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Posts posted by Dopey

  1. Well, the guy we drafted with that pick is Eric Wood, who's had his share, including an ACL he'll be coming back from hopefully this next season. We haven't fared much better on that front...

    That's what happens when you're a fat, lazy, outa shape, tub o' goo that doesn't take care of your own body!

    Oops, sorry Senator, couldn't help myself. ;)


    Helps to have a little historical perspective, Dopey. When Jason Peters held out and then returned to the Bills, he was a fat, lazy, out of shape tub o' goo who hurt the team.

    Oh, I remember. My point is no need to get personal. This GAME should'nt be your life. You're not getting paid by the Bills. It's a game. I was born and raised a Bills fan, but feel like a little perspective on "life" helps once in a while. don't like it, move on.

  2. That's what happens when you're a fat, lazy, outa shape, tub o' goo that doesn't take care of your own body!


    I'm just glad it was the Eagles' money....

    GO BILLSSS!!!!


    19 and 0 baby!!!!! B-)



    Sometimes I like to defend players from stupid comments(stupid IMO). Spikes,Cowart,Kyle,and Merriman are just a few examples of players who were not fat tub o' whatever and had achilles injuries. When you use your body for a living in a contact sport, you will have injuries. Even when training for the upcoming season. Some psters remind me of "The Wizard" sitting behind the curtain acting like Mr. know-it-all. Plus the following quote from the article seems to imply that he was working out. "The Eagles have announced that Peters suffered the injury during a running session on Tuesday, March 27, in Texas, " Don't take this **** personal guys. It's a game that we watch, that's it, no more no less. Just erks me when fans get personal and don't even know the person. :wallbash:


    Great news, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. LOL


  3. Yeah, probably took him 45 mins to confirm it . . . something like . . .


    11:30 Coming up in the next segment - Eric Wood

    11:35 #70 of the Bills in the next hour

    11:40 Bills' guard Eric Wood coming up

    11:45 One of AFC East's best guards in the next segment - Eric Wood

    11:50 Eric Wood-man, stud AFC East guard of Buffalo Bills up soon

    11:55 Man's-man Eric Wood #70 in the next segment

    Noon Studly rock of a man, Bills' guard Eric Wood in the next hour

    12:05 Send me your tweets to describe Bills Guard Eric Wood, coming up soon

    12:10 How much defense would an Eric Wood chuk? Bills' guard in the next segment

    12:15 Bills guard #70, Eric Wood after the next segment


    aaaarrrrgggghhhh ! I can't stand Rome - say it once, repeat 1000 times, kill an hour, get paid a small fortune . . . great work we'd all take if we could get it!!!

    I'm with you on that one. You can tune in for the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes and hear the same thing. I can't believe people wait for hrs. to talk to him on the radio only to be cut off. Getting "racked" is their lifetime achievement.

  4. I voted for Brad. The reason is Tebow mentioned in his press conference that he is not a "Wildcat" QB, he was a "spread" QB in college and in Denver last season. He mentioned the difference to him is the "Wilcat" is run by a RB or WR. And almost never throws the ball down field. He was running a spread offense, which gave him the option to hand off to the RB, Keep and run, or throw downfield. Not much of a difference to me, but Tebow ran an offense last year, not a gimmick "Wilcat" play once in a while. Don't kill the messenger with semantics, "it's a wildcat no matter what Tebow says". I get it, but I think there is something to what he said. Thats why I voted for Brad. Tebow doesn't consider himself to be a "Wildcat" QB. I tend to agree. More of a spread option QB. Cam Newton ran a similar offense at Auburn and no one mentions that he was a "Wildcat" QB, but a spread option QB. Just some food for thought.

  5. Shawn Powell, P, FSU :thumbsup:


    He would have led the nation in punting this season, but was a few attempts short of the minimum to qualify. He's been nothing but spectacular during his 4 years here at FSU. He can also place the ball wherever you want it. He dropped some amazing punts out of bounds inside the 5 this past season.


  6. Well then, Dopey...then I guess you'd be as obnoxious as any unruly NYer prone to acts of violence against another human being simply for expressing a differing opinion - and thusly would also charged with assault.





    Now you're gettin' The Holy Spirit 0:)





    I'm sorry you did too... but ya did!


    I never once grouped all NYers as maggots - I travel to NYC frequently on business and pleasure, have many friends who live there, find the vast majority of NYers (aside from Jets fans, who are actually mostly from New Jersey anyway) to be wonderful people, and the quality and variety of social, culinary, and cultural experiences unsurpassed.


