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Posts posted by Dopey

  1. 14 minutes ago, Aussie Joe said:

    skylar loves playing the Bills 

    No he doesn’t. In the one game he played against us, Skylar was 18-45 for 220 yds with 1 td and 2 interceptions Josh kept Miami in the game with a few boneheaded plays. 🙄

  2. 7 minutes ago, buffblue said:

    Just an alert, the Dolphins are a far bigger threat to the Bills than the Pats. If Miami wins tonight they will be 3-0 going into the Bills game (they play Denver at home next week). That game will then be a must win for Buffalo to avoid falling way behind in the division.


    Rooting for the Dolphins tonight is just plain stupid

    I wanna agree but, the heart wants what it wants. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Nelius said:

    Some very noticeable, recently very busy, absences indeed 

    I started the Josh excuse thread last week and here I am. I almost started a “we won but…” thread. 
    Josh came back strong, like I thought he would. The rest of the team played a good game too. Like last week. 
    Go Bills!!

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  4. 2 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    This looks like how they looked all last year. It feels like Dorsey's offense just never has a good rhythm.

    What game are you watching? 21 points in the first half. Josh is 18/21 in the half with 2 tds.  And Josh missed a wide open Diggs for a td. Guess that’s on Dorsey too. 

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  5. 27 minutes ago, PBF81 said:


    27 minutes ago, PBF81 said:


    I didn't say otherwise, I don't think.  I was reacting to the notion that the D played well and all but perfectly when that's simply not true.  But if the D doesn't allow Hall to go 83 on a "misalignment" (that clearly doesn't have anything to do with McD on a side note, ... sarcasm), then it's all a non-issue.  


    The point of posting what I did was to show that holding the Jets to 16 in regulation is hardly some feat associated only with top defenses.  


    To your point however, last season when we allowed them 12 points, we gifted them none.  So there's that.  As I said, five teams, most ranked nowhwere near our #2 ranking, held them to fewer than 12 points, three times also with no "gifted" turnovers, twice with 1 "gifted" turnover, both of those times in the 4th Qs well after those games were over.  


    The Jets breached the 20 point mark in only 6 games last season.  


    My point on Allen is that if he hits even one of those INT'd passes for a completion that results in a TD or long gain to set up a TD, then he's a hero that can "thread a needle like noone" and the conversation is completely different.  


    Also, it's ironic to blame Allen when the only reason we've had winning records here, and four playoff wins, is entirely because of Allen.  


    Anyone thinking that McD would have had this team making the playoffs regularly much less winning the division with the likes of the QBs w've had during the drought era has their reality clouded.  



    Ironic?! He blamed himself for the loss, no matter how many games he’s won for us. Plus, he’s the only reason to Allen apologists. 

  6. 14 hours ago, PBF81 said:


    Well, like I pointed out somewhere recently, last season we held the Jets to 20 and 12, this season to 16 in regulation.  


    We had the 2nd ranked defense in the league.  


    5 other teams held them to fewer than 12 points and they were ranked 3rd, 11th, 12th, 24th, and 25th.  


    On top of that, three additional teams and one of the same, NE, held them to fewer than 20.  Those teams were ranked 5th, 11th, 15th, and 29th.  


    In light of that, I'm not sure that holding essentially the same team to 16 in regulation, with a QB that wasn't even prepared to play, is any significant achievement.  


    We'll see, tomorrow will be a notably bigger test.  Fan energy will be at peak so that even favors us.  I expect Allen to rebound in spades but the D to not hold the Raiders to under 20.  


    And if we can't stop Jacobs ... 



    Did you check to see how many turnovers those team’s QB gifted the Jets while holding them to fewer than 12 points ?  Only on TBD will fans try to excuse away that performance by Josh. This was not on the defense. It was all on Super Josh. 

    7 minutes ago, balln said:

    It’s a mcd D thread. I’m not saying Josh made it tough. Get bent 

    I know it’s a Mcd thread. You actually should say Josh made it tough. No, you should say Josh lost the game AND put the defense in a bad spot. More than once. 
    Whatever get bent means. 

