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Dude Man

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Posts posted by Dude Man

  1. This thing is pretty cool.


    I downloaded it, maybe the second week of the season. I used it the most to keep up on the Bills/Pats* game when we landed in Disney World. I hit the refresh button when we were checking in and found out we won!!! I let out a (small) cheer, as I didn't want to embarrass to many of my family even though we were all rooting for the Bills.


    There certainly is a ton of stuff on it, especially on game days.

  2. I honestly think the defense really brings some heat and keeps our offense on the field a lot.


    Bills 20

    KC 6


    The media writes it off as first game jitters for the Chefs, the odds makers predict Oakland to win by 3 pts the following week. Week two the Bills handily beat the Raiders and still no one is paying attention. Week 3 the Bills slip completely under the radar and host NE. Brady is running for his life the whole game and the Bills crush NE 33-7.


    Still the media doesn't recognize that the Bills are really good and instead focus on NE and talk about how far the mighty Patriots have fallen.


    It isn't until half way through the season that anyone really realizes that the Bills have a dominant defense and the offense just keeps improving each game. By then, it's too late. A fired-up Buffalo Bills team goes on to shock the league by not only beating NE, but also winning the division.


    Now the media is falling all over themselves trying learn as much as they can and the smug ESPN "Experts" start blathering on about how they knew the Bill's could do it all along.


    A little over the top?


    Nope. It's perfect.

  3. I know this has probably already been posted (I don't have time to read through 13 pages) but I'd like to add my 1/2 cent.


    I think this is a terrible move. Who is going to catch the ball now? Donald Jones? C'mon. Teams are going to double-team Steve Johnson likes there no tomorrow. Just when I thought we were making small subtle steps forward...


    Not only do we lose Evans, we lose someone who could've tutored these younger guys.

  4. I call horsefeathers....if weight is solid muscle, it's hard to lose 10 lbs from an illness unless it's a tapeworm, if it's a tapeworm Maybin should see a doctor




    Mr Advocate, kindly advise your client "the Devil" that Batten was injured last year, Coleman is a 2nd round player, both were late round draft picks, and both appear to have shown up stronger and bigger.

    Therefore their potential trajectory seems more promising than a guy who was #11 in the draft 3 years ago, shows up at his 3rd year camp looking like a wide receiver, and hasn't been able to crack the special teams roster.


    So I think it's throwing smart money after wasted money, but it's just me - let's see what he does the rest of preseason


    Then let's see what he can do against some teams starters, not against guys who aren't going to be in the league after training camp. What difference does it make if he makes plays with 3rd & 4th srtingers playing? He has already proven he just can't play with the big boys.

  5. I completely disagree. Our starting D (when healthy) was as servicable as Fitz. QB is just as big a need as any other position and since it is the single most important position on the team, it is our most pressing need, in my opinion. I will be very disappointed if we don't get a QB before pick 35

    Do you call getting gouged for 200+ rushing yards (I'm sorry I don't remember the number, but it was more than a few) "servicable"? What about not being able to get off the field on 3rd and long? I'm sorry, this pick NEEDS to be D-Line or LB.

  6. The NFL Network did a piece on him and they project him to go in the first round, but that he does need work. Not that that's a stretch. They see him not as a "big slob" left tackle, but more of one that can move through the linebackers and create openings that way. Just not the type the "absorb" the bullrush, if you will. They had a term for it, but it escapes me. If Buffalo is looking at him, like others, I would hope they would trade down and get an extra pick. Just my two cents.

  7. This is pretty shocking to me. While Stroud is definitely past his peak, but he is still valuable to this team's D-line. He is a guy that we absolutely need as a rotational player. I wonder what is behind this move. Faith in the young guys? Plans to draft D-line early and often? Speculation that there may indeed not be a season next year, therefore Stroud will be to old?

    My personal hope is this.

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