    The indisputable fact remains, however, that the city with the largest US population will also have a proportionally high number of human maggots, cockroaches, and miscreants.


    Like Fireman Ed :nana:



    The Giants fan didn't simply express a differing opinion, he purposely went down to where Fireman Ed was to show him up. Let's see, we have a stadium that holds 80k + people and he HAD to get right in front of him with his ass in Ed's nuts even. You can see in the beginning the Giants fan came down to where Ed was to get in front of him and take over the chant that Ed was doing with Jets fans. What did you think should happen, Ed just back off and say ok to the Giants fan? I would take exception and push him out of the way too. And correctly, charges were dropped.If that makes me a maggot, then so be it. I guess the Giants fan was innocent and did nothing to provoke Ed. I hate the Jets, but I like to call them as I see them and the Giants fan bears responsibility for the shove,IMO. Don't start none, won't be none.

  7. Who cares if the media does most of the work? I don't need to do all those things behind the scenes in order to form an educated opinion about a player's talent.

    All I care about is determining whether players like Ryan Tannehill, Trent Richardson or Justin Blackmon are worth the hype they are getting.


    Try doing these two things in your spare time:

    1) Watch some games in college

    2) Watch some actual game film (not highlights) of top prospects on websites like www.draftbreakdown.com and www.mainboard.com



    The point is, there are a lot of regular football fans that know what they are talking about.

    A lot of fans ON THIS BOARD were outraged when Buffalo took Donte Whitner instead of Haloti Ngata or Broderick Bunkley. A lot of fans ON THIS BOARD were dumfounded when Buffalo drafted Aaron Maybin instead of Brian Orakpo, Clay Matthews or Brian Cushing.

    This was not hindsight. In all of these cases, the Bills would have been better off listening to a regular fan instead of their high-paid scouts.

    Having said all of that can you answer the original question? Who thinks they can scout college better than Nix? I'm guessing your answer should be NO. Yes?



    The typo was supposed to be Marshawn Lynch. If you couldn't figure that out you are a lot like you dumb hero, Nix. You get lost VERY EASILY. LOL Did you ever listen to Nix speak???? Tell me he didn't drop out of school in the third grade!!

    I was born and raised in Buffalo, but have lived in the South for almost 20 yrs. Don't let that accent fool you. It's almost an advantage for Nix to have people like you judge someone because he sounds like a hick. You get lulled into a false sense of superiority and BAM he gets you before you can figure it out. My guess is that Nix is better at scouting AND drafting than anyone on this board, you included.

  8. I could do better with my one hand tied behind my back. For example, if you had Marshall Lynch and Fred Jackson on your roster, WHY IN THE H_LL would you draft CJ Spiller ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? DAAAAAA!

    He couldn't screw up last year because when you have the 3rd pick everyone in America knows who the top 5 blue chippers are. You just draft the guy everyone agrees is worthy of going that high.

    Did you like the rest of last years fraft?


    Ok. How is this? No, I don't necessarily think I can scout college talent better than Nix, but I do think I can draft as well as he can.

    Are you drunk??? :beer: :beer:


    You can't scout as well as Nix, but somehow you can draft as well as he does.WOW!!

    Happy Friday all.Lets all get this drunk. First weekend of spring and all.



  9. I dunno the answer to that one, Dopey...I guess you'd get a better answer from the Giants fan that the idiot assaulted...

    Link -Confrontation With Giants Fan Leads to Assault Charges for Fireman Ed






    The Senator's 2012 AFC East Prediction:


    BuffTown Bills -19 and 0 baby!!!!! B-)

    New Jersey Jets - 9-7

    NE Cheatriettes*- 6-10

    Miami Dolphins - 3-11




    "I expect to be undefeated...I expect to win every game." - Chan Gailey





    In looking at the video, looks like the Jets were the home team. At 34 sec. you see "Jets" in the endzone. There are certain places where I wouldn't think of doing what the Giants fan did. Philly, Oakland, Detroit and NY. Trying to withold judgement(I wasn't there) but that looks like Ed's usual seat during Jets games. Giants fan goes to my seat and tries that, he gets pushed out of the way too. Unless of course Tebow is on my team. Then I just pray for the Giant fan. :doh:

    This all started with me defending NYorkers from being grouped as "maggots" by someone. Sorry I started this.

  10. What?



    I kind of hope we don't resign Bell unless its for an extremely good-for-the-Bills contract. While he is a above average LT, he can't stay on the field. I'd much rather draft a couple of tackles in the first three rounds and have some security.