  7. 12 hours ago, balln said:

    I think ppl need to go look at how bad Zach Wilson really is. 2022 the jets team with usually scored 3,10 or 17 points. 20

    against us.


    now there was points 40 against the dolphins in Oct and 24 against pit and gb. But he threw a combined 1 td in those 3 games 


    he should have been totally rendered / made to look like dog feces having to come off the bench against the 3rd favorite Super Bowl team w a defensive coach calling the plays. 

    And I know JA puked on himself. But if there was ever a game that needed to be stolen by our D. It would have been that game vs their OL and that awful qb. And that awful oc. And it didn’t happen. 

    so McD gets to live another week bc Josh was so awful. But I’m not

    falling for it. I’m watching. He’s feeling the heat.


    you simply can’t lose a game w Zach Wilson beating you. I don’t care there were 4 turnovers. Really the one that really hurt was Josh fumble field position wise. The other two bombs were punts. 

    Excuse away Josh all you want, this game was lost by Josh. That Jets offense was helped by Josh and you come up with this crap?  🤬

  8. 1 hour ago, Chaos said:

    LOL, the Bills controlled time of possession against the Jets.  I can't believe someone is dragging out the "poor exhausted defense excuse"


    I can’t believe this either. The defense being tired has nothing to do with Josh turning the ball over 4 times. Nothing. No need to give excuses for the defense. They weren’t the issue. Josh was. 

  9. 17 hours ago, balln said:

    That’s how they look every season. These busted run fits result in HUGE chunk plays.


    End of game was a disgrace. McD keeps team in a prevent / light box D when jets trying to run out the clock while tie it up and then take the lead. My god. Put 6 ppl on the line and run blitz and play coverage against a horrible backup Qb! For the love of god put 5 on the line! 

    the jets OL is awful. And against a backup qb. How about the D holds jets to under 10? How about the defensive genius wins a game for us ?

    Did you want 5 or 6 on the line?  
    We held them to 6 points with 5 minutes left in regulation, then Wilson makes an unbelievable catch. Oh, that Josh thing happened too, again. His defense won the game, until Josh. 

    Most of the team did enough to leave NJ with a victory. Most. You know where I’m going with this and I’m right. If Josh can admit to it, it’s ok for you to acknowledge the same. The disgrace is people blaming Coach. 

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  10. 9 hours ago, QLBillsFan said:

    What does that mean? What are the boxes. Her mistake getting caught in hot mic telling the truth. What are the boxes ? 

    Well again Diggs could have mitigated this. But as always it’s about him. If she gets fired I’m gonna guess she can provide multiple examples of him being difficult. Otherwise why would she make the comment to a colleague privately? She can move on and make $ doing something else. Likely be very liberating for her. 

    She’s a grown ass woman who made a mistake. Why should Diggs have to throw her a lifeline? If you think it’s about him, we’ll, SHE made it about him. He didn’t put his foot in his mouth. 
    By the way, Diggs letting Josh know he needed to grow up was not about Diggs. It was about the team needing Josh to be better,smarter, more mature. Josh agreed. 

  11. 1 hour ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    Who is saying "Josh is God"?  You throw that out there with no evidence to back it up.  Allen takes more criticism then any other Bill and he's the best player on the team.  Oh wait, is calling Allen the best player on the team the same as calling him a God?


    Edmunds had what, ONE thread that attacked him, often unfairly.  How many does Allen have right now on 2BD attacking him?


    I agree that Edmunds wasn't the reason we haven't won a SB.  But Allen handed the Bills franchise a golden opportunity to win a SB in 2021 with his lights out play.  And over the next 5 years he will do it again, probably a couple of more times and maybe this season. 







    I’ve read plenty of posts calling him a god, a Superman, etc. Not throwing it out there blindly. 
    Allen takes more criticism than any other Bill?!? Unless you’re referring to this week, that’s BS. 
    Did Allen hand us a golden opportunity? sure. He also laid a big fat egg vs Cincy. last year. 
    There were numerous Edmunds bashing threads  and posts here. Of course Allen apologists will gloss over this. 
    Diggs gets crap for calling out Josh(deservedly so) and Allen is babied here. He finally gets put in the category of someone who needs to do better and his crew cries fowl. You should follow your leader’s example and place blame where it lies. He did. 

