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Art in PNS

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Posts posted by Art in PNS

  1. If you don't require the Hotel atmosphere they have a great Camping area where you can park an RV, Pitch a tent or even rent one their own RV's. We did this a couple of times when the kids were young and we lived in Pensacola. It was much cheaper and no driving in every day ( if you are off the grounds ) . Just walk a short distance take a little train to the ferry and off you go to THE MAGIC KINGDOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually has a pretty nice little water park for a mid week change of pace if you are so inclined.

  2. My guess is the Bills know full well what he can do and about his limitations. Take that with the fact that he would need to be paid like a vet with X number of years experience and y be is they are wating to see if he is still around later and will accept the 1 year minimum offer that allows them to only count 500,000 or something like that on the cap. If someone pays him more then I am sure they will let him go .

  3. He's gotten no chance to shown what he's got.

    I like Aikens potential and, I would like to see what he can do as our #3 reciever.



    Aiken had a couple of drops on bad balls if I remeber correctly but in the Steelers game when they actually threw to him you could see his skills. Aiken is a solid #3 reciever here and a great backup. I think you will see him more in 05 .

  4. It looks like there's a lot more interest in this game due to the way the Bills have been playing lately.  Psycho Ward 86 and I will be there.  This will be the 3rd Steelers @ Bills game we've attended together (99 and 01) and my 9th overall in this series at RICH.  How many others plan to brave the elements and cheer the Bills on to victory?




    I'll be there with 3 others.

  5. What a great day!


    The Bills fans' presence was definitely noticed - after every score, you could hear the Shout song echoing through the stadium, being sung by random groups of 3-4 fans throughout.


    Seems like most folks that were there are probably travelling home right now, but I'm sure that the posts are forthcoming.


    In the meantime, I need to continue thawing out...



    Did you guys set up shop in the Longworth lot ??? We looked all over for you as well as a couple of other guys that were at the Boathouse for dinner last night. Great game though.

  6. The Bills are fired up?!?! I been waiting for this since 4:30 last Sunday!!


    Bring on the Bengals already!! :)




    Me too. Didn't get to see last weeks game due to traveling but thanks to Fezmid caught it in the chat room. This week I fly home through Cinn. so it's just natural to stay for the game and watch the Bills wrecking crew go to work.


    Go Bills !!!!!

  7. Has anybody ever rented a car one way?  I'm trying to rent a car from Boston to Buffalo and find the cheapest way to do that, any suggestions?


    AS an option you might want to look at Amtrak from Albany to Buffalo. If this is one of the special games that they advertise t is a pretty good deal. Bus transportation to the game from the train station. Thenyou only need to drive from Boston to Albany not so bad and allows lots of drinking time.

  8. I love Pat, too, but I don't think TD will try very hard to resign him with Ron Edwards beginning to emerge.


    Our defense relies on rotating the big guys so I think we keep him. Adams. Williams, Edwards and Anderson . Now there are 4 DT's that can spel each other and keep bringing the heat. @ young guys to spell the vets until they are done. Williams gets a 3 year maybe 4 year contract max.

  9. That works for me...there is no way we could get a 1st out of anyone given his anticipated lack of playing time the rest of the way.



    I hope that travis stays next year but if he is traded , who needs a running back badly ??? Um Dallas and who got our first rounder ??? UM Dallas . Of course I don't think Travis is a Parcells type running back but that would be something. :D

  10. (everyone else has made an "OFFICIAL" thread the past few weeks, why not me?)


    Let's use this thread as the "I Voted" buttons.  Don't care who you voted for, don't bring politics into it, just a simple "I voted" post if you've voted today.


    I'll start:  "I Voted"




    I voted early in NC on Oct 15th.

  11. Lets put it this way I never root for Miami under any circumstances, I just won't be screaming for the jets to win. I think it is " best " for us if Miami wins and the jets would then have 3 losses after we hammer them. The Bills need to have a mindset that they need to win out the season , and if they can pick it up a few losses my the Jests and Patriots won't hurt the cause. If they can't win against the Jests head to head as well as the Patriots then it really doesn't much matter.

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