, all we can do is wait....



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