    • Eyeroll 1
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  12. Love Josh and I’m glad he’s our qb, but he’s been coddled enough by the “Josh is God” crew. Time to take the kid gloves off and treat him like any other Bill. Edmunds was not the reason we haven’t made it to a SB, but that didn’t stop the mob. Josh shouldn’t be babied anymore. If this runs him out of town…sayonara. 
    He’s not going anywhere and he’s going to turn it around this week vs the Raiders. Hopefully he just gets to work and not soak up the accolades when we win. 

    • Disagree 1
    • Agree 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, Royale with Cheese said:


    Allen was a top 7 pick right?  After Allen, how many top 7 NFL offensive talent have we drafted?

    Not saying you, but I've had discussions with people about the Bengals draft and some arguments were "The Bengals got Chase for Burrow and we didn't do that for Allen."  Well, Chase was a top 5 pick.  That year, we picked I think in the mid 20's.  


    The Chiefs, since they have won 2 Super Bowls in the last 4 years.  

    In the last few drafts, what stand out offensive player have they drafted?

    Sky Moore?  Mecole Hardman?


    Not saying the Chiefs suck at drafting but you're not going to have as many big hits if you're drafting the the 20's and 30's all the time.

    As to the Chiefs, this board was all googoo gagga over Pacheco cuz they found a late round gem. Forgetting he replaced a first round dud. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 5 hours ago, HappyDays said:


    So you agree that Gabe should not be a #2 WR and that Josh was the primary issue on Monday night? Which is exactly what I said in my post?


    "Fills an important role" - yeah, he is our #2 WR. If you ask anyone on the team from the front office down to the players they'll tell you the same. I'm not presuming anything, the team is.


    It's gotta be Kincaid or we have to make a trade at some point. There is no other answer.

    Yep, we agree, but my reply was to the "presumption" that he is actually our #2WR. He's not and as you pointed out, the # of passes to him reflect this. I explained how I see his role on the team. He's that big bodied WR teams need. Blocking, end zone threat, contested catches and his ability to stretch the field. That's why he's on the field so much. For all the " he can't separate" talk, he averages 16.8 yds per reception for his career. He fills an important role, but that's all he is, a role player.


    Maybe we don't have a true #2 WR on this team right now, but saying he is and getting pissed about it is not right, IMO. He's not a #2 WR. At least for a team like ours. He's a good complimentary player. Every team could use someone like Gabe. Especially at his cost. 


    I do agree with you on Kincaid. He should and will be the #2 WR. He is a lot better of a receiver than Gabe ever will be, but for the draft slot and the money he makes, Gabe has outperformed his contract/draft position. If Beane drafted another Gabe next season (4th round, low salary), it wouldn't be a mistake. JMO.

  15. Oh boy,

    Here we go. This year's whipping boy. Some of you guys are just pissing yourselves off with this Gabe narrative. If you want to keep saying he's our #2 Wr, presumed or not, go ahead. He was a 4th round pick and is making, on average, less than $1million per season. He was a project from the day he was drafted, or he would have been picked a lot earlier. There's a reason he was drafted so late. He wasn't seen as a top wr coming out of college. Based on draft position and cost, this was a good pick by Beane. I would take it again. Harty and Sherfield make more than Gabe does. Kincaid makes more. Hell, even Shakir makes more than Davis. The reason Gabe is out there so much, is we don't have many, if any wrs with size to block on the running plays, to catch contested passes. He was all we had that fit that mold. We can't have midget at every wr spot. He fills an important role, and in my opinion, he's done a good job. But I never expected great from him. Never cared if he was our "#2 wr". He fills an important role, and he does it well. As a 4th round pick at less than $1million per season, he's actually outperformed his contract. Glad we could talk about his performance. He was not the worst performer on the field Monday night. Not even close. Monday night was all about Josh. You might not agree with this comment, but this is deflection to spread blame for a game that was lost for one reason and one reason only. Hint: it wasn't Gabe.

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