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Herd of Bills

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Posts posted by Herd of Bills

  1. Front page has Poz who paper says would be the kind of leader they want. Donte also a potential target. Eye of the beholder! We better keep Poz and extend our young guys who have 1 year left. Since we were bad the last decade u would think we would be aggressive and add a couple good starters from FA also! Let's see



    :blink: :blink:

  2. I think this is it exactly. For those fans over ~35 or so, a return to the white helmets brings back the old days. I HATED the red helmets in 1985, got somewhat used to them in the 90's and again, hated them in the 2000's (the era of suck). I am STOKED they are going back to the whites. My guess is that anyone over about 35 or so would prefer the white to red helments. Those younger, for the sames reasons, would prefer the reds...


    Spot on.....include me in the 35 plus group that are happy to see the white helmet again.

  3. It's futile to try to explain something to someone that they either refuse, are in denial about or are just too unintelligent to comprehend. You and I know that the Bills are 32nd (that's DEAD LAST) in defense, have only one interception this season and have no running game to speak of.


    Ryan Fitzpatrick has zero margin of error. Not even Peyton Manning nor Tom Brady could win games under the circumstances that Fitzpatrick is faced with. That's not saying that he is as good as them, but the fact is that,in the six games that he's played, he's resurrected a long dormant passing game which has been dead since 2002. He's the only reason the Bill have been close enough to win.


    They see our support for Ryan Fitzpatrick as confirmation that he's "the chosen one" rather than the reality of it being our excitement at the possibility that he's "the chosen one" given his very good and consistent play this season. 13 TDs in six games? Yeah, I'll take that. 250 YDS per game? Yeah, I'll take that. So they shoot back "Yeah, I'll take a win please!" And so it goes around and around and around...


    This team is finally watchable again. I have had a hundred times more fun watching a "go for the throat" team at 0-8 than watching a "scared to make mistakes" 7-9 team. If Fitzpatrick had started the season and this team had a merely average defense then they would be 4-4 and in contention for a playoff spot. That's how I view it.


    You might as well give up on the idiots. They're clearly too far gone to be able to have a rational and intelligent football conversation.


    Great post!!!!! :thumbsup:

  4. Maybe its just me but so far all I have heard from Shawne Merrimen is that he will report.


    Sorry, but I need more then this to warm up to a player. The Silence is an indicator of discontent and no fan deserves the cold shoulder from a player


    Is Shawn Merrieman to good for Buffalo?


    Merriman is damaged goods, waived for a reason and we the fans of Buffalo shouldn't feel lucky for claiming a player that some other team dumped.


    IF Shawn Merriman is Lucky,he will play well and the Bills may want to keep him! If he has a Richey Incognito attitude then let him go!


    If you have any comments by Merriman that I somehow missed place them below!


    Well you could look at the fact he is reporting no matter how much he may want to or not. The guy's obviously still interested in playing football. Will he stick around for another season next year? Hard to tell at this point. If I were a betting man which I am not the odds are pretty good he won't be back as a Bill next year. Depends on the contract and the amount of year or years that he inks a deal for. I don't see him getting the big bucks. Considering his past injuries and such worst case scenario he makes the league minimum or a little higher.It's too early to tell right now if his silence is an indicator of his discontent or not. As an athlete giving the cold shoulder...I've always come to the conclusion that most pro athletes have a bit of an ego anyway. Who knows how or if even Shawne will fit into the Bills system in the respect of being a team player or a locker room disruptor.

  5. I think it is a great opportunity to gage just how badly we need LBs. If he is healthy and can play, and there is a significant increase in the play of the defense, then it will show how far off we are or are not.


    If he plays well and we start winning game (big if there) we may be able to re-sign him. I see zero down side here.



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