    While he is a above average LT,

    Injuries happen, it's the NFL. If you believe he is an above average LT, you sign him. Hairston was a rook and went down with an injury, so did Wood his rookie season. My point is, if he's above average, you sign him. Unless someone else offers a ridiculous contract. But hey, in you opinion he's an above average LT and that doesn't come cheap. Just found it odd that you say he's above average but you don't want him over a couple of rooks.

  11. Hey...a little 'mass-Tebow-ing' beats some drunken retired fireman from New Jersey running around the stadium displaying his spelling prowess after pounding beers all afternoon :beer:


    I like Tebow( a lot), but is that fireman(Fireman Ed/Joe?) hurting anybody by trying to get the fans involved in the game? That's a whole lot different than the "filthy maggots" coments and the like. You would rather see a stadium of fans "Tebowing" instead of cheering their team on? I call that WEIRD, but hey you know the saying about politics and religion. Leave it alone,esp. here.

  12. I hope Tebow-mania suddenly takes the media capital of the world by storm! The Big Apple is full of filthy maggots - and in a land of apathy, self-indulgence, general rudeness, and brazen assaults and street-corner muggings in broad daylight, I don't see how a little very public mass-'Tebow-ing' can possibly be a bad thing...

    The Big Apple consists of about 8 million people. You're going to find some people who are rude, but the filthy maggots part and the rest was uncalled for. I'm sure if you cared to try, you would find the good outweighs the bad by a wide margin in the Big Apple.

  13. I think I'm the only one in the world that doesnt want to see more front 7 drafted high.


    We need more offense too, requiring an upgrade to the WR corp and Oline. On defense what really need is to bolster our cover guys because McGee and Mckelvin just aren't getting it done.


    I'd go BPA in rounds 1 - 3 restricted to the positions of OT, WR and CB.

    I know this has been said before(esp by me), but Revis couldn't get it done with receivers having 4-5 seconds to run a route. Early in the season we created to's when we had a semblence of a pass rush. I think the DB's will be fine and might even excel with an improved pass rush.With a pass rush we can properly evaluate the db's this season. Not saying don't draft one if he is the bpa, but I'm not going to call them out until evaluated with a pass rush. One more thing. If we give up tons of yds in the run game, play action will draw the att. of the db's. Overall, the lack of production from the front 7 has hindered the play of the DB's. Give them one more season to see how it works out. I think they will be fine.

  14. I read what he said, I thought he couldn't have been talking about just the changes in the nickel because a lot of times, Scott was the ONLY player added to the nickel so of course he was the best one. ;)


    I also love what he does. But if you go back and watch the games, he was chasing guys from behind who beat him in every single game, sometimes a few times a game. He made a ton of good plays, too, but speed guys killed him.

    I hear you on him getting beat, but lets wait and see if we have an actual pass rush this season and how the db's look with a pass rush. Don't forget, we were creating turnovers at a high rate early in the season. Merriman,Kyle and Troup get hurt and Marcell moves to the middle. Since then the turnovers stopped coming(besides the Broncos game).IMO those turnovers early in the season were no mistake.

  15. Interesting.. I thought McGee was our #1 corner..

    Really? He was out most of last season and reworked his contract to stay. He has a chance to compete to be our #1, but he's not anymore. Hope it works out for him but there will be an open competition for both CB spots.IMO.

  16. :huh: Huh? What exactly is there to see? The guy took his team to back to back AFC title game appearances. One of those was as a rookie. Please. -The homerism on this board is getting out of hand.


    Tebow could have taken that team just as far.In those two seasons, the Jets were alot better than last years Broncos. The Jets were so much better than they were last year and better than this years team will be. Why do you think Ryan isn't guaranteeing anything this season? IMO,Sanchise sucks.

  17. If you want to take Jeff Litmann's perspective, then Wislon has been the ideal CEO. I took a shortcut from the fan's standpoint, since the Buffalo Bills football product has been awful more often than not.


    Yes, it is a managerial marvel that Wilson could deliver a mediocre product in an economically depressed area to generate some of the highest operating income figures in the league. But as a consumer of that product, you have to admit that the product sucked.

    From a consumers perspective, I agree. I like to defend Ralph because Fan(atics) don't seem to get that it is a business first. For you young guys, check the history of nfl teams and you'll see most if not all have their cycles of being good and bad. Alot of them were bad for long periods of time as well. If you are a fan long enough, you'll see it's cyclical and the nfl's system makes it hard to sustain a dynasty. All of this leads to my point that Ralph has been a hell of a CEO and owner. Hell, what has Washington or Dallas gotten with all that $ their wonderful CEO's have spent.

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